Reports of Syria Removing Its Chemical Weapons Were Greatly Exaggerated

Will the Obama regime including Clinton ever be held accountable for the mistakes that have cost hundreds of thousands of lives? Let us never forget the “Arab Spring”

Looks like the celebration started by the Democrats a bit early.

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Kerry,Clinton’s sorry Syrian policy has led to this? 

Reporters aren’t interested in exploring aspects of Clinton’s job as Secretary  of State. One such comment not getting attention is her 2011 labeling of Bashar  al-Assad, the man almost  certainly (maybe) behind a devastating chemical weapons attack, as a “reformer.”

On the March 27, 2011, Clinton insisted, “There’s a different leader in  Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to  Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.” (The Washington  Post gave this remark three Pinocchios. Clinton later backtracked.)  Yet, ABC, NBC and CBS have not reexamined the comments in the wake of the attack  or its accuracy.

Uploaded on Mar 31, 2011. Included in the clip is her take on the wonders of the administration’s actions in Libya as well. 


25 Responses to “Reports of Syria Removing Its Chemical Weapons Were Greatly Exaggerated”


    another case of Obamamizing truth .. kind of like “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” in “The Wizard of Oz. Our golfing gnome no longer occupies the superior position on the mushroom of state so let us rejoice in that fact if in no other.

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  2. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing – Br Andrew's Muses Says:

    […] Reports of Syria Removing Its Chemical Weapons Were Greatly Exaggerated […]

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  3. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Reports of Syria Removing Its Chemical Weapons Were Greatly Exaggerated […]

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  4. Steve Dennis Says:

    Either they were lying back then of they are lying now. We don’t know for sure who really is responsible for the attack. I tend to believe Assad never gave up his chemical weapons despite the Obama regime’s claims however it is still possible he was not responsible for this attack, I just do not know and I hope we do not rush into any action on this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      i agree… either way, the weapons should not have been there. Either way, Syria was on a slow burn and sooner or later it was going to come to a head. 11 Million homeless were going somewhere. No attention was given to 500,000 deaths…..


  5. Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

    Chill, people. Did you think everything was going to be fixed overnight? President Trump is playing the long game here. The chemical attacks – which were not from Assad – were meant to push President Trump into changing his mind about Assad AND they are a distraction from what President Trump is trying to accomplish with Egypt, Jordan, and our other allies in the ME. There’s a very good reason both those heads of state were here this week.

    President Trump is not fooled by isis/al qaeda attempts to frame Assad. As Mustang said, Assad is not stupid. He is not going to gas people just after President Trump has said the Syrian people choose their leader – not us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      While I tend to hear your point, in the end, who knows for sure. We are talking wackos. We can easily fall into the trap of thinking that these people are rational thinking people. For whatever reason, gas has always been a feared method of dying. The rescuers were bombed apparently as well. We have this nut job in North Korea rattling around, Sadam gassed 50,000 kurds,, Hitler gassed 6 million jews. Whatever the truth is, there is genocide going on the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades. His planes need to be put out of business, and safe zones developed. Period. 11 Million are displaced and they are coming our way if they are not settled back home.


    • LadyRavenSDC Says:

      Laura – “Chill, people” – “long game” – it is so hard to do at times – thank God there are more intelligent people out there than me because sometimes I just react! Like I did on this. Fortunately I have sites I read that have people like you with a lot more knowledge than I have to give me either facts that cannot be refuted or “thoughts” to be considered – which help me “chill!” Thank you.

      See –

      As important as Sundance’s piece, see comments section – in particular this one by navysquid (which right now is top of last comments page) and those that follow after –

      navysquid says:
      April 5, 2017 at 12:32 pm
      My thoughts here…apologize if this has already been covered above. This is NOT an attack by Assad and his gov’t. Sundance’s analysis is correct here. The Syrian gov’t was NOT responsible for the attack in 2013 as well. Think strategically here that neither attack, 2013 or this one, would have benefited the Assad gov’t. Both of these attacks were false flag attacks to have the appearance of blame on Assad though it was counter to what Assad’s overall goals (security of his country).

      In past posts I have made here regarding the unmasking, AQ – ISIS, etc and varying other posts I have talked about counter intelligence. A successful CI program is where an attack or nefarious action takes place and the appearance is the enemy you WANT to be blamed. The question in these chemical attacks is who is to benefit? Assad? or ISIS / al Nusra / White Helmets / McCain – CIA backed Syrian rebels? One should follow the latter groups per all that was pointed out by Sundance in his article. Why would Assad carry out an attack LIKE THIS right before entering into negotiations? Why would Russia ALLOW this which has a very heavy hand in the country?

