U.S. Short on Bullets? Dependent on China for Mineral to Make Ammo

One of the reasons for sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. Short on Ammo. The simple answer to ask is why are we not making them. The answer is right now we are dependent on China for the mineral Antimoney to make them. One has to ask is that why the administration is bending over these days to China?


The U.S. military depends almost completely on China for a mineral essential to the production of ammunition and other defense products, Defense News reported

The U.S. has no domestic mine for the mineral antimony, which is reportedly used in the production of night vision goggles, armor-piercing bullets, explosives and nuclear weapons.

“China in particular does a remarkably good job of hoarding these materials,” Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told Defense News. “China clearly has a comprehensive global strategy to corner the market on these materials and we’re behind and we’re playing catch-up.” Read more

It wasn’t always that way. A Forbes story back on May 6, 2021 gave us the background. Here tis:

Critical mineral antimony global supply sources.

Many readers have likely never heard of antimony, but it is important to their lives nevertheless. In fact, were it not for antimony produced here in the United States, the outcome of World War II might have turned out differently.

No, really, it could have. Antimony is a strategic critical mineral that is used in all manner of military applications, including the manufacture of armor piercing bullets, night vision goggles, infrared sensors, precision optics, laser sighting, explosive formulations, hardened lead for bullets and shrapnel, ammunition primers, tracer ammunition, nuclear weapons and production, tritium production, flares, military clothing, and communication equipment. It is the key element in the creation of tungsten steel and the hardening of lead bullets, two of its most crucial applications during WWII.

Fortunately for the U.S. at that time, a gold mine in central Idaho called the Stibnite mine was able to step up production of the antimony that is an element in the mine’s ore and helped fill the void.

The Stibnite mine ended up producing fully 90% of America’s demand for antimony for the duration of the War and was key to producing 40% of the tungsten steel needed for the military effort. Following the War, output from the Stibnite mine gradually declined, and its operations were shut down entirely in 1997.

….Now, consider this: There can be no “energy transition” without adequate supplies of antimony. That thick, heavy glass used in solar panels? It’s made with antimony. Those 300 to 700 foot-tall windmills that sporadically produce electricity? Made with antimony. Antimony is a key element in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries, as mentioned above, but even more crucial is the fact that it is integral to the development of the next-generation liquid metal batteries that, as Ecclestone pointed out during the webinar, hold the key to truly scalable energy storage for wind and solar power. Read more at Forbes

There is some good news to this story. The Stibnite mine in Idaho has been trying to reopen. However over 50 permits are required. Back in 2021 the goal was opening in 2025-26. Good luck with that but if the Biden clan doesn’t prefer to sell it to China, our need for this mineral can been answered. Doubtful by this administration to go ahead with approvals would be my hunch.

For the latest on the mine:

Touring Stibnite: Forest Service wants public comment on revised mining plan

Touring Idaho’s Stibnite Mine and what comes next on Perpetua Resources’ future mining plan
Public comment on the latest draft environmental impact statement prepared by the Forest Service for plans to resume mining at the historic…

.Jan 4, 2023

Keep in mind Bunk posted back in March:

The very best of the swamp.


23 Responses to “U.S. Short on Bullets? Dependent on China for Mineral to Make Ammo”

  1. Baysider Says:

    And then we have this headline: https://themessenger.com/news/delays-leave-us-navy-with-just-31-ready-attack-submarines
    36% out of commission. There is always a contingency in dock for repair and refit. Not this! Well, doesn’t sound like they have ammo to fire either.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. U.S. Short on Bullets? Dependent on China for Mineral to Make Ammo | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Compatriots | Vermont Folk Troth Says:

    […] U.S. Short on Bullets? Dependent on China for Mineral to Make Ammo | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Gut… […]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Baysider Says:

    I wasn’t exactly sure what was coming in that video, but my heart started to beat fast when I heard him say “hey burglars, our doors aren’t locked.” WHO DOES THAT?! The video on the Stibnite mine and the importance of antimony – all new to me. And interesting. Old gold mining regions are indeed plagued with arsenic. That phased recovery plan sounds like expensive antimony. But someone picked an upbeat name and slick marketing campaign for the job. https://perpetuaresources.com/

