Spanish Radio station to beam Chinese Propaganda


The latest propaganda move of the chinese to control our media. But let us not forget what happened during the fading halcyon days of the Obama administration.


Apparently Jeff Sessions is still down Mexico way looking for gang bangers since Rosenstein had to take care of this business.

The Justice Department probe into the radio deal reflects stepped up efforts by the administration to counter foreign influence operations.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced last month that both the department and FBI are targeting foreign disinformation and influence operations, through prosecutions, counterintelligence operations, and other legal measures.

“Influence operations are a form of information warfare,” Rosenstein said during a security conference in Colorado. “Covert propaganda and disinformation are among the primary weapons.”


Recall during the waning days of the Obama administration we had this:

FCC Approves Foreign Takeover of U.S. Broadcasters

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on September 29th did something worse than give up control of the Internet. They voted unanimously to put America’s entire broadcast industry on the fast track to a foreign takeover by Chinese, Russian or Muslim Brotherhood front corporations.

This new FCC rule gives foreign interests the long sought-after tools they need to shape U.S. public opinion and to censor the opposition.

Once a foreign corporation scoops up a media business, such as a chain of radio stations, it can eliminate national and local programming and substitute its own government’s propaganda. That means that conservative talkers could find themselves off the air.

Citing the need for “change” from the old “vintage” laws, Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel declared that “laws that govern broadcast investment can get in the way.”

So, rather than respect the law and Congress, the FCC decided in a 5 to 0 vote to decree a new “rule” that effectively guts a law that protected Americans from foreign interests and their propaganda. The new rule assumes that any foreign owner of a TV or radio broadcaster will be acceptable unless someone can prove otherwise.

The FCC in one of the most obscene votes in 2016. And we worry about Donald and Russia Russia Russia?? Note Clyburn’s daughter is on the commission as well as other members affiliations.



But this wasn’t the first:


China Radio International

You think? I first posted about this in 2010:  China buys U.S Radio Station – What’s next…let’s see how this goes:

It is the first U.S. station to broadcast CRI programing 24 hours a day, although the network has purchased blocks of time on U.S. stations at least since 1993.




Now the latest:  Mexican Radio to beam Chinese Propaganda


A large Spanish-language radio station in Mexico will soon begin broadcasting in Chinese in a deal critics say will bring Beijing propaganda to Chinese Americans throughout Southern California.


A Federal Communications Commission filing on the sale of radio station XEWW AM 690 radio near Tijuana reveals the buyer has ties to Phoenix Satellite Television US, a subsidiary of Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing Phoenix TV.

According to government sources, signs that Phoenix is involved in the purchase of the radio station prompted the Trump administration last week to begin an investigation into the national security implications of the sale.

Phoenix TV has been identified by U.S. intelligence agencies as a major overseas outlet used to spread propaganda and promote the policies of the communist government in Beijing. The Hong Kong television station also has close ties to China’s intelligence service and military.

More at  Free Beacon