Do you want Mexican or Muslim Immigrants?

The bottom line is that we are not having enough children to sustain our culture. Here is a sobering clip done almost ten years ago.

Islamic Population Projections (Created in 2008)

This video was produced almost a decade ago, and was actually shown on the floor of the U.N. General Assembly in 2009. The research and data was solid, but it could not have projected the wave of refugees or the terrorism we’ve seen that accompanied this population explosion.

H/T:Ninety Miles From Tyranny

32 Responses to “Do you want Mexican or Muslim Immigrants?”

  1. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Do you want Mexican or Muslim Immigrants? […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    To watch as Mexican stand up at City Council and say “I am legal and I LOVE AMERICA” is heartening…my blog will have it tomorrow.
    But yes….America’s bad but Europe’s birthrate is even lower…..all I see in L.A. are baby strollers, mostly white Moms… Europe, you see few. Scary times. If the immigrants came legally and wanted to participate in the American culture, FINE! I am never surprised when a Mexican I meet is one of the nicest, kindest people ever……it happens constantly. But the difference of Multi ETHNIC and Multi CULTURAL are so important; I wish the Left understood it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      A good point Z….. Still waiting to hear from all those moderate Muslims I keep being told are out there.


      • geeez2014 Says:

        I believe they exist, but wouldn’t marching in the thousands go a LONG way with us? So far….nary a ONE 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        I just can’t get with this hijab thingy… the veil for real believers.. For women in the western world???


      • geeez2014 Says:

        Bunk; who’s suggesting it for women in the western world? I must have missed something…
        The veil’s fine for believers, that really doesn’t bug me….even the Bible says women should wear something on their heads….for Christians and Jews, actually… I just hate seeing hijabs because of what they stand for as far as radicalism….most muslim who wear them in the US probably don’t espouse radical islam.
        Carlson tonight’s interviewing a guy on how dangerous radical islam is for gays and how OUR American guys hate US but don’t complain about Arab countries considering it ILLEGAL to be gay and KILLING them!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Z.. your latest comment: I was at a water park lately. The women were not permitted in the pool and had their hijab on sitting under the trees.. The men and boy- youngsters were in the water having a wonderful time. It did it for me……


      • Mustang Says:

        I’m sure that like the unicorn, moderate Moslems do exist. It is only that no one has ever seen them.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    Mark Stein wrote a book on this called “America Alone.” He said Europe was already lost due to decreasing birthrates and were importing their population. Muslims have something like 5 children per family so over the course of years eventually they will be the majority in those countries. The same thing is happening in America as well but not to the point it has happened in Europe. It is pretty sobering…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mustang Says:

    We are facing today the exact same set of circumstances that confronted Rome. Romans, once a proud and fierce people, gave way to multiculturalism. Roman youth, who were once taught to value their history and culture, became apathetic about such things as civic virtue. They learned that rather than serving Rome in uniform, they could pay a slave to do it for them. Over time, the lack of civic virtue led Rome to enlist non-Romans into their armies; they finally arrived at this conclusion: let the conquered peoples defend Rome, which we all know did not turn out quite as well as the Romans had hoped.

    I see no problem with immigrants coming here, provided that they become Americans. Muslims have no intention of becoming us; nor the Mexicans — who’s contributions to humanity has been minimal.

    Let’s discuss that for a moment. For nearly 800 years, the Moors maintained possession of the Iberian peninsula and as a consequence, the gene pool was forever destroyed; once blond haired blue eyed Iberians became a forever dark skinned and slow minded people. The problem was made worse when the Spaniards went to the new world and combined their already destroyed DNA with African and native populations. As but one example of how deficient the natives were in the new world, 600 Spaniards conquered 26 million people. Thus, how can we expect much of anything from the Mexican, a byproduct of these deplorable circumstances?

    So no, I do not object to immigration; I only insist that those who come here can actually contribute something to our society. Failing that, we do not need them. More than that, they will only end up destroying us.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks for the necessary review of history that I doubt many school kids learn about. I was fortunate in college to take Western Civ that included primary sources from the time in history in which we were studying. How well I recall the Roman period. Let us take only the brightest and best from Europe and Asia… and anyone else who can recite the constitution including the preamble, in relatively good health and able to provide for themselves. Yes… I am a bigot because I love my country. The world is a better place because of our sacrifices.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Always On Watch Says:

      That accurate history lesson is no longer taught in any schools or universities as far as I know.

      But back when I was in college (1969-1972, a Spanish major), we did actually learn about and discuss those particular unpleasant truths. Any professor today who brings up that information is summarily dismissed and blackballed. The pernicious influence of Howard Zinn rules academia today.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        I attended college a few years later AOW… I was blessed to have faculty that brought history alive. We would have active debates on both points of view. We learned critical thinking.What a loss as these Profs would have no chance of tenure now.


  5. Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

    Um….no immigrants??? Why do we need people from other countries moving here? I think we have quite enough people in this Country already.

    I’m being deadly serious. There is absolutely no reason to let anyone through our borders beyond tourists or students – foreign students who pay an arm and a leg to study here – with absolutely no government assistance. In fact, it should be illegal for foreigners to receive any kind of government assistance.

    No one gets in.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      That is my first thought. But white America is not replacing itself. We are getting older and require younger ones to support our bloated in debt country as well as taking care of us. If we did not allow one more immigrant, we still are doomed as a “white” country. Unless we only allow white Europeans to immigrate.


