EPA scheduled to release ‘Richard Windsor’ aka Lisa Jackson E-mails

Why wasn’t she hauled before Congress regarding her Medical Experiments? Do you think any of these e-mails will be released? I can’t find anything about them, but they were to be released yesterday, the usual Friday dump.This should be bigger than Benghazi and Fast and Furious. See previous post:

The suit accuses the EPA of paying as many as 41 participants $12 an hour to breathe in concentrated diesel exhaust, for as long a two hours at a time. The exhaust was directly piped in from a truck parked outside the Chapel Hill facility. According to the lawsuit, the fine particulate matter, called “PM2.5,” was piped in at levels 21 times greater than what the EPA calls its “permissible limit.”

Milloy added some historic perspective to the mix. “In the context of rules established after scientific horrors of World War II and the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the notion that EPA would pipe high levels of PM2.5 and diesel exhaust into the lungs of unhealthy people to see what would happen is simply appalling,” he said in a press release announcing the lawsuit.

“Unhealthy” is an accurate assessment. The 41 subjects who took part in the experiment included people who were elderly or suffering from asthma, hypertension or metabolic syndrome. One of them, an obese 58-year-old woman with a history of health problems and family history of heart disease, experienced an irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) and had to be hospitalized as a result. Another subject developed an elevated heart rate.

Then again, the study subjects really weren’t “asked” to risk their lives, since the EPA researchers failed — and, in fact, refused — to warn them that PM2.5 could kill them. At the very least, exposing study subjects to a dangerous and deadly toxin without their consent is also known as “assault and battery.”

Weasel Zippers: is there anyone in the Obama administration who isn’t crooked? They even create secondary personalities to be crooked.

Via The Daily Caller:

President Obama says his administration is the “most transparent administration in history.” Unfortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency has made a mockery of this claim.

Former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson officially stepped down yesterday, but her legacy of obfuscation lives on. Today, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) expects the second of four promised batches of “Richard Windsor” emails from the EPA. Richard Windsor, as most of D.C. knows by now, was Jackson’s chosen alias for her secondary email account during her tenure as administrator. CEI began to investigate Jackson’s use of this account over a month before she announced her resignation in December. Now, we’re receiving the fruits of our investigation — but so far, the results have been less than satisfying.

If today’s delivery of emails from the EPA is anything like the tranche CEI received in January, it will not provide any valuable information about how Jackson employed her Richard Windsor email account. Indeed, the delivery we received in January — 2,100 emails total, significantly shy of the promised 3,000 — consisted entirely of Google news alerts and press clippings.

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