The Left Goes Nuts Over the ‘Craveness’ of the Latest Supreme Court Ruling Over Trump.

The Left goes nuts after the Supremes take up Trump’s immunity case claim, leaving the Democrats bereft of a way forward in locking up Orange Man before the fall election. One actually has to look at the remarks to appreciate the distortion of reality these people are proclaiming. Do they actually believe that Trump, once in office again, will never leave? That he will round up his “enemies” and throw them in jail? Or is it their own projection.

How to even address the flaws in the rationale of their thinking.

Something for a Friday to consider. Know your enemy. We would be wise to pay attention to the nonsense going on out there.

Various clips are out there, spewing the nonsense that the sky has fallen. Here are two.

What is suggested is that after a President leaves office, any D.A. in the land could file charges for conceived offenses during his Presidency.

Illinois is the latest example of the courts, with a judge who usually handles traffic offenses, knocking the President off the ballot as an example of the whole thing going haywire.

I would think Biden and Obama should be as concerned over this matter as well as Trump. What a field day. Granted, this issue is much more nuanced than a simple yes or no, but with the state we are in, open season on the President doesn’t seem wise.

The march is on to end Executive Privilege so that any communication that goes on during the President’s time in office is fodder for discussion. Then potential prosecution.

Peter Navarro is an example.

The former Trump White House adviser was charged with contempt of Congress after refusing to provide testimony to the House panel investigating the Capitol attack. This week the judge refused to put his jail time on hold while his appeal was in the works. Thus, an appeal was denied. His appeal was Trump was claiming Executive Privilege.
But no one knows how to suspend reality over the whole Supreme court decision to hear Trump’s appeal than Rachel Maddow. Lost is the fact that a speedy trial is the right of the accused, not the prosecution.
“This is B.S.—you were doing this as a dilatory tactic to help your political friend,” says Rachel Maddow on the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the Trump immunity argument, delaying his coup trial. “And for you to say that this is something that the Court needs to decide because it’s something that’s unclear in the law is just flagrant, flagrant bullpucky.”
Sleep well swamp. The whole thing hangs by a thread.