      • petermac3 Says:

        Only white Europeans fleeing the Muslim onslaught would emigrate to this country but that seems an impossibility since they have and continue to welcome the Muslim savages with open arms. Now why would they leave their Valhalla for a hellish country lagging so far behind in the race to be overwhelmed by the Islamic hoards? Huh?


      • bunkerville Says:

        Peter you raise an interesting perspective. Perhaps after they stone a few of their wives and chop off their hands they might reconsider?


      • bunkerville Says:

        Either a slow death or a quick one. That is about what she wrote. Wasn’t the hay day of the Romans about 350 years or so? Think we are running out of time……


    • petermac3 Says:

      Our population has doubled in my lifetime. The next doubling of the population will put it at 700-800 million. Imagine the redistributed dollars needed to float the government entitlement programs, imagine the number of working tax paying serfs needed to pay for the non-working non tax paying government “clients?” Surely we’ll need the third world’s pond scum to help sink the republic since we don’t have the numbers to do it on our own.


  6. Just Simply Linda Says:

    What a sobering thought….we were discussing something similar the other evening…I agree with you, Brittius…I remember growing up with grandparents and parents who stated, “Marry your own kind, stay within your culture.” Some would call that racist…pretty sure the snowflakes today would…unfort. the good Lord only blessed me with one child…and looks like he isn’t go lucky to produce kids of his own anytime soon . Just my thoughts….some thoughts.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Not only that but they are now taught to hate their own race. White now is the new bad, to be shunned and ostracized.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Just Simply Linda Says:

        oh yeah…believe me, I learned that semester…dropped a whole letter grade because I disagreed…shaking my head.

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    • Brittius Says:

      Thank you; Growing up, we too, were told not to go “mixing”, and stay within our own people. My maternal grandfather was a bit bent out of shape because he wanted to “fix” me up with some girl who came over from Italy, and my grandfather was pisans with her grandfather. Well, at least my wife of 44 years is Italian-American.
      Of the things I do recall and can state, my paternal grandfather graduated New York University in 1914. He spoke several languages. Was very big on reading. Instilled the importance of reading and comprehension in all of his grandchildren. When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, my reading comprehension level was first year college level. He was pleased, but not satisfied. He taught me how to read a financial page. Me, being a typical cork, used the skill to read the horse racing papers. Hey, I lived in Brooklyn, c’mon. But, I was drilled over and over about the importance of work. I started doing concrete work at age 12, swinging a 16 pound sledge hammer and mixing concrete. In high school, I worked building demolition at nights, and went to school during the day. I was in a building collapse, where the regular workers ran, and I was buried in the cellar nine hours until my mother was worried and called the boss because I did not go home, and he, ran to the collapse sight, digging by hand. I had just enough air to call out. I did not make it to school because there was only an hour or two from when they dug me out. My grandfather announces that I am okay, and tells me, that I am okay, and the following night, I was at another demolition job, swinging a 12 pound sledge hammer, and when finished, went home got a couple hours sleep and got ready for school. I can’t even begin to tell you, that over the years, I think of all that, when I used to arrest the typical welfare scroat, who dropped out of school, was on drugs, and any little boo-boo, they want an ambulance to take them to the hospital.
      It comes down to, what the family’s fabric is made of, and whether children are taught or simply tolerated.

      Liked by 4 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Thanks for telling your story which is similar to many of us who are getting long in the tooth. I had a similar experience working in the family business since a child. Hard work, long hours while tooling through college. No regrets.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Just Simply Linda Says:

        yep…agree…we were just discussing this last night…how things have changed and not for the better…sigh

        Liked by 1 person

  7. petermac3 Says:

    The irony of this is whether in Europe or in North America it is the aging white politicians, with their white and now black and Latino minority constituencies keeping them in office in perpetuity, whose policies in the name of self interest are condemning western civilization to a slow, Chinese water torture like death.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      So true. And not much different here. There was a time not so long ago when we picked and chose which countries and how many from each. They had to be in good health and able to support themselves. So much for our old white politicians.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius and commented:
    Decades ago, it was commonly said that fewer children in a family, increased the odds for success of the child, rather than competing with siblings and poverty.
    Why is it, that a choice presented is of either Mexican or Muslim, when the vast majority of peoples who built America were European, and the ones held at the back of the immigration line are, from Europe? About 99% of the vital skills and asylum seekers are bogus or forged. The Europeans have skilled people plus, European people, are not above picking up a shovel and pick, and doing a twelve hour workday, six days a week, as normal, while most other groups coming into America only want to scam the system and eventually go on welfare or strike it rich in a lawsuit against employers? The entire immigration system needs to be overhauled radically. Benefits and entitlements for immigrants needs to be overhauled radically. Those people in America as citizens and commonly neglected, whether hispanic, black, or Native American, need a new system to get them up off the ground, and give them trade skills and jobs rather than welfare and generational neglect. It could be in the form of Workfare, that Giuliani started in NYC, and people hated it because they had to work. But they ended up off welfare. They ended up with paying jobs. They ended up independent for maybe once in their lifetime. Idle people migrate towards crime, because an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop. So what next? Higher crime, higher court expenses and higher incarceration, all, a further burden on the taxpayers. Then they want welfare and food stamps before (BEFORE!), they come out of prison, and they return to their leisurely life and again get into some criminal activities. Drugs and prostitution, to name only two plagues.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      If you read between the lines, it is those of us who are white who are losing the culture war. I leave it to others to connect the dots…. thanks for your comments and I agree for the most part. As far a evolution, advanced species have fewer offspring…. But we are an aging white population and cultures need a vibrant offspring to sustain itself.

      Liked by 4 people

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