State Dept : We Have to Make Plans for Gaza Refugees

“We have to make reasonable planning expectations for the possibility of refugees,” says Biden State Department spokesman Matt Miller. “But we have made quite clear that our position is that Palestinians deserve the right to stay on Palestinian land”
Translated: We will be taking in Muslim terrorists.
Why is it always the expectation that we’re going to take refugees? Just what we need, more Muslims, the kind that hate us.
We also learn of a document not meant for our eyes, from Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence of the plan to “transfer the Gaza residents.”
We also learn that embedded within the U.S. bill to give aid to Israel is included funding for the displaced Palestinians. 
Finally, Tucker Carlson drops his latest episode, right on cue for today’s post.

Tucker Carlson on Monday dropped episode 35 on X: Start another war, send millions more anti-Western refugees to the West. Starting to notice a pattern?

The US has already taken in millions of Muslim ‘refugees’ from terror hotspots.

Tucker spoke with Nigel Farage, head of the UK Independence Party about the Israel-Gaza war and the potential for millions of ‘refugees’ that could be scattered throughout the West.
But first:

The part the GOP War Room left out. I’ll take the RNC Research version. 

King Abdullah II


There is a document numerous sources are quoting:

The complete document of the Ministry of Intelligence: occupation of Gaza and total transfer to its residents

A document on behalf of the Ministry of Intelligence, the full content of which is published here for the first time, recommends the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls on the international community to harness the move. The document also suggests promoting a dedicated campaign for the residents of Gaza that will “motivate them to agree to the plan”


“Massive population migration from combat zones is a natural and necessary result.” Minister of Intelligence, Gila Gamliel, October 3, 2023 (Photo: Haim Goldberg / Flash 90)

An official document of the Ministry of Intelligence recommends that the security system carry out a full transfer of all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai, as the preferred option among the three alternatives it offers regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Strip at the end of the war.

The ten-page document is dated October 13, and features the logo of the Ministry of Intelligence headed by minister Gila Gamliel of the Likud. An official at the Ministry of Intelligence confirmed to “Local Talk” that this is an authentic document, which was distributed to the security system on behalf of the Ministry’s Policy Division, and “was not supposed to reach the media.”

This is a google translation. Here is a link to the full document in Hebrew however further details as well can be found in english here

Also it is suggestion that in the bill giving support to Israel is aid supporting Palestinians that have been displaced.

US Congress: Reject Bill to Support Forced Israeli Displacement of Palestinians to Third Countries

US Should Push Israel to End War Crimes, Accept Ceasefire

(Washington D.C., October 30, 2023) — The United States should oppose any Israeli actions that could result in the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, said Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN).

The group urged Congress to reject a supplementary funding bill that proposes funding humanitarian aid to Palestinians who have been displaced from Gaza to neighboring countries. Israeli actions, statements, and policy directives, including a leaked policy document drafted by the Israeli intelligence ministry that recommends the permanent forced transfer of Palestinians in Gaza to Sinai, indicate that Israel is actively considering forcibly displacing Palestinians in Gaza to third countries.

“The Biden administration isn’t just giving a green light for ethnic cleansing—it’s bankrolling it,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, DAWN’s Executive Director. “Gaslighting Americans into facilitating long-held Israeli plans to depopulate Gaza under the cover of ‘humanitarian aid’ is a cruel and grotesque hoax.

On October 20, 2023, the White House sent a request to Congress for supplemental funding for the current fiscal year, which, among other things, includes logistical, infrastructure, and other material support to make possible housing displaced Palestinians from Gaza to neighboring countries. This section of the request states: 

These resources would support displaced and conflict affected civilians, including Palestinian refugees in Gaza and the West Bank, and to [sic] address potential needs of Gazans fleeing to neighboring countries. This would include food and nonfood items, healthcare, emergency shelter support, water and sanitation assistance, and emergency protection. This would also include potential critical humanitarian infrastructure costs needed for the refugee population to provide access to basic, life-sustaining support. This crisis could well result in displacement across [the] border and higher regional humanitarian needs, and funding may be used to meet evolving programming requirements outside of Gaza.

