Obama to sign U.N. Gun Treaty this month

Another dump, this time in August while everyone is looking the other way. Let us not let this one get ahead of us. We know our Senators can be bribed. After all, they just got their “waiver” from Obama from the “Affordable Care Act” – what a joke.

In April the United Nations passed sweeping legislation that will regulate the international arms trade and could lead to a national registry in the United States.

Barack Obama is reportedly going to sign the treaty this month while Congress is on vacation. Ammoland reported:

You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. Jay Carney said Obama will sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty “before the end of August…We believe it’s in the interest of the United States.” This is very strategic timing considering Congress is on a 5 week vacation lasting thru the month of August!

These back door tactics are nothing new for the Obama Administration, which is why we are using tactics of our own to stop his anti-gun agenda. We have the home fax numbers of every Senator so while they are absent from the Capitol we can demand they must not ratify the UN Gun Treaty once Obama signs it.

We CAN stop this international treaty from reaching American soil by killing it the United States Senate. The U.S Senate must ratify an international treaty for it to be effective. They would need 67 votes to ratify the treaty. Reach every U.S. Senator at their home office; tell them you do not want this treaty in OUR United States!

Select Here To Fax The U.S. Senate At Their Home Offices:


DO NOT Ratify The UN ‘Arms Trade Treaty’!

Everything Obama tackles in office is strategically timed and politically motivated. He only looks out for himself, his fellow liberals, and his anti-gun agenda. After mass shootings the Administration would launch all-out attacks on our gun rights since the country would be more susceptible to change after a traumatic event. He made sure the Benghazi cover up was swept under the rug until he got re-elected. He will wait to attack certain issues until the 2014 Congressional elections so he’ll know how many liberals are by his side.

Obama believes now is the best time to sign the UN Gun Treaty since Congress is out of Washington. He will have less scrutiny to worry about if Congress is not nearby.

In a January 4, 2013 Justice Department document, Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies, the Obama Administration admitted that an assault weapons ban would not be effective without confiscation and gun registration. bo gun buyback

It should be clear by now that this administration has little to no regard for the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. Gateway Pundit

24 Responses to “Obama to sign U.N. Gun Treaty this month”

  1. Freedom, by the way Says:

    Reblogged this on freedombytheway and commented:
    The Senate cannot ratify the UN Gun Treaty but only we can stop it.


  2. Pmc3 Says:

    Great foresight by MR Bojangles (see golf course picture).Place all firearms in the governments possession so they can shoot anyone not signed up for Obamacare. His homies at the U.N. will surely approve.


  3. LD Jackson Says:

    Standard operating procedure for Mr. Obama. I believe you are correct, in that he is going to use every dirty tactic he can come up with to force the Senate to ratify this treaty. As for the treaty itself, my first inclination is to tell the UN to take their misguided efforts to regulate what we do in America and put it somewhere dark and clammy. After that first impulse dies down, I tend to want to dig in my heels and tell them the same thing again.


  4. Steve Dennis Says:

    This is part of what Obama talked about when he said he could be more flexible after the election. There is nothing we can do to stop Obama from signing this, the question is; what is the Senate going to do when they come back from recess?


  5. Always On Watch Says:

    Bit by bit — and faster and faster — America is surrendering her national sovereignty.

    Bad days ahead, folks. Horrendous days, in fact.


  6. Designs by Dianne Says:

    If certain people weren’t ‘in charge’ we wouldn’t need guns.
    Here’s something: http://www.comeandtakeit.com/ungun1.html
    Makes one wonder if some of these confiscated guns, are those this administration is distributing to their friends – Ask Holder, he knows.
    [btw Bunker, Sund. morning I couldn’t bring up your site nor certain others, like Drudge Report, wouldn’t open. When I tried to do a https://startpage.com/eng/? search to see what the prob was, it wouldn’t open either, or sites other search engines referred to, to research or resolve the problem.
    How easy would it be for our access to be restricted, denied, esp. when looking up ‘reasons’ or ‘how to fix’ – only to get a blank browser screen! The usually Sun. online live streams I watch were blocked as well. 5 – 6 hours later connections begin to work again, pages opening, access allow. Maybe it was the server having problems, but why only with certain websites and not others? An example of monitoring one’s viewing capacity, like the ‘Outer Limits’ “Don’t try to adjust your TV … we are in control ..” but now it’s our computers.]


    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks for telling me. I wouldn’t be surprised if conservative blogs were on “the list”. Good link. Why people would give up their guns beats me.


      • Designs by Dianne Says:

        Maybe the only choice is “give it up or else!”
        Katrina Example: “After five months of denial in federal district court, the city last week made an embarrassing admission: in the aftermath of the hurricane, the severely overworked police apparently had the time to confiscate thousands of guns from law-abiding citizens.” http://gunowners.org/op0611.htm
        Remember the looting and ransacking going on? Those citizens who were trying to keep save, had their means of protection taken away! That’s the reality of this “mindset take-over”, it’s a “subtle” War being played little by little, the New Age conniving way.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Nice find. Put together with the new so called shelter in place. We are now ordered about like dogs.


      • zip Says:

        If only treat us as well as the dog BO – free flying on to vacation land!


  7. Jim at Asylum Watch Says:

    I have an idea. Maybe we conservativves could raise some money and hire a first clas archeologist to go the Washinton, D.C to try to find our lost constitution. I’m pretty sure that the asshats we send to Washington are supposed to follow that document to the letter. I may be wrong about that. Nobody seems to have cared about that old document for a very long time.


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