Encore time for President Donald Trump! Vote Vote Vote!


This is why we are great again! Vote, Vote, Vote.. This is the big day. Let’s have an encore with a big night tonight counting all of those Red Votes. Pass the video along. A reminder of just who Trump is and what he stands for.


Remember this one? Let’s give the special snowflakes an encore.

30 Responses to “Encore time for President Donald Trump! Vote Vote Vote!”

  1. Kid Says:

    Man-O-Man, I love watching liberals cry.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. geeez2014 Says:


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    After all of the media hype about the blue wave it is going to be very interesting to see if it materializes. I have no idea how this is going to turn out but the media hype reminds me of what they were saying before the 2016 election, could we have a repeat?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mustang Says:

      Hi Steve …

      I’m not an expert in polling, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. 🙂

      According to Gallup, the breakdown of political affiliation in the USA (1-10 Oct 2018) is 29% Republican, 30% Democrat, and 39% Independent.

      Of democrats, there are several “wings,” which include centrists, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, progressives, and democratic socialists. Sixty percent of democratic voters are non-high school graduates. This would tend to indicate voters who, lacking any understanding about complex issues, tend to vote emotionally—which is no doubt a gift to the DNC. I suspect that few, if any, of these low-educated persons know what a libertarian is, or a democratic socialist.

      Our founding fathers suggested that democracy demands an educated, knowledgeable constituency. We don’t have that … and if we ever wanted to know why we don’t have that, we only have to look at our public education system, which is a failure of the nth degree.

      Among Republicans, there are essentially three wings: conservatives, moderates, and libertarians. There does not seem to be any data to break this down further.

      My conclusion is that it is the independents who determine our elections. I view these people as “moderate” Americans; this is good for America and, I think, a barrier to straight party control of either house of Congress. My guess is that Trump, in spite of his tendency to lash out, has drawn most of these to the Republican side.

      Time will tell.

      Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Record turn out here…


  4. the unit Says:

    All folks awoke to the left. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Adrienne Says:

    And guess what? Without thinking I wore a blue sweater to the polls – which were PACKED! Lines like I’ve never seen before – ever.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. bydesign001 Says:

    Never quit is RIGHT!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mustang Says:

    It is as Mr. Trump reminds us: NEVER quit!

    Liked by 4 people

    • petermc3 Says:

      Just a passing thought: Will the many many blacks, Latinos, Asians, gays sbians gainfully employed by the Trump organization ever take up a collection and take our full page ads in all the major publications and electronic media outlets declaring that their employer Donald Trump is neither a racist, homophobe nor a misogynist? Probably not.

      Liked by 1 person

      • petermc3 Says:

        Typo: strike “neither” before gainfully employed.


      • Mustang Says:

        The one thing that gets inside my craw is the built-in corruption within our congress. So, you have a young idealist running for the House of Representatives for the first time. He or she will tell voters that when they get to the House, they’ll do this, or that, and fight for their constituents back home. The reality is that when these freshmen get to Congress, their party bosses will begin to dictate to them how they will vote. They do it through the use of committee assignments. If you don’t want to support your party’s house leader, you end up on some obscure committee never to be heard from again until it’s time to run for reelection. And that’s when you find out that, because you didn’t play ball with the party boss, there is no DNC or GOP money to bolster your campaign. It’s like political shunning. Consequently, the astute freshman will do whatever the party bosses tell them, and what’s good for the folks back home no longer matters. I imagine it’s even worse in the senate. I cannot believe that this situation is what our fore-fathers envisioned for a government of the people by the people, and for the people. By the way, the corruption makes a joke of our motto, E Pluribus Unum.

        Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Mustang…that is so true.. I recall when a couple of new guys went up against Boehner and they went out to the media and told what happened to them. The kiss of death. How else did Pelosi rule the roost. Now for the dems one has to give them credit. Lock step all the time.
        Looking to see what happens with Ryan’s replacement. I don’t trust McCarthy one bit.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      Hey Peter … I think where we are in our country today is at a cross-road. We have but two camps.

      The first camp is composed of Americans who are really pissed off at the political status quo. No political party in America today has done much for our nation and Joe America have decided “not to take it anymore.” As with during the Reagan years, we find moderate and conservative democrats getting on board the Trump Train.

      The second camp embraces identity politics. In fact, I would say that identity politics is all they have (which, when you analyze it, isn’t very much). From their perspective, every situation equates to racism, inequality, and a demand for entitlement based on both of these. The Florida race for governor may be emblematic of this. Nevertheless, within the second camp, minorities have found their voice. What they have not found is any intelligence —they have no understanding of any conversation beyond their own limited “racist” view. Were it not for the fact that this is dangerous to our country, it would be comical. By embarking on a robust identity politic scheme, I believe Democrats may have committed suicide. At least, this is my hope.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        What has bothered me the most, is at the end, it was Healthcare that they chose to run on since there was little left for them. They who destroyed one of the best healthcare systems in the Nation, and for me cost me my job thus early retirement.
        They are screaming now about the insurance rates rising. Well, they just mandated six months of inpatient care of every druggie…companies must include that in policies, but not medicaid and medicare. That my friend will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each.
        One way to get them off the street.

        Liked by 1 person

      • petermc3 Says:

        As long as we’re traversing the spectrum of crappy politics engendered by a crappy electorate try this on for size: My son is a conservative teacher practicing in a hive or nest of progressive teachers. The response he received when he asked a fellow teacher why he was voting for Menendez was as follows ber batim: I know he’s a scum bag but we can’t afford to lose his seat to the republicans.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Mustang Says:

        Yeah …. the scumbag is good for NJ but a republican is the enemy. It doesn’t get dumber than that.

        Liked by 1 person

    • petermc3 Says:

      ignore the “neither” typo comment. Spell correct should be outlawed!


  8. petermc3 Says:

    A little something for the 2016 Trump voters:
    And a little something for the Pant Suit Lady crowd:

    Liked by 2 people

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