Feinstein and Rosenstein’s 300 Prosecutors work to find dirt on Kavanaugh


Apparently this last bit of “Show and Tell” from Diane Feinstein isn’t going anywhere or is it? We hear her latest info is being turned over to the White House. Of course it is. Let’s make it look like the Trump outfit is hiding something. Is this the last dud to be lobbed?

If so, it wasn’t for the lack of trying.



The New York Times reported:

 Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, has asked federal prosecutors to help review the government documents of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, according to a letter obtained by The New York Times on Wednesday.

Mr. Rosenstein’s request was an unusual insertion of politics into federal law enforcement. While the Justice Department has helped work on previous Supreme Court nominations, department lawyers in Washington typically carry out that task, not prosecutors who pursue criminal investigations nationwide.

But in an email sent this week to the nation’s 93 United States attorneys, Mr. Rosenstein asked each office to provide up to three federal prosecutors “who can make this important project a priority for the next several weeks.” Names were to be submitted to Mr. Rosenstein’s office by the end of Wednesday.

For more see earlier post:

AG Rosenstein asks Federal Prosecutors to ‘help’ with Kavanaugh paperwork!! WTH!


Now the latest on the Feinstein do over:

The FBI is declining to investigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s connection to a Democratic senator’s mysterious claim that troubling ‘information’ had come to her – information reportedly concerning sexual misconduct when he was in high school.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Feinstein received a letter about the unspecified allegations against Kavanaugh ‘this summer’ – meaning she may have held onto it for dramatic effect at an inopportune moment for Republicans.

Debra Katz, a Washington, D.C. lawyer best known for representing women who make ‘#MeToo’-style accusations against powerful men, is reportedly representing the unnamed woman. Katz was seen leaving Capitol Hill on Wednesday night.

Feinstein is the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, which is considering Kavanaugh’s nomination.  Republicans are pushing to confirm him to the Supreme Court by Oct. 1, when its next term begins.

A tight-lipped Feinstein had released a cryptic statement saying that the woman who provided the information about Kavanaugh ‘strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision.’ More at the

Daily Mail