Palestinian civil society organizationsprominent analystspoliticians, and many others are raising alarm bells about Israeli plans to forcibly displaced Palestinians from Gaza, the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, and even Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. According to UNRWA, some 1.4 million out of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are now internally displaced, with over 613,000 taking refuge in facilities that are holding up to 12 times their design capacity. 

Read more

The West is being pressured to take in these refugees as if we have not had enough of it.

The best of the rest of the swamp.

Electric Vehicles – Costly to Run and Deadly at any Speed

The numbers are in …

‘Overcharged’: Major Study Reveals Alarming True Cost of Owning an EV, ‘Fueling’ Equal to $17.33 Per Gallon

Largest EV Tesla Supercharger station in the world. 98 charging stations. Powered by…wait for it, you know it’s coming…Diesel generators. Hidden behind the Shell station to conceal their Green shame.
Largest EV Charging Station In World Powered By Diesel-Powered Generators

but that is not the half of it. Mustang picks up the real cost – deadly at any speed.

(… and it isn’t looking good).

by Mustang

My wife and I walk in the morning.  Our trek takes us through our housing development, along a state highway to a turnaround point, and then back to the neighborhood.  Three of our neighbors own electric-powered vehicles (EVs).  This morning, one of these vehicles collided with one of the neighborhood kids, who was riding his bicycle.  Even though the EV traveled within the 25 mph speed limit, the eight-year-old bike rider didn’t stand much chance.  EVs are heavy — a factor of mass, weight, and velocity.  And they are deadly silent.

Yet, according to the White House, President Biden’s “Investing in America Agenda” intends to unleash a massive increase in the production of what the administration calls Affordable Electric Vehicles (AEVs).  It is a commitment by the federal government and its partners to increase by 50% the number of new EVs operating on America’s roadways by the year 2030.  Mr. Biden calls it “investing in America,” even though most EV parts are manufactured in China.  

To spur on this lunacy, Mr. Biden intends to offer federal subsidies to increase the number of EVs, currently around 3 million vehicles.  The term federal subsidy means that taxpayers will pay for it.  Whoop!

There is a problem, though.  According to statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), pedestrian and bicycle injuries and fatalities have substantially increased since the federal government began forcing people into electric-powered vehicles.  In 2009, NHTSA reported 24,297 pedestrian accidents involving EVs.  In a second, more extensive study — involving 18 U.S. states, researchers reported a 40% increase in injuries and fatalities to pedestrians and bicyclists.

An independent study by the University of California (Riverside) reported that electric cars were three times more likely to be involved in pedestrian accidents than those powered by an internal combustion engine.  A separate study by AXA Switzerland reported a 50% increase in accidents involving EVs with other vehicles.  There is also the additional tendency for electric cars to catch fire while in operation.

According to NHTSA, in 2018, the number of pedestrians and bicyclists killed and injured was 6,283 and 75,000.  Nationally, pedestrians account for 17% of all traffic fatalities.  Among the more interesting statistics from the 2018 revelation, 81% of all accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists occurred in urban settings, with 74% occurring at non-intersection locations.  Seventy-six percent of deaths occurred after dusk, and of those killed, most were over the age of 50.  Of those injured, the highest percentage involved children between the ages of 14 and 19 years.

Gosh … maybe EVs aren’t such a good idea after all — but have Democrats ever demonstrated compassion for the health and well-being of the American people?

Mustang also has blogs called  Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar

Sunday Respite – Happy Halloween

This week we celebrate Halloween, All Hollows Eve, All Souls Day, and for others Samhain.

In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints; soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain and included all souls.

The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating sweet treats.

This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the veil between the living and the dead became the thinnest. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. Today, there are those who choose to practice Wicca and hold many similar beliefs.

Also, here is a second chance to look at Saturday’s post full of Fun and Mayhem.

More from the History Channel Here

Have a wonderful day….

Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 10/28

Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings and animals have gotten themselves into this week. Mayhem to satire. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe we can catch a smile or two. It’s an interesting world in which we live with all kind of goings on.

