U.S. Navy going Green

Straight from the former Soviet Union we learn what our Navy folks are up to.From Pravda RU. How many wasted billions are we pouring into the Navy going Green. How will the ships perform? How many of Obama’s favorite Green contractors will make out like bandits? Apparently, we are going to leave our ships at port to achieve the energy savings requirement. One can only imagine the cost of retrofitting all of our ships.

By 2020, the Navy must learn to get at least 50 percent of energy from alternative sources, and 50 percent of the military vessels will have to try hard to zero out- that is to spend no more energy than they can produce. In other words, the sailors themselves have expressed doubts as to how efficient the vessels will be after the replacement of traditional fuels with alternative ones.

However, it is not just about money and the desire to reduce dependence on oil and other energy commodities. Introducing the new “green” technology, Americans once again are trying to prove that in terms of technical solutions they are still very strong, at least in regard to the Navy.

The military has one indisputable advantage: they do not have to worry about public opinion. Naval experts may come up with arbitrarily bold energy ideas that the civil cannot even dream of, but as the result the U.S. Navy apparently will not be chained to the docks because of lack of fuel.
However, the idea of ​​the supporters of “green fuels” looks more like a dream: by 2015, U.S. ships must reduce oil consumption by 50 percent.

In pursuing its objectives, the Navy can kill two birds with one stone: first, to achieve its “green” goals and obtain additional financing for the initiative, and share their own methods with the rest of the country. While politicians are crossing swords in the climate wars, and oil and alternative energy sources are separated by different poles, the Navy leadership understands that the nonsensical trick akin to the Republicans’ anti-energy one can be very expensive.   In any case, the “green way” will not be easy, but now the fleet is gradually improving the energy efficiency of its onshore facilities, largely due to the policy of mandatory provision of energy solutions for construction of such facilities. Pravda RU

20 Responses to “U.S. Navy going Green”

  1. U.S. Navy going Green « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] U.S. Navy going Green By 2020, the Navy must learn to get at least 50 percent of energy from alternative sources, and 50 percent of the military vessels will have to try hard to zero out- that is to spend no more energy than they can produce. In other words, the sailors themselves have expressed doubts as to how efficient the vessels will be after the replacement of traditional fuels with alternative ones. […]


  2. Obama decrees: DOD, DHS Agencies fulfill Environmental Justice « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] this week we reported U.S. Navy going Green. By 2020, the Navy must learn to get at least 50 percent of energy from alternative sources, and 50 […]


  3. steve Says:

    It is going to take decades to unwind the Obama mess. And as a side “benefit” the ChiCom’s will have several shiny new Aircraft Carriers patrolling the Pacific and beyond.


    Hope and change..


  4. Carol-Christian Soldier Says:

    I have been very troubled about the PC at our Academies- and have posted same in RE: to West Point–
    because the PC – revealed at those institutions– will become rampant in the field ..

    as to your posts below on property (Cuba) and the assault on small farms–
    I wish that the original words Life – Liberty and PROPERTY had been in the final copy of the Declaration…

    Found you via Spread Eagle..


    • bunkerville Says:

      Carol- I could not agree with you more. Property will become almost non-existent the rate we are going. I will add you to my B-roll– Good stuff at youre place>>>


  5. Matt Says:

    Cloward-Piven for the Navy??

    It’s more likely than you think!


  6. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    I’m trying to invision an aircracft carrier with sails or a jet landing on a Yankee Clipper.
    Maybe now the US will take a serious look at Liquid Floride Thorium Reactors. It is the only thing that makes sense to me.


  7. Angel Says:

    oish how discouraging..ah well Go Navy!


    • Bunkerville Says:

      I hope they can go Angel!!! It is suggested they add kites– serioulsy, that is one thing they are working. Similar to the picture. It will be great in time of war.


  8. republicanmother Says:

    The Navy’s website says it has new missions..
    If you understand that our government, including our military, is owned not by the electorate, but by the six big banks that are the federal reserve banking cartel, you can see how they are trying to use everything under their control to push the green bs as a pretext to advance their carbon tax schemes.


    • bunkerville Says:

      In the end, it will be our military which will suffer. They get a Two-fer. Advance their agenda of decimating our defense, as well as push their BS.


  9. Karen Howes Says:

    To my mind, “green” = lots of wasted money, MORE expensive and LESS efficient energy.


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