Obama and his Civilian security force

As we watch as our various police forces are intentionally demoralized and worse, let’s think about connecting the dots. The man made the statement below numerous times. Yet not one person questioned what Obama meant. No doubt Valerie knew. Al Sharpton knew. Ms Piven knew. And Obama continues to gut the military.

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set,” Obama said.  “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

That is what the man said.

Now we see, perhaps, then-Candidate Obama’s intent re-emerging — not through the creation of a voluntary service program, but through the co-opting of various government agencies to suppress those whom this administration perceives as enemies.

– The IRS has been used to target Tea Party groups and has leaked private information about other conservative organizations, such as the National Organization for Marriage.

-The EPA has been heaping monstrous regulations upon the U.S. coal industry in order to, essentially, kill it.

– When Tea Partiers organized a small protest/press conference in front of the IRS in Washington, D.C. last May, Homeland Security vehicles outnumbered the Tea Partier attendees.  Homeland Security’s overbearing, disproportionate presence was intimidating, as intended.

Even more disturbing is this: what we are now witnessing may also be a test to see if U.S. civil servants are willing to suppress their consciences and falsify their beliefs in order to continue to “fit in” at work.  After all, IRS, EPA, Homeland Security, and U.S Park Service employees can reassure themselves, saying, “I’m only doing my job.”

Read more: American Thinker which was written last year.

18 Responses to “Obama and his Civilian security force”

  1. My Article Read (12-23-2014) (12-24-2014) | My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Obama and his Civilian security force […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    I’ve always said policemen won’t go against Americans no matter what gov’t is in power….yes, money talks but going against friends/family/countryman is pretty extreme. Maybe I’m naive.

    So now Biden’s going to the funeral of the 2 cops….talk about photo op.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Petermc3 Says:

    To partially answer your question as to where the loyalties of the everyday ho-hum employee at the state and local bureaucracy level lies the obvious answer should be: follow the paycheck. As for the peeps at the top, we know that a stiff prick has no conscience.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jersey McJones Says:

    He’s just talking about the need to address national security issues here at home where posse comitatus eliminates the military role. You guys are paranoid idiots.



  5. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    I never thought I’d see the majority of Americans willing to go quietly into the night; but that is exactly what I’ve been seeing. Now, just maybe, the Libs have gone a bridge too far. We are beginning to see some push back. Let’s hope it doesn’t fizzle out.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Always On Watch Says:

    At the moment, Obama’s plan for federalizing local police departments seems to be backfiring. I hope so.

    That said, I think that we are going to see more slayings of police officers.

    Liked by 2 people

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