FBI Wray says ANTIFA not involved in Jan 6 riots after literally arresting John Sullivan leader


Crickets on the reporting of congressional hearing yesterday of FBI Wray. Liar liar pants on fire. He was under oath so one can only assume he has not a worry about a consequence. He even refused to reveal how Officer Sicknick died though it has been widely reported even by his wife that he did not die with any fire extinguisher. More worrisome is how much spying is and was done on Americans by the FBI using the riot for justification.


FBI Wray

A few of the low lights.

FBI Director Chris Wray testified before Congress Tuesday that the FBI has not seen any evidence that those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were linked to the antifa movement. However, on January 14th the FBI literally arrested Antifa leader John Sullivan for his role in the planning, coordination and participation in the January 6th Capitol Hill riot.



Senator Lee specifically asks FBI Director Wray if they are using cell phone geolocation and under what legal authority this is being done:  National Security Letters? FISA Court? Search warrants based on probable cause?



H/T: Conservative Tree House


Recall how Parler was compromised. No doubt the FBI is going through the data.

Hacker Archives Every Deleted Parler Post -“Very Incriminating” UPDATE

Following last week’s incursion into the US Capitol building by Trump supporters and the founder of a BLM group, a researcher who goes by the Twitter handle @donk_enby got to work archiving every post from that day made on Parler – a conservative alternative to Twitter where many claim the protesters coordinated leading up to the incident which left five people dead. Enby calls the evidence “very incriminating.”

Then, after Amazon announced that they were going kill conservative Twitter rival Parler, @donk_enby began archiving posts prior to the 6th, ultimately preserving approximately 99.9% of its content, according to Gizmodo.

Hoping to create a lasting public record for future researchers to sift through, @donk_enby began by archiving the posts from that day. The scope of the project quickly broadened, however, as it became increasingly clear that Parler was on borrowed time. Apple and Google announced that Parler would be removed from their app stores because it had failed to properly moderate posts that encouraged violence and crime. The final nail in the coffin came Saturday when Amazon announced it was pulling Parler’s plug. –Gizmodo

Included in the data harvest is “original, unprocessed, raw files uploaded to Parler with all associated metadata.

New York Post

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday refused to tell senators the cause of death for Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, whose death heavily influenced coverage of the Capitol riot.

Reports after Jan. 6 originally said Sicknick died after being bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher while fighting off then-President Donald Trump’s supporters, which authorities didn’t deny at the time. The claim became part of the impeachment trial case against Trump for allegedly inciting the riot — though his family now says it’s untrue.

Wray cited an “ongoing” investigation into Sicknick’s death.



The best of the swamp that has not been reported.