UK Tells Ukraine to Pivot Towards Crimea

Amazing that the Europeans are advancing the entanglement of a full scale war with Russia with zero capability of sustaining the effort. The British seem to think Crimea and their long range missiles are the way to go. No doubt because they are running out of humans to put into the meat grinder. More on what we are not being told regarding Ukraine.

This post follows yesterday’s post:

Here is the latest from Zero Hedge:

British military officials advised that Ukraine should focus on defense in its ground fight against Russia in the east while focusing on targeted strikes against Crimea and Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, The Sunday Times reported.

“This will allow the Ukrainians to focus their efforts on the Black Sea and Crimea, where their forces, with the help of Western long-range missiles, have landed significant blows over the past six months,” the report said.

A recording of a conversation between German military officers that was recently published by Russian media revealed that the UK has soldiers “on the ground” in Ukraine helping Ukrainian forces use Storm Shadow missiles, which have a range of 155 miles, making them capable of hitting targets throughout Crimea.

Attacks on Crimea have always been considered a red line for Russian President Vladimir Putin. But the risk of escalation hasn’t stopped Ukraine’s Western backers from assisting with such strikes, as Storm Shadows have been reported to be used in multiple Ukrainian attacks on Crimea.

The UK has also helped Ukraine strike Russian ships in the Black Sea. Another recent report from the Times credited Radakin with helping “the Ukrainians with the strategy to destroy Russian ships and open up the Black Sea.”

Poland’s foreign minister earlier this month: NATO troops are already in Ukraine.

A good read if you have the time – all the details :The Sunday Times 

The best of the swamp.

30 Responses to “UK Tells Ukraine to Pivot Towards Crimea”

  1. peter3nj Says:

    Off topic: (posted at Geeez also)

    New illegal immigrant numbers (guests) pre-Haitian in New York City 183,000.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sam Huntington Says:

    I don’t think European leaders have given this situation enough thought.

    It will be interesting, after the UK and others have finished poking the bear with a stick, to find that they have insufficient munitions to defend themselves from that very bear.  NATO should also remember that bears have friends, some of whom are Islamists.  Those NATO countries may not only discover missiles heading toward their most populated cities from surprising directions, but they may also find that the “enemy” is already living among them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      I don’t think you will get much of an argument from many of us. You named it, and just how it will go down.

      Most of those countries have their populations in turmoil, at the least, the governments will be in for one heck of a time. Well said.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. geeez2014 Says:

    Interesting to read about British involvement in all of this, then to remember Obama visited the UK Prime Minister just yesterday. hmmm

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Mustang Says:

    Everyone here “gets it.”  Amazingly, none of the Brooks Brothers suits does … but I’ve come to expect no less than mediocrity from the U.S. government and its NATO partners.  It’s been this way for a very long time, I’m afraid.  The folks running the Korean and Vietnam Wars were verifiable morons.  Truly.  So yeah, go ahead and launch those missiles without expecting a similar favor in return, with, um … maybe a difference in the payload.

    I’m still in Merry Olde …. I heard my brother-in-law complaining about the price of gas.  I said … if NATO gets involved in a shooting war, you haven’t seen anything yet.  Blank stare.   

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Point on in my book. Why can a few little old bloggers scope it out and yet the media remains silent?

      Right. those missiles go both ways…guess they havent figured it….


      • peter3nj Says:

        Biden’s election in November will be the final plank in the long awaited nuclear annihilation unless China steps in to stop the insanity .

        Liked by 2 people

  5. The Night Wind Says:

      Back during the Cold War Era, we actually had intel advisors who knew the situation in other countries. Today, the Deep State relies on think-tanks and self-styled ‘policy experts’ who are paid to tell them what they want to hear. These ‘experts’ don’t understand Russia at all. They’re operating off a philosophy developed by the Neocons three decades ago about ‘the End of History’ and think that their ‘New World Order’ is inevitable because it’s historically determined just like the Marxists thought that their’s was.

     The idea that these schlubbs are selling is that the Crimean people would welcome the Western system with open arms and can’t wait to be liberated so that they enjoy all of the blessings of Crony Capitalism and Political Correctness that Wall Street and Hollywood would bestow upon them. How well this worked out in Afghanistan and Iraq or the fact that Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia and recently had a huge turnout to re-elect Putin doesn’t even enter into these ‘expert’s’ calculations.

     An example of this philosophy in action happened in the African country of Niger just last week. The Pentagon wants to keep a base there that was agreed to by the previous Nigerien government. American officials just showed up in the capital unannounced, demanded to meet their president and made demands and threats on the diplomats who did meet with them. Needless to say, they came away with nothing, but blamed the failure on Russian and Iranian influence.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      About the same the administration is doing to India….our last best hope in that part of the world.. Hope to do the post tomorrow… They are furious with us meddling about their immigration policies.

      These young kids think they can talk to the leaders like this?


      • The Night Wind Says:

         I saw an interview with a professor at an Indian university on Sputnik recently where he said that very thing.

         I still love the way though that China made Biden’s diplomatic team get anal swabs before they let them into the country—that was priceless lol

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        I agree… :)


    • bunkerville Says:

      INW.. We have lost 6 embassies with Biden at the helm. Says it all


    • Bill Heffner Says:

      About those “intel advisors who knew the situation in other countries,” not so much. The missile superiority they claimed in the Soviet Union which caused us to go on an expensive missile building spree was never true. They did not have a clue about the impending breakup of the Soviet Union, leaving our leadership in a “Hey, what just happened?” position.

      Liked by 3 people

      • The Night Wind Says:

         By the time that the USSR broke up, that Intel apparatus had pretty much been dismantled. It started after Vietnam when Bush became CIA Director, really got sapped under Carter, and then Bush had control of it again for the next 12 years. It seems that nothing ever recovers from Bush’s involvement in it (e.g. the CIA, the US Government, the Republican Party…)

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Bigus Macus Says:

    So, is it that the EU/NATO countries are all is such dire straits on so many levels that they need the distraction, “when all else fails they take you to war”? 

    Russia however is doing quite well. Everything that the EU/NATO has tried to do to wreck Russia has been a failure and all they have accomplished is destroying themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. markone1blog Says:

    Please tell me that the strategy is not to piss off Russia enough to have them attack a British interest and thereby involve the rest of NATO. Even Dementia Joe couldn’t overlook an attack on Britian (not that he’s missed any chance to get us into a new conflict at every turn).

    Liked by 2 people

  8. markone1blog Says:

    So we return to the Battle of Balaclava?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. UK Tells Ukraine to Pivot Towards Crimea — Der Friedensstifter Says:

    […] UK Tells Ukraine to Pivot Towards Crimea […]

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