Christine Blasey Ford School Yearbooks – Debauchery, Drinking and Vice


We know that Kavanugh accuser Ford meticulously scrubbed her social media accounts months before she blasted onto the media stage. Guess she knew she wasn’t going to remain anonymous. But she missed getting to her school’s yearbooks in time. Cult of the 1st Amendment saved the day by capturing it for posterity. Highlight?

1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 [that year’s yearbook at her school Holton-Arms] published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, “boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”.

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

After viewing a few pages from Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbook, you can see why she can’t remember specifically where or when she was supposedly drunkenly pawed by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh. You can also see why the yearbook pages were scrubbed from the Internet — but not before Cult of the 1st Amendment saved them:

They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.

The Kavanaugh pawing supposedly happened in 1982, during the summer after her sophomore year…

10th grade seems to have been a ritual initiation into the “Holton party scene”. Another sophomore girl threw multiple all night benders, the highlight of which featured a male erotic dancer in gold g-string…

1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 [that year’s yearbook at her school Holton-Arms] published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, “boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”.


Scribe 84 is the yearbook for her senior year. Her name was Christine Blasey in high school, often referred to as “Chrissy”. In the image, Blasey is pictured at a Halloween party in her junior year. The caption on the right says:

“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

1982 was a particularly wild year and Scribe 82 published multiple pictures of minors drinking heavily, beer cans stacked up, liquor repeatedly glorified, boys, beer and “the ‘Zoo’ atmosphere”. The caption on the right side of the image mocks the faculty and parents, “Come on, you’re really too young to drink.”

Wander over to Cult of the 1st Amendment for the rest of the story including the pics out of the yearbooks.

H/T: Moonbattery


21 Responses to “Christine Blasey Ford School Yearbooks – Debauchery, Drinking and Vice”

  1. Mustang Says:

    I think I had heavy petting with Christie once, a long, long time ago. No, wait … that was Peter. See, we went over to her house only to find out that she had company. Company A, Company B, and H&S Company. Well, I gave up and went home … but I didn’t see Peter again for three weeks. That’s all I’m going to say about that …

    Liked by 3 people

  2. dave drake Says:

    That’s a lot of scrubbing. Had to be a coordinated effort.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. the unit Says:

    Duh! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. petermc3 Says:

    Hopefully some detective work will be done to track down the Gorsuch letter. Even if found though the demoleft will be unswayed and remain prepared to impeach Kavanaugh, if confirmed, and president Trump should they take over the House and/or Senate in November. A liberal SCOTUS is just as if not more important than a democrat in the WH.
    P.S. Was she and Is she still as homely looking as she appears in her yearbook? If so as a baby her mother would have had to hang a pork chop around her neck to get the dogs to play with her. As for high school boys, her ankles behind her ears would suffice….

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Steve Dennis Says:

    So you are saying she is not as innocent as she is pretending to be? 🙂 At least she was not able to erase all of her history, wouldn’t you love to see what was on social media before she came forward?!

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Maybe just a smidgen!! I wouldn’t be surprised if a bit of it is found before this total nonsense is over… there are still a few bloggers left who will scout around such as this one who figured out it would be scrubbed and had the sense to capture it.

      Liked by 1 person

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