    Didn’t countries used to stockpile and source a certain amount of strategic materials no matter the cost? Britain loved colonies in America when they became a safer supply of essential naval materials that they formerly depended on Russia for.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      We still are getting over 90 percent of our drugs from China… talk about being a sitting duck.. I thought as well that we considered our future..but not if one wants to shut down America.
      I am sure the company has spent millions in planning and trying to get the permits. The company does a good job of selling their plan and insuring all will be done to contain by-products.
      But better for children to dig in some third world country than for the U.S. to use the very best techniques to mine and touch one inch of virgin soil. The Greenies want to to remain as it was at the time of Adam and Eve.. We can’t have it both ways.


  4. geeez2014 Says:

    I’m picturing how FAST Trump would have acted to know all of this about ammo…..I think we’d have bullets in about a week!! The thought of this man Biden with our lives in his hands is more than we should have to consider.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. peter3nj Says:

    Off topic:
    Caught 5 minutes of FIOX where the returning Juan Williams placed blame for uneducated Covid kids squarely on Trump. The FOX conservatives (so they claim to be protecting their jobs) are such pussies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • geeez2014 Says:

      There are times when the FOX conservatives don’t react like I’d like and this was one of them…..I had to laugh at Juan saying that Biden’s swearing at his staff showed “he’s just a MAN!” I really see the conservatism less on their more scripted interviews and way more on panels where they’re ‘guests’ ….

      Liked by 1 person

    • geeez2014 Says:

      The Five is one of my favorite shows….and yes, thank GOD Juan’s gone…Tarlov isn’t easy but I begrudgingly like her…..Harold FOrd, Jr. is VERY likable but when he spouts some of the real crap of the Left as if it’s just FINE, it REALLY confuses me because he truly IS an honorable, well educated, very nice man. HOW CAN HE WRITE OFF SO MUCH JUNK AND SPOUT IT AS IF IT’S GOOD?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ed Bonderenka Says:

        I can only surmise that, politician that he is, he’s got you fooled.
        He is a leftist. He’d assent to your being sent to a camp in a heartbeat.
        With that smile as he does it.
        Tarlov is totally unlikable, from her squeaky voice to her leftist mindset.

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Ed The voice is beyond tolerance for me… and she is no Mensa candidate..


  6. The Night Wind Says:

    My guess is that they’re sitting on this story until they need a new ‘crisis’ and then the Junta will sell the Idaho mine to some WEF-connected NGO like the Gates Foundation who’ll get the fat government contract. Then all of those 50+ permits required will vanish like magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mustang Says:

    A rational society would demand that Biden be prosecuted for providing aid and comfort to the enemy, but of course Biden is smarter than that. We don’t have any enemies – only friends who smile as they cut our throats and Democrat officials (Clinton, Obama, Biden) who are happy to provide those friends with our most secret technology.

    A pox on everyone who voted for Biden in the last election, and a double pox on anyone who knowingly cheated during that election.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Ample evidence abounds that the Biden Crime Syndicate is part of the largest threat to the security of the United States since the USSR (if they ever truly were).
    It calls for a finding that they are a Clear and Present Danger.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      I am not sure how much more is required for proof. I find it exceedingly interesting that the Coke in the Cubie gets more attention than the fact we have no ammo among other disastrous factoids.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. peter3nj Says:

    Channel surfing coupla minutes ago saw we are dependent on China for Antimony. It took less than a minute to overcome my shock that we don’t got none and awe at the Chinese since they got some. Both laughable and sad at the same time. The shit really hits the fan when Biden is re-elected before handing over the reins to Giggles and she picks Brylcream -a little dab’ll do ya- for her VP.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Interesting it made the news… caught this on a talkie last night by someone who called in.. the sickening part is that we could have the stuff but Biden will be sure to make the mine a National Monument… off the table forever.. I think Harris days will be over… unless they keep her as VP… can’t see it otherwise but what do I know.

      Liked by 1 person

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