Former Planned Parenthood Head Richards: ‘The Future is Latina’



It might be bad enough that we taxpayers are doling out the big bucks to Planned Parenthood to do the evil work they do, but now we hear from the former head what the future holds. Oh they very much would like to have all these “wise Latina women’ running country now wouldn’t they?

A recent report has revealed that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015.

The report was made public last week, and the findings are astounding.

Over a three-year period, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates spent $288 million in federal funds. They also received $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid, which combines federal and state funds.

That adds up to a whopping total of $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from federal health programs. Heritage


Remember this?

Clinton pays Planned Parenthood campaign funds to ‘get out the vote’

Back to the story:

Richards: “Women are done waiting their turn or asking for permission,” she said. “We are reclaiming our time.”

Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood, said recent wins by Latinas running for political office indicate that “the future is Latina.”

“I know you can’t tell this story enough … When she is sworn into office, she will be the youngest woman ever to be in Congress. They are proof that yes, the future is Latina,” Richards told an audience at an annual conference hosted by UnidosUS.

Richards was referencing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old who delivered a shocking upset in last month’s Democratic primary against Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., the number four Democrat in the House.

She also noted the wins of Elizabeth Guzman and Hala Ayala, members of the Virginia House of Delegates.

Washington Examiner


Code Pink Heckles Nancy Pelosi

How does it feel Nancy? Where is the love?

From  Freedomlighthouse

Here are two videos of House Speaker being heckled by Code Pink as she tried to speak at the “America’s Future Now Conference” in Washington, D.C. Pelosi tried reasoning with the hecklers, who voiced frustration that they had supported Obama, Pelosi and the Democrats, but don’t see the Federal Funding in their states they thought would be coming their way.

The radicals on the Left are not satisfied they are getting enough of a payoff from the Democrats now that they control all the levers of power in Washington.


Code Pink Pinked Out Over Karl Rove

Code Pink not so happy with Karl? Well, Freedom of Speech is not so Free anymore for the Pinko’s

Where were the rights of those attending for freedom of assembly, to hear Rove exercise his freedom of speech?  This was a private event where people paid not to hear what the protestors had to say, but to hear what Rove had to say.  The goal of these leftist protestors then and now is certainly not to engage in dialogue, but to disrupt events and ruin it for those who dare to disagree with them.

My feelings are best summarized by Karl Rove who stated this right before he left, “This goes to show the totalitarianism of the left.  They don’t believe in dialogue.  They don’t believe in courtesy.  They don’t believe in 1st Amendment rights for anybody but themselves.”

Code Pink invites Muslims “Join us in cleansing our country”

Thats our girl- front and center once more!

Fresh on the heels of their Hamas-protected trip to Gaza, the so-called feminist, American antiwar group Code Pink, co-founded by top Obama funder Jodie Evans, is running banner advertisements on the English language version of the official Web site of a terrorist sympathizing group, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of which invites the Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.”

The ad, titled “Arrest the War Criminals” with a subhead that contains the invitation to “join us in cleansing our country” links back to a Code Pink site that calls for the kidnapping of former President George W. Bush, his wife Laura and other former members of his administration through ‘citizens arrests’ for defending America against terrorists in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks by Al Qaeda.

The Jawa Report first reported the advertising in a post this morning (January 11, 2010).

Cindy Hell Freezes Over– Code Pink Rethinks Call For Afghanistan Pullout

Now that W is out of office it seems Code Pinko lostcodepink_fat_lady its direction.

“Code Pink, founded in 2002 to oppose the US invasion of Iraq, is one of the more high-profile women’s antiwar groups being forced to rethink its position as Afghan women explain theirs: Without international troops, they say, armed groups could return with a vengeance – and that would leave women most vulnerable.”

I’m waiting for Cindy Sheehan to weigh in.Afghan