Hillary Clinton supports a fence not a wall on Mexican border

Here is something on the lighter side for a Saturday. Hilary and a spin-a-rama. She supports a fence not a wall. But of course. As long as one can climb over the thing.

17 Responses to “Hillary Clinton supports a fence not a wall on Mexican border”

  1. geeez2014 Says:

    Wow..a FENCE? And don’t you love her reaction to the question, the smugness, and then the litany of Democrats who REALLY CARD and the nasty REPUBLICANS who USED to care? SHe NEVER QUITS. I think that ugliness in her tone and visage is what’s diminishing her standing even in leftwing polls. Hurrah!! But, then you hear Bernie and wonder “could I listen to that voice for four YEARS?” Or what’s being said by it, of course.
    So easy to run as a Democrat; promise them EVERYTHING and never say how you can pay for it.
    PUT UP A FENCE…….. a FENCE? That’s an OFF-FENCE to us all.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Rifleman III Says:

    I’m linking the article but for some reason my PC is not working and I cannot see the video. Started last evening. Sorry.

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  3. Hillary Clinton supports a fence not a wall on Mexican border | Rifleman III Journal Says:

    […] Source: Hillary Clinton supports a fence not a wall on Mexican border […]

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  4. petermc3 Says:

    A hundred years ago before PC ruled the land we used to call PF Flyers (brand of sneakers) Puerto Rican Fence Climbers. Maybe the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation could fly truckloads of PFC’s to the Mexican side of the border and the coyotes could sell them to the potential fence climbers. First though Nike would buy the brand name.

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