DHS launches ‘Environmental Justice’ unit

Don’t say Bunkerville didn’t tell you this was coming. I encourage you to read the DHS  Environmental Justice Strategy document with the latest move on our freedom. Another four years of this nonsense and their mission will be complete.

Is the DHS’ new “environmental justice” program just a bureaucratic nod to fashionable ‘green’ mandates, or will we see the federal government getting involved in seizing property under authoritarian eco zoning laws as is already happening across the country with city and state governments under the auspices of  UN’s Agenda 21? – from Maggie’s Notebook- is your town on the list?

We wondered why the ammo and the DHS adding bullet proof Gurad booths to its arsenal? and the DHS buying 450 million rounds of new bullets

In the document, the DHS says the idea is to “include environmental justice practices in our larger mission efforts involving federal law enforcement and emergency response activities” and to incorporate environmental justice in “securing the homeland”.

The DHS sees its role in promoting “environmental justice” as not just limited to overseeing reviews of its own operations, but also “through regulatory permitting activities” in conjunction with state, local and tribal governments.

“It will take not one, but two DHS units to “ensure the success” of the environmental justice strategy,” reports Power Line. “But wait, there’s more! “Four other headquarters offices provide critical support for . . . successfully implementing this strategy.” But if you’re a lowly TSA agent not under one of those six offices, not to worry—you’re considered an eco-warrior, too: “Every Component of the Department has a role, some larger, some smaller, in ensuring that environmental justice has been considered in securing the homeland without placing disproportionate burdens on the health and environment of low income populations and minority populations.”  H/T:Prison Planet

Recall last years post: DHS strips Coast Guard of Border Security, but will now do Global Warming

“She is creating a new department under Homeland Security called the Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force, which will be tasked with “identifying and assessing the impact that climate change could have on the missions and operations of the Department of Homeland Security.”

Janet Napalitano: “Many USCG [Coast Guard] and Customs and Border Protection facilities, by their mission, are located in the coastal zone which will be adversely impacted by sea level rise.  Costs will increase for protecting existing facilities from the impacts of sea level rise and some facilities might have to be abandoned in the longer term.” What assistance can the Coast Guard bring to bear to assist remote villages in, for example, Alaska which already have been negatively affected by changes up in the Arctic?”