Best Politcal ad ever? Obama reaches new low

As if the campaign of Obama could not take a lower road, it does. We have his “Romney is a” in Rolling Stone, now this. It is not enough to insult women’s intelligence – one trick ponies that only care about their free birth control, lets sexualize it more. Mammograms,  babies, now one can talk about Obama’s sexual prowess by innuendo. Undecided voters? Wake up. King Shamus has a great review of what is going on with this. Slide over for his full rant. Warning this is a crude one.

Mitt Romney wants to talk about creating jobs, cutting the deficit and reigning in runaway entitlements. Barack Obama wants to turn the polling booth into a Democrat Party boudoir. Which one sounds reasonable and which one sounds repellent and intrusive?

Let’s get beyond the creepiness of the clip. It was made by card-carrying members of the Left’s great religious movement. One of the most important tenets of the faith is the hyper-sexualization of their Great Super Cocksman. From Candy Crowley to Bill Maher, many progressives are dying to make babies with Barack Obama. Lena Dunham is just the latest liberal to profess her love for the cutest widdle political puppy dog.

14 Responses to “Best Politcal ad ever? Obama reaches new low”

  1. Stud Obama’s campaign “Coming from his loins” « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Best political ad ever-Obama reaches a new low – The Lena Dunham ad about doing it the first time. Well, I thought I had posted Ew! last week. But no, Axedlrod now doubles down with a new visual. Is this the latest attempt of gain the women’s vote? Ew indeed. […]


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    Obama feels this election slipping away and in his desperation he is trying to do whatever it takes, but this is beneath the dignity of the office and people have to look at this and say “really, is that all you have left?”
    Obama is looking less presidential has every day passes and I think it will catch up with him.


  3. Always On Watch Says:

    I wasn’t going to post today. Then, early this morning I saw this scummy commercial that equates having great sex with voting for Barack Hussein Obama. Scummy is the nicest word I can use to describe this new sleaze relating to what may well be the most important election that any of us will ever vote in.

    If you get a chance, stop by my site to read some of the comments. Wildstar is a 17-year-old girl in my classes, and she is absolutely disgusted — as any sane person should be. FreeThinke’s suggestion of a tune is also spot-on!


  4. KingShamus Says:

    Dude, thanks for the linkage. I appreciate it.

    By the way, voting for Obama was like my first time: Angry stares, endless accusations of racism and in the end I had to buy General Motors to get everyone to shut the hell up.


  5. Designs by Dianne Says:

    “Cloud 9” thinkers (or imagin-ators – under the influence of mind altering indoctrination) will see this as ‘cool’ and acceptable. Logic and reason means nothing to a ‘drunk.’
    Saw this this morning, ‘boohoo’ wearing an earpiece during that last debate and remembered back when B. Clinton had one in his ear during a ‘sensitive’ matter that he needed “help” answering. “The Gangster Prez” earpiece.


  6. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    American women van not be that stupid! If this ad doen’t druve women voters to Romney, then I haven’t learned anything about women in my nearly seven decades.


  7. silverfiddle Says:

    Ya know, Democrats constantly attack conservatives for being misogynistic cavemen, but look at the democrat party. They see women as nothing more that walking vaginas in search of condoms, pills and free abortions.

    If I were a woman, I’d find this even more condescending and disgusting than I do now.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I could not agree with you more. What are they thinking. A total lack of respect for women. But then again, that is how they see anyone other than themselves. Just chess pieces to be pushed around.


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