Soldiers night raids in Afghanistan to require a warrant?

This story should put the finishing touches on our out of control adventure in Afghanistan. Sure, let the bad guys know we are coming. Here we go:

Re-blogged from America”s Watchtower;

 After the horrific killing of 16 Afghan citizens by Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, and the outrage that followed, Barack Obama is trying to calm the situation down and smooth over the tension that has grown between he and Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Barack Obama is in negotiations with the Afghan leader and appears willing to cede some United States authority in Afghanistan to quell the anti-American violence in the country.

  Here is one of the concessions Barack Obama has reportedly offered to Hamid Karzai:

The administration’s most significant proposed concession on night raids would subject the operations to advance review by Afghan judges, U.S. military officials said. One option under discussion in U.S.-Afghan talks would require warrants to be issued before operations get the green light

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