For politics check out “Top Posts” on the upper right hand side of the page.


Page may take a minute to fill in. 

Good Morning!

We will start out with our usual “Deep  Thoughts by Kamala Harris”

The deep thought is “No”

About this unburdening Kamala

The Deep Thoughts  of Joe Biden

The deep thought is “Guns”

Bunks Prime:

And here we go!

Are you sure you still want to go??

To close out the post, a couple of links to fellow bloggers who toil in the swamp for us.

Vermont Folk Troth – OK

Senate passes amendment to ban federal mask mandates on commercial flights and public transit | The Most Revolutionary Act

The Tactical Hermit – This is not your father’s terrorist

Preparing for Drugged Up Terrorist

Tacky Raccoons – Tunes for the weekend

Saturday Matinee – The Creepshow, Messer Chups, Paulie Martin & Blues Confidential, and The Reverend Horton Heat

The Daley Gator – The tricky CDC and our guns

Things that should burn you up!

IMAO – Greta Thunberg to the rescue!

Straight Line of the Day: Oh No, Our Planet Is Leaking! Why? And What Do We Do?

The Night Wind – about these wars…


Flopping Aces – Where do we go from here?

Pro Hamas Protesters Should Be Arrested

Pirate’s Cove – The kiddies are all talk..

There’s A Global Yout Revolution With Global Boiling Or Something


That’s all she wrote…have a great day.

Posted in Fun. Tags: , , , , . 19 Comments »

Biden Pathetically Changes War Message; sells Ukraine Funding by Appealing to Profit Motives

Fund Israel and get Ukraine thrown in is Biden’s approach to congress. Now that congress is back in business, it will be interesting to see how much of Biden’s “twofer” war machine gets in additional funding. No wall to wall coverage of the meat grinder in Ukraine as we get in Israel. Zelensky is looking more and more like so yesterday. There is a continuing decline in public support. Add that U.S. guns are now blazing in Syria, one wonders just what the limits are. 

Thus the White House now appeals to the old time give away of big bucks for the home town. Jobs Jobs Jobs to the locals to crank up the killing machine.

They even dusted off Mitch McConnell to make to “Face the Nation” for his pitch for the war.

And while some GOP support for Ukraine has eroded, the Senate minority leader took to the Sunday talk shows last weekend to push his Republicans against separating Israel’s cause from the war in Europe.

“No Americans are getting killed in Ukraine. We’re rebuilding our industrial base. The Ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. I have a hard time finding anything wrong with that. I think it’s wonderful that they’re defending themselves,” he said on CBS’s Face the Nation.

White House aides said they have been in communication with McConnell throughout the war and that his recent remarks were warmly received in the West Wing. A McConnell aide did not comment on recent communication with the White House.

On top of communication with McConnell, Defense Department officials have also circulated to the Hill slides showing nearly $20 billion in investment in the industrial base via U.S. support for Ukraine. That includes nearly $3.1 billion in contracts targeted toward expanding the nation’s industrial base capacity, including increasing artillery production approximately six-fold over three years.

Source: Politico

Mitch wandered over to Fox as well, hyping the domino theory.

Zero Hedge picks it up:

With prior narratives increasingly incapable of sustaining Americans’ enthusiasm for pouring weapons into the West’s proxy war in Ukraine, the Biden administration is now using a pitch that’s both refreshingly and appallingly honest: promoting the Ukraine war as a way to enrich the U.S. arms industry and its employees.  

The new angle comes after Americans have been subjected to a succession of pitches aimed at selling a war that’s utterly irrelevant to U.S. security interests. We’ve been variously told the war is necessary to defend democracy, to deter Putin’s aggression, to degrade Russia’s army, and even to deter China from invading Taiwan. With support for the war sagging across the political spectrum — and a growing number of Republican legislators saying enough is enough — the propaganda machine is increasingly grasping at straws 

Washington Post

The speech positioned aid to Ukraine and Israel necessary to prevent the destruction of the two countries’ (overrated) democracies. But then, in a discordant note, Biden awkwardly pivoted to the supposed economic benefits that will come from borrowing even more money and shoveling it into the coffers of weapon manufacturers: 

“We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles with new equipment. Equipment that defends America and is made in America. Patriot missiles for air defense batteries, made in Arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas. And so much more.”

