Guess whose coming to Hillary’s Dinner contest? Illegals invited

Talk about sticking to us. With all of the coverage regarding illegals and their criminal behavior, one would think that Hillary would want to keep a low profile on her “having Dinner with Hillary contest.” How about a terrorist or two? Give Trump credit. At least he has this topic front and center. It will be fun to see if Hillary gets any questions regarding immigration on her first interview tonight. The first in ages.

The Hillary Clinton campaign’s “Dinner With Hillary” contest has slightly different fine print than past Clinton campaign contests. The rules have been altered so as not to explicitly exclude illegal immigrants from entering.

As The Daily Caller reported, the Clinton campaign’s “Meet Hillary” contest, which closed for entries June 5, prohibited DREAMers from entering or winning prizes.

“Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 states, DC or Puerto Rico and 18 or older (or age of majority under applicable law),” according to that contest’s fine print.

But the new “Dinner With Hillary” contest, which closes for entries July 30, is open to citizens and non-citizens alike.

Read more: Daily Caller

P.S. Added thought – I thought it was illegal for non residents to contribute to election campaigns? Thus the original language.

24 Responses to “Guess whose coming to Hillary’s Dinner contest? Illegals invited”

  1. My Article Read (7-8-2015) | My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Guess whose coming to Hillary’s Dinner contest? Illegals invited […]


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    You are right, she is just throwing this in our faces at this point. Hopefully this will backfire on her but I doubt it but at least the issue of sanctuary cities is in the news. How is it that they get away with violating federal law and nothing is done about it while states like Arizona get sued? Rhetorical question…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. silverfiddle Says:

    Can we finally, once and for all, dispense with the “hiding in the shadows” nonsense?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Yes, they are hiding aren’t they? Just when I could not take one more day of the rebel flag nonsense, we have moved on to the Hispanic thing. Typical Alinsky move..


  4. Jersey McJones Says:

    Illegal immigrants commit less crime than citizens, as do all foreign born people in general. It makes sense as they have to keep out of trouble because of their status.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 Says:

    Like “illegal” matters at all to Hillary, right? 🙂
    This is astonishing. They WILL be voting soon, the illegals…..I’d make a bit bet on that and win.
    Unbelievable, what’s happened to America. The minute the people of a country don’t respect it, think it’s nothing but warmongers and racists, and ignores all the good (particularly in this country!), a country simply cannot survive. Throw in teaching children that tolerance is more important than values, and you’re sunk.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Petermc3 Says:

    In our brave new Obama Rino world nothing is illegal except to call illegals illegals. And don’t worry about illegals making campaign donations to the lefty candidates; all their hard earned untaxed american dollars go south of our non-existent border.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Brittius Says:

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  8. Always On Watch Says:

    Grinding down our sovereign nation.

    No nation can remain a sovereign nation with porous borders.

    Of course, Hillary — and RINOs — don’t want American to be a sovereign nation. They are “one worlders.”

    Liked by 1 person

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