Hillary Clinton faces tough questions – well, almost!

For today, something on the lighter side. Now that Hillary is out and about, answering those set up tough questions that have her sweating bullets, I thought I would give you this. Enjoy. (I think I enjoyed her dancing on Ellen a bit more.)

19 Responses to “Hillary Clinton faces tough questions – well, almost!”

  1. Steve Dennis Says:

    Those were really great questions? And those were coming from the voters? Have we really sunk this low? Don’t answer that…yes we have. That laugh, I cannot get passed it. What is so funny about liking martinis? She tries too hard to sound like a normal person but she cannot pull it off!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mcnorman Says:

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  3. Cry and Howl Says:

    Wow! She fielded those tuffies with ease!

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  4. petermc3 Says:

    Ms Clinton is it true you keep an aardvark in your basement?
    Hahahahaha…I keep my e-mail server in the basement…hahahahaha
    I keep the aardvark in my bathroom…hahahahahaha
    Ms Clinton where does Huma sleep?
    Hahahahaha..you all know she sleeps in the bedroom….hahahahaha

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  5. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.

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  6. Mustang Says:

    The individuals posing such questions have no idea about the depth of their own stupidity.

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  7. lafayetteangel Says:

    If those were hard questions, I hate to see what easy questions were.

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  8. wyowanderer Says:

    “I thought those were good questions ”
    Says all you need to know about the corrupt media.

    Liked by 1 person

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