Last gasp effort. Behold the vast Military Industrial Complex.

The best of the swamp today.

New GOP House Speaker: We Need “Systematic and Transformative Change” Regarding Blacks

New GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson and his wife adopted a 14 year old Black teenager to add to their family. His opening House speech seemed uplifting and I bought the kool-aid until he got to his comment about his wife being on her knees, praying constantly for the past two weeks. Not that there is anything wrong with that in context, but it struck me as odd with it in his opening remarks. Because there was no context. It was left there hanging. Dangling as we got this image of her prostrate.

Perhaps it was expected that we should consider that her prayers were for her husband to become speaker, thus a sign of what a special person they both are that received this boon from the almighty. 

How much do we know about him? Just a couple of terms in the House. Seemed pretty light. Let us hope I am wrong about him. He seems to be a true Trump supporter but….

If you only listened to the audio of this Mike Johnson clip, and it was 2016, you would say Mike Johnson was progressive Democrat. 

“Transformative solutions” is New Age code for bringing us into their concept of the “New World Order.” Same old show as before.

What did we expect we would get in the end after the House voting down conservatives time after time?

What’s frustrating is that we have have dozens upon dozens of legislation and movements making minorities normalized in society, yet we have those who think we’re still in the early 1900’s.

In truth most of us can lay claim to others having “an easier path.” Is this the lesson for his Black son? Had my I.Q been higher, born to a different family, lived somewhere else…. yes I indeed would have had an easier path. Each of us must come to terms with the fact that our destiny is ours to create. The best part of being an American is that we have the best opportunity in the world to make the most of it.

While we rail against our government and its corruption, our system of government offers more opportunity than any other form of government in the world. We are blessed.

Here is the full interview. First the description as given.

With a whole new debate on overhauling policing and other institutions in America, Republican Congressman Mike Johnson is joining the chorus, while still remaining a firm supporter of President Trump. He speaks with Walter Isaacson about racial tensions in America, as well as his own personal story of adopting an African American child 20 years ago.

He claims that churches are the most segregated institutions in America. The reality is that individual churches reflect like minded folks getting together. Most often representing the culture in which the members were raised and feel most comfortable in. The music, length of service, form of service, Christian beliefs, all play a role in church selection. His unspoken suggestion that Whites somehow are not welcoming and do not embrace Blacks into a congregation is offensive to me. He apparently is a preacher as well, as he alludes to addressing this issue from a black pulpit. The old white guilt trip just does not fly anymore.

The ultimate stealth candidate? The best of the swamp.

U.S. Still Has Thousands of Troops in Syria and Iraq; 24 Wounded – Are They Bait?

So we just learn, as an aside, that a couple of dozen “American Personnel” were wounded “over there” in drone attacks in Syria and Iraq. Not to worry, the U.S. knocked down the drones, but debris filtered down and caused some Purple Hearts. But our guys and gals are no slackers, they were up back on their feet in no time. Then, as an aside to the piece out there in Zero Hedge, we are reminded that we have thousands of troops and assets “over there” in Syria- guarding the oil fields, and Iraq for good measure. Then included in the story, we learn Russia too has military assets “over there.” What possibly could go wrong?

The real bombshell development, which Biden’s defense officials have apparently sat on for several days, is that some 24 US personnel were wounded in the attacks. According to the NBC statement:

Two dozen American military personnel were wounded last week in a series of drone attacks at American bases in Iraq and Syria, U.S. Central Command told NBC News on Tuesday.

The Pentagon confirmed the attacks last week, but the number of U.S. casualties has not been previously disclosed.

So, we don’t want the war to widen, our man Blinken says, and don’t touch our guys, he says, but if you do, look out. I think I have it.

