Flashback: CNN once again goes after the ‘little people’- wants Manafort jurors infomation


For a Flashback Saturday, let’s look back how CNN treats the “little people.” The update is that the Judge in the Manafort case had the good sense not to leak the names and addresses of the jurors. But let’s look back when CNN does track down a regular good citizen who comes before their scrutiny. Think about it…Russia supporting a pro- TRUMP rally! Let that sink in.


A wonderful take down as this poor soul becomes the target of one of the CNN reporters who essentially accuses her of being a Russian agent. It is reported this morning that she is now a target of the left and has had death threats. Anyhow, Sock it to them…!  And that she did.

Goldfarb runs a Facebook page that Russian operatives targeted during the 2016 election, and that page promoted a pro-Trump rally the Russians had organized, through invitation posts and pictures of the event. She seems to have had no idea the event was created by Russian operatives when Griffin showed up on her front lawn.


CNN wanted the names and addresses of the Manafort jurors released to the public.

And a judge held a hearing on their motion to release the names.

It is a new form of thuggery by the fascist left — if you don’t give the results they want they will harass you and ruin your life.

Crime and Justice reporter at CNN Shimon Prokupecz reported:

H/T: Gateway Pundit

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From B-Ville
CNN berates woman as a Russian operative bot – she socks it to them!