Memo: Clinton would steer State funds to her Donor’s Haiti project

Haiti has been a honey pot of gold for the Clinton machine and their friends. Beginning with her brother and ending with one in prison. The latest dump should be headline news,

This is the latest, but not the first story that dripped out.

First Clinton Foundation donor lobbies State Dept – Gets funding 

A donor to the Clinton Foundation reached out to Hillary Clinton’s office to promote a Haiti hotel project that later received support from the U.S. government and Bill Clinton, according to emails released by the Department of State. (Take a full look, but I think you got the drift.)


Hillary Clinton’s brother gets rare Haitian gold mine permit 

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.

The tiny North Carolina company, VCS Mining, also included on its board Bill Clinton’s co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.

Now the latest:

An official at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a federal agency under the guidance of the State Department, wrote a memo on Jan. 26, 2010 to her superiors recommending funding for a construction project in Haiti.

According to the proposal, Miami businessman Claudio Osorio and his company InnoVida would build homes on the island using low-cost proprietary panels. Lynn Tabernacki, OPIC’s renewable energy director, noted in the report that InnoVida had “U.S. persons of political influence that are able to assist in advancing the company’s plans.”

“This case represents a new low in the misuse of public funds by Clinton allies,” National Legal and Policy Center chairman Ken Boehm told the Free Beacon last July. “There must be an investigation into why this Clinton donor was using a law firm recommended by Bill Clinton and one of Hillary Clinton’s top fund raisers to improperly obtain millions from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.”“For instance, former President Bill Clinton is personally in contact with the Company to organize its logistical and support needs,” wrote Tabernacki. “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made available State Department resources to assist with logistical arrangements.”

Additionally, the Clinton Global Initiative had “indicated that it would be willing to contract to purchase 6,500 homes in Haiti from InnoVida within the next year.”

What was not explicitly stated in the memo, but known to OPIC officials at the time, was that Osorio had a prior relationship with the Clintons. Days earlier, the businessman had shown Tabernacki a video of Bill Clinton speaking at his home in 2007. The speech took place during a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign that Osorio hosted at his Star Island mansion.

Osorio was also a Clinton Foundation donor, contributing between $10,000 and $50,000 to the organization. Additionally, he had hired Clinton’s 2008 finance director Jonathan Mantz to lobby OPIC for the loan request.

Less than 24 hours after Tabernacki’s recommendation was sent, OPIC approved a $10 million loan to InnoVida. But the homes in Haiti were never built. By the following year, InnoVida had declared bankruptcy and its owner had caught the eye of both the Securities and Exchange Commission and the FBI.

In 2013, Osorio was sentenced to 12 years in prison for wire fraud and money laundering connected to the Haiti house-building scam. He was accused of cheating investors out of $40 million, using the money to pay for a Maserati, his Miami mansion, and a ski chalet in Colorado.

More at Free Beacon

Just for the record and a good read:

For the creepy long fingers which didn’t stop with gold mines.

The Clintons: Viceroys of Haiti – Breitbart

10 Responses to “Memo: Clinton would steer State funds to her Donor’s Haiti project”

  1. My Article Read (2-29-2016) – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Memo: Clinton would steer State funds to her Donor’s Haiti project […]


  2. the unit Says:

    Another plus for this blog. It has always pointed out the corruption of the Clintons first, and I think Sanders, communists all. I don’t think I’ve read a plug for any Republican. Left it up to us.
    I could’ve voted today, first early vote day in Florida. I didn’t yet. Said to my self I wanted to see how Super Tuesday comes out. I guess see how most folks vote first. I should know better seeing how the last two elections came out and what we got.
    I a little bit county and a little bit rock and roll…and a bit chicken sh*t too, and scared.
    I will get up the nerve to vote though and not sit it out.
    And come the general, it won’t be for Democrats, I’ll roll the dice come what may.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    Nothing like taking advantage of the most in need in order to make a few buck, right? These people really are the lowest of the low.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Memo: Clinton would steer State funds to her Donor’s Haiti project | Rifleman III Journal Says:

    […] Source: Memo: Clinton would steer State funds to her Donor’s Haiti project […]

    Liked by 1 person

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