U.S. troops are being targeted at several military bases across Iraq and Syria amid Israel-Hamas war after a warning by Iran-backed groups. Drones and rockets were fired at the Ain Al-Asad air base hosting U.S. forces in Iraq. Reuters reported multiple blasts inside the base, following which the Iraqi military closed the area around the base & started a search operation. Another rocket hit an U.S. military base near Baghdad’s international airport. The latest attacks take to four in the past 24 hours targeting Iraqi military bases. Meanwhile in Syria, the U.S. base at Al Tanf was targeted by two drones on Oct 19. One drone incident resulted in minor injuries, while another was brought down.

Here we go:

It’s never a good sign when the United States says it “doesn’t want war” – at a moment a long known geopolitical flashpoint region stands on the brink. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday delivered a stern warning to Iran before a UN Security council meeting, saying the US is prepared to respond “decisively” if Tehran or its proxies launch attacks on Americans in the Middle East.

Not only does the Pentagon still have thousands of troops and assets in Iraq, long under the domination of Shia paramilitary influence, but it has up to a thousand or so troops occupying broad oil and gas regions of eastern Syria. Missile and drone attacks on Pentagon outposts in Syria and Iraq have been rising in the last days. But the real concern is on Israel’s northern border, where Hezbollah has launched multiple guided missile and anti-tank attacks on Israel border posts, including on Tuesday.

“The United States does not seek conflict with Iran,” Blinken told the UNSC “We do not want this war to widen. But if Iran or its proxies attack US personnel anywhere, make no mistake: We will defend our people, we will defend our security, swiftly and decisively.” Russia’s President Putin, who since 2015 has stationed major assets in neighboring Syria, just the day prior blamed Washington for stoking “escalation” in the Middle East by moving two US carrier strike groups into the region.

There are building fears that Iran-backed Hezbollah would launch an all-out war on Israel if the IDF moves in full force into Gaza. The only thing which apparently has stalled these plans is the slow release (so far up to four hostages) of Israeli and American captives by Hamas. Domestic political pressure is also building against the Netanyahu government, led by families who see in Qatari mediated efforts hope that loved ones will be released. Hamas has demanded that fuel be transferred into Gaza via the Rafah border, but Israel has countered that all hostages must be freed first.

Read more 

The very best of the swamp

This is what is happening in America

While the attention is on Israel,  non-stop, the invasion of the United states continues. There is faint attention on what is happening to our cities. Soon, very soon this will be in each and every neighborhood.


No, this is not our culture. It is foreign. An utterly vile culture.

Pro-Palestine mob takes over the street and swarms an elderly driver in Minneapolis. After the driver made it through the initial mob of people, he was blocked at the next intersection by cars. The mob then chased after the man to harass him some more.

Footage on the ground appears to suggest that the man *may* have been pepper sprayed in the face as he seemed to have a difficult time opening his eyes. Pro-Palestine protesters tried breaking his windows and dented the side of his car. The group organizer Zach Metzger reportedly shared the video online himself and told the radicals to find the man in a now deleted post. Sick people.

It should scare all of us as to what is being allowed to happen to Americans.

In Georgia? It is the second clip “Watch this now”  that shows what is happening. They don’t speak english. There are no jobs for them. Let’s try and figure what the outcome of this will be.

No, the media will not show this.

NBC News’ Maggie Vespa reports from the “Little Palestine” neighbor near Chicago on how Palestinian Americans view the surprise Hamas attack on Israel.   This was two weeks ago.

The best of the swamp.

Tucker Carlson Wrings out the Truth in George Floyd’s Death.


Tucker Carlson on the death of George Floyd being falsely portrayed as a murder: “In other words, everyone lied about it from the very beginning. The people who knew the truth hid the truth and allowed the revolution to proceed.” It was and is a fascinating case, and worth a revisit now with the new lawsuit that Tucker tells us about.  We owe it to the real victims, the cops who were involved. Derek Chauven, sentenced to 40 years.

