Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity

Earlier I had posted Huma Abedin, Bill Clinton’s Butt boy Band’s new Emails will take the Clintons down? In the post, it gave a close look at the relationship of Doug Band and Bill Clinton and the Company Teneo.

…. at the age of 27, Band had entered Clinton’s orbit as that lowliest of Washington archetypes: the body man. He was the all-purpose aide who carried the bags, provided the pen, watched the clock, kept the cigars close, and ensured the Diet Cokes were always chilled. And after the inglorious end of Clinton’s presidency, Band had stayed on. It was he who had engineered Clinton’s transformation into a philanthropist-king, and over the years, the pair had formed a bond that was more like father and son than boss and factotum. Full story at New Republic a wonderfully written piece that reads like a novel, done in 2013.

Now an update as we have a new release of Emails:

In the latest email batch, Doug Band also revealed that Chelsea’s husband Marc Mezvinsky had abused the Clinton Foundation’s influence, and his wife’s family name, to help him find sources of cash for his hedge fund, Eaglevale, which included such seed sponsors as Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

Marc mez[vinsky] had an idea to put together a poker night for the foundation to raise money. His raising money for his own fund hasn’t been going well and he has cvc [Chelsea Clinton] making some calls for him to get mtgs with some clinton people.

Marc has invited several potential investors and a few current business ones to the poker night. I assume all are contributing to the foundation, which of course isn’t the point. What is the point is that he is doing precisely what he accused me of doing as the entire plan of his has been to use this for his business which he is.

And then, in a fitting summary, in yet another email released overnight by Wikileaks, the same Doug Band takes a parting shot at Bill Clinton and the Foundation, when in a November 11, 2012 memo he encapsulates all that was (and is) wrong with the Clinton’s charitable foundation by exposing what he calls “Bill Clinton, Inc”, and reveals the “for-profit activity of president Clinton” as follows:

For-Profit Activity of President Clinton (i.e., Bill Clinton, Inc.)

Independent of our fundraising and decision-making activities on behalf of the Foundation, we have dedicated ourselves to helping the President secure and engage in for-profit activities – including speeches, books, and advisory service engagements.  In that context, we have in effect served as agents, lawyers, managers and implementers to secure speaking, business and advisory service deals.  In support of the President’s for-profit activity, we also have solicited and obtained, as appropriate, in-kind services for the President and his family – for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.  Neither Justin nor I are separately compensated for these activities (e.g., we do not receive a fee for, or percentage  of, the more than $XX million in for-profit activity we have helped to secure for President Clinton).

With respect to business deals for his advisory services, Justin and I found, developed and brought to President Clinton X arrangements for him to accept or reject. Of his current Y arrangements, we secured Z of them; and, we have helped manage and maintain all of his for-profit business relationships.  Since 2001, President Clinton’s business arrangements have yielded more than $30 million for him personally, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years should he choose to continue with the current engagements.

Considering that every aspect of the Clinton charitable ventures was only permitted in the strict context of a non-“for profit” legal status and the avoidance of personal enrichment, Doug Band has helpfully provided the final confirmation of the illegal activities conducted by the former president, and how he used his foundation largely as a for-profit entity, meant to trade political favors in exchange for cold, hard cash.

H/T:Zero Hedge

For more on Justin Cooper and Teneo : Teneo, Bill Clinton’s new butt boy Justin Cooper, and Hillary’s Emails  

20 Responses to “Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity”

  1. The Clinton’s Rise Again – Recall Clinton Global Initiative? It’s Back! | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity  November 7, 2016 — bunkerville […]


  2. Wall Street Whistleblower: Clinton Foundation is the ‘Largest Charitable Fraud in American History’ | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity  November 7, 2016 — bunkerville […]


  3. Clinton Foundation slush fund – less than 15 percent goes to charitable grants | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity  November 7, 2016 — bunkerville […]


  4. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing | franciscansonthemountains Says:

    […] Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc. ‘For Profit’ activity […]


  5. Mustang Says:

    Hillary must eventually go the way of Marie Antoinette … albeit with a very rusty blade. This is my prayer.


  6. Sparky Says:

    The Clinton Foundation is a money laundering scheme aided and abetted by the US Government. It’s on a scale that would make Don Vito Corleone proud. [/sarc]


  7. petermc3 Says:

    Doug Band is the guy in the schoolyard we would send to the grocery or candy store to get the sodas and give him a dime tip; unless he screwed up the order.

    Nd as for the fab four, Bill, Hill, Chelsea and Marc, they could be caught on video stealing money from the church poor box, the soup kitchen, SS checks from ghetto mail boxes, the Salvation Army Christmas collection buckets and still the lying criminal phat phuck would get the poor, the black and the Santa Claus vote.


  8. Lorra B. Says:

    Don’t you just want to do a Drive-By Bitch-Slapping??!! With EVERYTHING revealed about this crook NOTHING gets done. Welcome to the new American way.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Adrienne Says:

    A few weeks ago I spent several days researching Doug Band. It wasn’t pretty. I think only the diehard Hillary fans were not swayed by this latest piece of trash floated by Comey. All others are sitting around saying, WTHell?”

    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I think this just confirmed the suspicions that the set up is in….Podesta, Justin cooper as well. Any research as well as Chelsea’s husband included show an amoral collection of individuals.. Her father-in-law went to prison.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. thetinfoilhatsociety Says:

    Not that it will mean much. The Clintons managed to off one the FBI agents working on their case over the weekend, and got Comey to back off. He is a coward and a nithing.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity | 4frespeech Says:

    […] Source: Doug Band reveals Clinton Foundation Inc ‘For Profit’ activity […]


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