Sunday Respite – Homeward Bound to the ‘Shenandoah’



On a personal note, I bid Florida an adieu. I can’t say exactly a fond one, but alas the chapter ends. I begin a new one. New beginnings in a Masonic retirement community. Now closer to the old Bunker and family and friends. I missed the seasons, the colors, cool mountain breezes and the lovely stream that meandered through the homestead. Tomorrow I will arrive at my destination with excitement and some trepidation. An acknowledgement that time has taken a toll on mind and body and well, enough said. In a more glum moment I was going to choose “Hotel California” but this seems a better fit.

I had chosen this piece once before, and seems so fitting now.

Mormon Tabernacle Choir for our Sunday Respite.

“Shenandoah” from the album “Homeward Bound”