Ex-boyfriend: Ford had no fear of flying, coached polygraph test


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An interesting find in the quicksand of the faltering Ford Circus Maximus. So much to choose from, so little time. I chose this little item to show that prosecutor Mitchell, in her supposedly failed questioning of Ford, had plenty of information prior to her go at Ford.

Let’s get on with the show:


The alleged ex-boyfriend also claims that Ford frequently flew, including in small propeller aircraft, without complaint over the course of their relationship and had no fear of small spaces or rooms with only one exit. Ford’s claims that phobias of these things have plagued her since the early 1980s as a result of a 17-year-old Kavanaugh attacking her have been central elements of her story.

In that time, he claims to have witnessed Ford, then studying psychology, coach a close friend as she prepared for government administered polygraph exams.Further, the man claims Ford never mentioned being a victim of sexual assault in the eight years they knew each other and never once mentioned Kavanaugh’s name. Finally, he claims their relationship ended amid infidelity and credit card fraud on her part. He does, however, claim that he “finds Ford believable” and did not “want to become involved” with the investigatory process.

Note her attorney tries to cut off the questioning.

More at  Breitbart