Holder: ‘Racist cops like those in Ferguson ‘Threaten the entire Nation’

Of course the Media is more than happy to oblige the Emperor and knock off any other story from gaining any traction. Forget Immigration, Forget the Planes that the Terrorists have in mind for us, forget the IRS scandal, forget ISIS. Let us beat the drum for race riots. There, that should do it. Holder’s remarks at a Black Church. Anyone recall this one?

WASHINGTON — The problems put on display after the death of Michael Brown in the small St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri, in August “are truly national in scope and that threaten the entire nation,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a speech on Monday.Holder, speaking at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, said the nation needs to confront the broken relationship between many law enforcement agencies and the communities that they are supposed to serve.

“Broadly speaking, without mutual understanding between citizens — whose rights must be respected — and law enforcement officers — who make tremendous and often-unheralded personal sacrifices every day to preserve public safety — there can be no meaningful progress,” Holder said in prepared remarks. “Our police officers cannot be seen as an occupying force disconnected from the communities they serve. Bonds that have been broken must be restored. Bonds that never existed must now be created.”