“In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered. He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which, in his case, would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day,” Carlson continued – laying out how the initial George Floyd storyline was endorsed and amplified by mainstream media, and ignited nationwide protests, intensive racial discourse, and movements like Black Lives Matter. 

These changes encompassed police defunding efforts, corporate hiring practices, and the institutionalization of new cultural observances like Juneteenth.

Bunk took at deep dive at the time of the trial. All one had to do was look at the autopsy report to realize that a miscarriage of justice was occurring. Add to it that Floyd tested positive for Covid and/or having Covid in the past sheds new light on his condition knowing what we know now about Covid and the relationship with heart disease.

For an overview of Bunks numerous posts on the topic:

George Floyd death: Ex-cop Thao defense argues medical examiner ‘coerced’ to alter autopsy finding – neck compression a must

… How does one kill someone with twice a fatal level of fentanyl? Just two questions I have been asking in several posts I have done on this “whodunnit” that is filled with emotion and few facts that show Chauvin was the cause of Floyd’s death.


And this is the best the swamp has to offer.

Chauven – Floyd: Over what? ‘A little bit of money’

April 21, 2021

What did we learn? That  passing counterfeit money is not a crime. Maybe a misdemeanor but nothing that the police should/would bother themselves over.

That twice a lethal dose of Fentanyl with assorted accessory drugs on board a man dying means nothing.

That  substantial heart disease including a 90 percent blockage could not have played a roll.

That the police officer charged named Derek Chauven never was offered a defense. At most a forensic pathologist. The Medical Examiner who actually was a defense witness in truth. The prosecutor who brought in outside forensic pathologists to discount their own Medical Examiner.

The dream team prosecutors were not from the prosecutor’s office but outside attorneys offering their services pro-bono with what appears to have been unlimited support resources. All save one who played a bit part so was reported.

Law and Crime:

According to a 9-page court document filed Wednesday, May 12, Thao’s attorneys, Robert M. Paule and Natalie R. Paule, are accusing Dr. Roger Mitchell, the “former Medical Examiner of Washington D.C.,” of leveraging Baker by placing a phone call sometime between May 29, 2020, when Baker released a preliminary statement about George Floyd, and June 1, 2020, when Baker signed his findings as to the cause and manner of Floyd’s death. (The full autopsy was released publicly on June 3, 2020.) During the supposed call, Baker is alleged to have said that “he didn’t think the neck compression played a part” in Floyd’s death. Mitchell is alleged to have suggested that Baker “should fire his public information officer” for issuing the May 29 preliminary statement which said, in part, that the medical examiner’s autopsy “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”


The best of the swamp.

Sunday: The Ukrainian Choir – ‘Precious Lord Take My Hand”

When I was putting together my post Ukrainian Government Votes to Ban Their Largest Orthodox Church Body last Friday, I came across the Ukrainian choir. For the musicians the music is both a profession and calling. The Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (KSOC) members are graduates of the world-renowned Tchaikovsky National Music Academy and now regularly perform in Ukraine and tour the U.S. and Canada.

Setting aside any political significance of the statement, the note at the bottom of the clip: The Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (KSOC) was founded and began performing sacred masterpieces of classical music in 1993. These pieces—including Handel’s Messiah—were banned under Communist rule. As the Iron Curtain lifted and this music became known to Ukrainian musicians, they described it as “an explosion of light.” These time-honored compositions powerfully communicate texts that come directly from Scripture, declaring God’s glory to the nations.

How easy it was to forget that these are real people who are suffering terribly.

The Ukrainian Choir: “Precious Lord Take My Hand” (Kyiv Symphony)

A portion  of Friday’s post:

“Draft law number 8371 on the prohibition of religious organizations associated with the Russian Federation was adopted in the first reading,” lawmaker Yaroslav Zhelezniak announced, after it passed 267 to 15. This was reported in the news last Thursday.

The UOC blasted the move the get it legally banned as a severe violation of human rights and religious freedoms which violates the European Convention on Human Rights.

Our prayers for all those who are suffering.

For a change of pace, here is a second chance for yesterday’s post:

Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 10/21

Posted in Religion. Tags: , . 7 Comments »