Mohamed’s Clock Was ‘Purposeful Hoax’? Another Balloon boy?

So we have another balloon boy. It had been reported that the little Muslim boy had been uncooperative with the police regarding his “invention,” but the media was more than happy to disregard that information. Up up and away little Muslim boy. Enjoy the White House, and the scholarship and all the goodies coming your way as one of the newly oppressed. Oh and the Police suit you will be bringing should enrich your families lives just perfectly. You know what? This is really getting old

On “The Kelly File,” last night, Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted to allegations that Texas teenager Ahmed Mohamed did not create a clock and instead simply took apart an existing clock and transplanted the guts into a pencil box.

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15 Responses to “Mohamed’s Clock Was ‘Purposeful Hoax’? Another Balloon boy?”

  1. My Article Read (9-22-2015) (9-23-2015) | My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Mohamed’s Clock Was ‘Purposeful Hoax’? Another Balloon boy? […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    When I first heard this story and the fact Obama was inviting him to the White House alarm bells went up, it seemed all too convenient. Now we are learning he did not even build this from scratch and yet he is getting thousands of dollars and scholarships for doing nothing more than taking the guts of a clock and putting them into a different box. This whole thing stinks to high heaven! When will the boy who chewed his pop tart into the shape of a gun get an invite to the White House for being persecuted?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Mustang Says:

    Megyn Kelly is not quite as smart or half as clever as she thinks she is. I watched her last night trying to take Carson to task over his comment about Sharia Law. Of course, she still thinks of Obama as a Christian, which tells anyone with two cells in their heads that she hasn’t done due diligence in examining Jeremiah Wright’s black theology church, which is allied with Louis Farrakhan’s black Moslem Murder Incorporated. Then in her next piece, she pretended to be horrified that Moslem men would have sex with little boys. Truly … Kelly is an idiot for her not to know about Islam by now.

    As for Napolitano, I think he has extreme views in some things, but he is right about one thing: The constitution says what the Supreme Court says that it says. The only way around this is to elect presidents who appoint something other American hating Jews and members of Hispanic extremist organizations that go around beating up Hispanic college students who do not want to join their communist organization. By the way, I hope Kagan recused herself from deciding any case involving homosexuals.

    I like watching cable’s OAN (One America News). It is one channel where you will never see Alan Colmes.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Megyn sure has gone down hill. When she first came on, she appeared to be reasonable and not out to get those who she was interviewing. I feel the same say about the Judge. His heart is in the right place at least. Mark Levin has been excellent with the immigration issue and wish more would hear about his take on the anchor babies. We don’t have OAN.


    • the unit Says:

      Well I haven’t seen Alan Colmes face either. Since I quit putting patches on my kids bicycle tires. 🙂


  4. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.

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  5. Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

    OT, but I don’t watch Fox, I don’t trust them anymore than the other LameStreamMedia. I don’t like Megyn Kelly or Judge Napolitano – he actually said that a SCOTUS opinion was the ‘law of the land.’

    Now, as for ‘clockboy’ he lied! Simple as that. That’s why his little repackaged clock was taken from him, why the police were called, and why the police arrested him. Another article I read also reported that the police said he was uncooperative and his answers were very evasive. That’s why he was arrested. It wasn’t because he is muslim. All of this is because of his words and actions. It’s not because of his religion – or anyone’s overreaction or bigotry.

    Is this the result he and his family were aiming for? That is the question. The behavior from his family, the prayer vigils (how absurd!), the donations, the lawyer – all of it seems rather suspicious to me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      If it wasn’t for the Muslim thing this never would have been a story. I agree and am tired of Megyn and the Judge. Either way, another scam in the making.

      Liked by 2 people

    • petermc3 Says:

      Ditto Re: Fox. I channel surf and at times stop there. Sometimes when I watch TV in the A.M. I would rather tune into Morning Joe than the laughing hyenas at Fox & Friends.
      And why is it when a five year old non-muslim is dragged from his kindergarten class for drawing a gun or kissing a fellow girl student on the cheek and suspended from school there is no outrage? We all know the answer.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. petermc3 Says:

    Yeah I watched this festering stupidity lapped up by the media and stupid American people on Pope TV. If this muslim prick receives communion from Lenin’s Pope (thank you Michael Savage) on the White House Lawn the circle will be complete. I may be mistaken but it seems that the Popemobile is nowhere in sight? The marxists may have put the word out, hands off our Papa francis.

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