Gender equal Stockholm snow removal leaves the city paralyzed

I just have to pull out a part of the article before you read the “feminist” snow removal plan. The world indeed has gone off its axis. Since women walk more, sidewalks need to be cleaned off before roads. But Sweden has bigger issues:

Sweden had an incident in 2012 when a (male) Left Party city councillor in Sormland drew amused comment from around the world for proposing all-male users of city hall washrooms sit to urinate. This would prevent anyone having to walk through the unhygienic puddle created by bad male marksmanship and also ease pressure on the prostate gland.

The idea went further to reportedly include Swedish day care centers teaching young boys to urinate seated, feminists in Belgium and France promoting the concept, and Germans making a talking toilet that ordered men to sit and threatening those who didn’t with fines.

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, November 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A “feminist” snow removal plan that dictated sidewalks be cleared before streets plunged Sweden’s capital in chaos after a record snowfall.

The biggest snowfall in 111 years proved the first real test for the “feminist” or “gender-equal” snow removal policy brought in by a new municipal council controlled by a Left-Green coalition.

The city government is intent on putting as much civic energy into clearing bike paths and sidewalks used by environmentally- and fitness-minded women as into the roads frequented by male-dominated motor vehicle traffic.

But chaos reportedly was the result for both genders, according to the tabloid Aftonbladet’s headline, “Feministisk snöröjning funkar inte i Stockholm,” (“Feminist Snow Removal Flunks in Stockholm.”)

Buses (also, it turns out,  heavily used by women) were stuck by the hundreds on roads blocked by stalled cars. Light rail trains moved at half speed, forcing  stranded commuters to walk for hours to get home from work, slipping and falling on glasslike sidewalks and bike paths. Others stayed home with children as schools shut down.

He explained the rationale for gender-equal snow removal: “It hurt more when you fall when walking and cycling, while those who drive are comfortable no matter whether it’s snowing. It is about three times as many pedestrians who are injured than motorists in weather like this. … But there is also an accessibility argument that the city should be accessible to all. Snow and ice keeps many at home. Above all, it affects women who increasingly are walking and cycling more than men.”

H/T: Life Site News