Obama: “I don’t happen to agree in a Missile Defense System

By now almost everyone has heard Obama’s remarks to the Russians regarding “giving him space” until after his last election. A bit of a reminder of what he thinks of missile defense. Anyone still wondering what another four years of him will bring? Short and sweet. Update: Maggie’s Notebook has a great post today Bolton: Obama missile defense firebell in the night a sign of weakness

 “I don’t happen to believe in missile Defense Systems”.

25 Responses to “Obama: “I don’t happen to agree in a Missile Defense System”

  1. Teresa Rice Says:

    A missile defense system might actually be beneficial to our security. Obama wouldn’t want that, though.


  2. Always On Watch Says:

    Obama is clearly making every effort to reduce our military might and our defense systems.

    A weak military will bring doom upon us all!


    • bunkerville Says:

      All the pieces are coming together tin foil hats and all AOW. One would have to be blind not to see what this is all about. Read Germany in the 1930’s thats all.


  3. lynecj Says:

    BHO is a Muslim moron usurper – you can be sure of that, among other things. Follow the money and it leads right back to his pay pals – G. Soros – the lobbyists monkeys that turn tricks, demorats, the commies, the congress, Pelosi that thinks Obamacare is so-ooo great. She is the worst, EVAH! God only knows where the $$$ is coming from, a bottomless pit where Obama & friends will abide throughout eternity. Not to worry, they won’t need oil there, but will need air conditioning that won’t be available. hahahahaha


    • bunkerville Says:

      I think I got your drift 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


      • lynecj Says:

        Any Time, Any Place
        A lady I knew of was working in an antique store for her daughter while she had to tend to some business around town. The phone rang: all of a sudden the lady couldn’t remember the name of the shop, so she answered the phone: “Any Time, Any Place” the man on the other end of the phone said:
        “OK mam, I’ll be right there.” BTW the name of the antique shop was, “A Place In Time.”


  4. Maggie@MaggiesNotebook Says:

    Thanks for the heads up. Linked you in mine. So many ways to weaken this great Nation. Obama knows them all.


  5. Bolton: Obama Missile Defense Firebell in the Night – Sign of Weakness | Maggie's Notebook Says:

    […] The bottom line: Obama doesn’t believe in a missile defense system. Hear it from his own mouth… […]


  6. silverfiddle Says:

    A missile defense system would’t be fair…


  7. Cheryl Pass Says:

    Why would you support defensive missile systems when global Communism is your goal?
    Another question is…what constitutes treason these days? I guess we are supposed to believe the Russians are just benign buddies of ours these days? Did Obama look into Medvedev’s eyes and decide he can trust him? Sure.

    With the Clinton’s it was China. With Obama it is Russia. Who are these people and what in the name of God are they doing in our government at all?


    • bunkerville Says:

      There must be a puppet master – how else could this have happened. It is almost as if most of the American people have been drugged not to figure out that this borg is destroying our civilization. Just a handful have figured out this whole deal. Scary isnt it?


    • republican mother Says:

      Ding! we have a winner. Follow the money and you will find the vampire squid with its tentacles across the globe. We are witnessing Stage Three as outlined in State Dept memo 7727.


  8. TexasFred Says:

    Would it be out of line to say that Barack Hussein Obama is an America hating MORON?


  9. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    What kind of defense system does he believe in? Probably the white flag defense.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I really believes he wants us under the hammer and sickle. Why else give out our missle codes? Deplete are military and arsenal? this says it all.


    • lynecj Says:

      That was a good one, haha, But No, Obama’s flag would NOT be WHITE, his flag would be BLACK. . .
      or at best HALF WHITE – HALF BLACK, or MUSLIM preferred.


  10. Steve Dennis Says:

    Pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? Obama made his feelings known as a candidate and when he thought nobody was listening and I think we should take him at his word.


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