      As far as the attack itself, sarin it is NOT!! Sarin is a persistent agent and used for killing the initial victims and then keeping out any other personnel as the agent lasts and anyone touching any ground, person, building structures – homes, furniture, etc will die as well or be seriously affected. Look at the photos and alleged medical workers are handling without any gloves or any protective suits…they would be dead! Having spent 7 years in Iraq. I can say almost with 95% certainty this is a chlorine attack. I will also say that the SU-22 aircraft used in the destruction of the quarry / warehouse do not have the capability to carry chemical weapons on that aircraft. What has more that likely happened is the compound was attacked that was used as a ISIS / al Nusra or White Helmet location that had chlorine agents inside thus exposing those in the area.

      My caveat to the above is that I have witnessed first hand MANY staged attacks by AQI in Iraq to play our morals against us. Recall that there were over 250 kidnapped people from PRO-Assad towns of Majdal and Khattab that were found in this attack. So were these people already killed by chlorine gas (likely) and then spread all over the ground? What were kids doing around this compound and quarry? This all stinks…

      PDJT needs to have those in my community to be able to break through his gatekeepers with the facts that are more logical…THIS is a false flag attack possibly carried out with assistance by our side to bring us into a war with Russia. In the intelligence world, one of the first questions is WHO benefits and WHY?

      Liked by 3 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Either way, I do think with a minimum of risk, we should be willing to put some effort into seeing safe zones set up with no fly zones. We can’t have 11 million loaded up in refugee camps forever. Let Egypt and Jordan do the heavy lifting. It’s in their interest.


      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        So nice to see you Lady R! I still read the posts at the TreeHouse, but Sundance banned me from commenting because I pointed out that he was wrong on a Constitutional power.

        People aren’t more intelligent than you. It’s a matter of some having more info, being privy to the plan, knowing facts that are kept hidden from the rest of us.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Lady R, I was just reading a post and SD thinks Assad’s ousting may be what the ‘Freedom Alliance’ (that’s what SD calls them) – Egypt, Jordan, Israel, PA, and Saudi Arabia – believe is necessary for them to move forward and bring peace to the area.

        I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care. I would like to put up a closed sign on our borders and tell the world not to bother us….cause if they do….they’re not gonna like how we respond. I don’t give a shit, bomb the hell outta all of ’em!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Mustang Says:

    Intelligence has become so politicized that we can no longer rely on “reports” of this nature. If Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, then he has got to be one of the dumbest creatures on the planet. Al-Assad is not a stupid man. He is well educated. So then we should wonder who is standing behind the curtain. My guess is that Syrian rebels had these agents, and that these agents were released quite by mistake during a routine conventional bombing. Now let us discover who it is supporting the rebels. We can begin with Sunni Arabs in Saudi Arabia and end with morons such as John McCain. Why should Saudis want to use chemical weapons? We have to keep in mind how devious is the Arab mind; the Saudis would not hesitate to sanction a chemical attack on a Syrian neighborhood, particularly if they could convince a dim-witted west (Trump, McCain, Theresa May) that it was al-Assad that did it. I wish western leaders would keep a tight lip after such events; otherwise they demonstrate how gullible they are and become useful idiots to the Arab regimes.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      You have said what has been rolling around in my head. What was there to gain by this? Not much… as I said elsewhere, whats the difference in killing people.. a bomb or a gas is the same death.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. petermac3 Says:

    …meanwhile back at the ranch Trump has spoken out of both sides of his mouth on the Syrian problem within days. It seems unlikely he will last four years as he takes on the mantle of a sheep surrounded by wolves. Conversely a despicable pathological liar and criminal like Clinton would be hailed for finishing the destruction of what Obama left her as she schemed to seek out a third term. What a mess.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Linda Says:

      unfort…I don’t think Trump has the right folks in place to deal with this problem…and what a big problem it is…sigh. I think he is proving that “Draining the Swamp” isn’t as easy as he thinks it is. “Draining the Swamp” goes deep…way deeper than anyone thinks.

      Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Death is death either by a bullet or a gas. It is a singular event. I wish someone would explain that the 500,000 deaths or so in Syria are meaningless so far and we could look the other way, but a hundred by gas causes a war.

      Liked by 4 people

  8. Linda Says:

    I’ll tell you, Obama and the others with their “Global” nonsense has left us in a world of hurt (no pun intended). What a mess Trump has inherited. Time to deal with these folks for once and for all. Blow up their air bases, totally dismantling their forces, no need to set humans on the ground. I’m afraid, though, Assad is not the only bad guy…and one is waiting in the wings to take over. It truly is a never ending situation, isn’t it?

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  9. Brittius Says:

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