Huckabee – Something Happened To FBI Director Comey, Needs To Resign

The presser by Assange yesterday was chilling for those who heard it in its entirety. For that matter for anyone that even caught a smidgen of it since the media and even bloggers have shown or posted little of it. So our T.V, phones and microwave are portals into the ether. But we really knew it…. those of us wearing tin foil have posted on the fact previously. Setting that aside, where do we go from here? One thing is for sure, FBI Comey and the NSA, CIA will not go quietly into that dark night. Earlier posts: Comey: Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can’t Access, and FBI James Comey, the ultimate chameleon who sold his soul?

Huckabee made some excellent points yesterday on Fox… worth consideration. Here are partial notes from the clip:

Huckabee’s comments are much less measured and much more honest than those of General Hayden. “There are some things that we need to know about as American citizens, particularly if it potentially violates every constitutional right that Americans have. If our government is spying on us, if our government is holding back secrets about us and stealing things from us in the way of information, then something is rotten, not just in Denmark. It’s rotten in DC and we’ve got to get to the bottom of it because otherwise we don’t have this great republic that most of us believe that we have.”

Huckabee says, “That’s why Shannon, this is terrible. I think this thing stinks bigger than the hog barn at the Iowa State Fair. And even when Michael Hayden talks, he doesn’t say that the Russians did it. He says, ‘I think they might have.’ Here’s what we do know. There was information being shared by the Obama administration to the Clinton campaign. Robbie Mook said that on Tuesday on Fox and Friends.