Warren slams Clintons at AFL-CIO meeting

How about a feel good moment for the day? Fauxahontas Liz is on the war path, and looks like she would love to skin Hillary alive. Bill is high on her list as well,

In some her strongest language yet, liberal icon Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) slammed economic policies embraced over the years by both Bill and Hillary Clinton in remarks today before an AFL-CIO conference.Insurgent progressive potential presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren took aim at the Clinton legacy during a major labor summit on Wednesday.

The Massachusetts senator slammed the deregulation of Wall Street under former President Bill Clinton’s watch and dismissed his contention that the “era of big government” was over, according to video obtained by America Rising.

“Pretty much the whole Republican Party, and if we’re going to be honest too many Dems, have talked about the evils of Big Government and called for deregulation,” Warren told the AFL-CIO Summit on Raising Wages.

Clinton oversaw the repeal of the core of the Glass-Steagall Act, allowing financial institutions to operate as investment, insurance, and commercial banking operations. Warren blamed the withdrawal of such financial regulations for the 2008 market crash and economic recession.

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