China to Catalog Genes of its 1.4 Billion People; Questions Raised About Covid Testing & Data Collection

China and its possible bioweapons and biometrics plan gets more scrutiny with the latest news of its collection of all of its population’s DNA “every half-decade.” China is not known for their humanitarian work. While in theory genetic research could be used for improving health, in reality the potential of the dark side of it is ominous. China first fiddled with Genetically Edited Babies back in 2018.

The highlight of the story is thus:

In July 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce placed 11 Chinese companies on a list of “entities” subject to export controls, accusing them of cooperating with CCP authorities in human rights abuses, massive arbitrary detentions, forced labor, and mandatory collection of biometric data from ethnic minorities. Two subsidiaries of BGI Genetics were listed.

In June 2020, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute released a report alleging that China “is building the world’s largest police-run DNA database in close cooperation with key industry partners across the globe.”

60 Minutes took note of what was going on two years ago. Jan 28, 2021

“60 Minutes has learned Chinese company BGI Group, the largest biotech firm in the world, offered to build COVID labs in at least six states, and U.S. intelligence officials issued warnings not to share health data with BGI.”

The latest news about the company dates March 23, 2023 when BGI complains about being on an “entity list.” One wonders if they were taken off the list earlier by the good folks of the Biden regime.

BEIJING (AP) — BGI Group, one of the world’s biggest genetics analysis companies, said Sunday it never would be involved in human rights abuses after the U.S. government said there was a danger some of its units might contribute to Chinese surveillance.

Three BGI units were among Chinese companies added to an “entity list” last week that limits access to U.S. technology on security or human rights grounds. The Commerce Department cited a risk BGI technology might contribute to surveillance. Activists say Beijing is trying to create a database of genetic information from Muslims and other Chinese minorities.

Here we go with the story:

Beijing has embarked on an ambitious strategy that includes taking a nationwide genetic survey of its 1.4 billion people every half-decade. The new plan has sparked concerns over the authoritarian regime’s violation of personal privacy, and its possible anti-humanitarian motives.

In September 2016, CCP mouthpiece CCTV claimed that China has the world’s largest national gene bank. This suggests that China has long been collecting genetic data without seeking the consent of the people concerned, experts say.

A report released in 2022 by New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) indicated that a massive arbitrary collection of DNA from residents had taken place in all seven prefectures or municipalities of the Tibet Autonomous Region, covering the western part of the Tibetan Plateau.

The reports Human Rights Watch studied indicate that DNA was to be collected from all residents of these areas, including temporary residents,” HRW reported. “None of the reports indicate any conditions under which a resident could refuse to provide a sample.”

HRW condemned the arbitrary collection as a severe violation of human rights and privacy, citing a report from a Tibetan township in Qinghai province in December 2020 that stated that “DNA was being collected from all boys aged five and above.”

“The authorities are literally taking blood without consent to strengthen their surveillance capabilities,” said Sophie Richardson, China director at HR.

‘Bio-Atomic Bombs’

On Nov. 10, 2017, the People’s Liberation Army newspaper published an article (pdf) titled “How Genetic Weapons Affect Future Wars,” saying that the 21st century has entered the era of genetic weapons.

The military article emphasized the advantages of a genetic weapon: “Since a genetic weapon is a new virus ‘cut’ with a genetic code known only to the designer, it is difficult for the opposite to decipher and develop a new vaccine against it in time.”

Moreover, as vaccine research and development races to keep up with the pace of genetic weapons, there will be a constant need for new genetic weapons.

The article also said that with the rapid development of genomics, the complete gene sequences of more and more disease-causing microorganisms had been discovered, and these microorganisms could cause a “biochemical crisis.”

“As long as a breakthrough in the genetic code is found, it will be easy to transform them into ‘bio-atomic bombs’ with great destructive power to achieve military purposes without using a single soldier,” it said.

In 2015, a Chinese military paper discussed the weaponization of SARS coronaviruses. Chinese military scientists predicted a third world war would be fought with bioweapons.

In late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, ultimately killing millions of people around the world. The virus source is suspected to be linked to a virus research institute in Wuhan, China.

The Times published an investigative report on June 10, alleging that Wuhan scientists were involved in the creation, dissemination, and cover-up of the COVID-19  virus, in collaboration with the Chinese military.

Genetically Edited Babies

In November 2018, Chinese scientist He Jiankui announced that the world’s first genetically edited babies, twin girls, had been born in China. The edit targeted a pathway used by the HIV virus to enter cells, and was hoped to give the babies immunity to HIV.

The case sparked debates worldwide, both about whether the approach could ultimately realize AIDS immunity, and also about the ethical implications of Mr. He’s actions.

Chemically Synthesized Life

In 2017, Wang Jian, co-founder and chairman of BGI, said at a business conference, “We can chemically synthesize any life in the next 5 to 10 years,” Chinese state media The Paper reported.

As for chemically synthesized life, Wang Jian warned that it would spawn social, ethical, religious, philosophical, and legal problems.

Read more

With the renewed efforts by the Biden administration to reinvigorate Covid and the jab, it would be wise to be mindful and ask just where and who is doing the Covid testing and what other information is included with Covid “swabs”.

The best of the swamp.

30 Responses to “China to Catalog Genes of its 1.4 Billion People; Questions Raised About Covid Testing & Data Collection”

  1. Baysider Says:

    I was well aware of the potential in all this PCR ‘testing’ since PCR is not the way to find active infection. One naturally asks, well WHY are they doing it then? One answer is they could control the tests to get any result they wanted depending on how many cycles they ran. So a narrative could be crafted with conveniently malleable ‘test results’ to support it. Another answer is somebody wants to build a big database of everyone’s DNA and how could they get them to volunteer to “contribute” to a world order repository of unique identifiers of themselves? Got a better way?

    Remember the movie Hunt for Red October? The Russian captain is going to turn his sub over to the Americans, but it’s full of Russian sailors. It’s in the middle of the ocean. How do you convince hundreds of seamen to abandon a nuclear submarine mid-ocean? Answer: fake a nuclear leak emergency. Suddenly, instead of convincing people to do what you want, you have them racing to do it. I see in the whole PCR testing and genetic data collection a parallel story. That is, in how them got ’em to do it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      It would be a story for those who have the resources and time to sketch out the companies that are doing the testing now..their connections, and any who are buying Hunter’s paintings.


  2. markone1blog Says:

    My bet is on their trying to develop a disease that does not attack the Chinese people, but wipes the rest of us out.

    And (while we are on the topic of near-impossible tasks), I tried to catalog the list of things that Joe Biden (aka Joey Bag of Donuts) wants to ban. Please comment to let me know if I missed an item (as I only listed 11 items Joe has been documented as having wanted to ban).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mustang Says:

    A fantastic effort on your part, Bunks. Thanks for all you do —

    Sometimes, there really are “conspiracies.” Occasionally, the weight of evidence, even lacking clarity, is sufficient to cause someone with two operating brain cells to worry. We might start with my favorite fascist, John Holdren, a “scientist” who, in the past, recommended that government has a responsibility to force women to abort their babies if they won’t do it voluntarily. Sure, he was young and anxious to be recognized in his fields of study – so what? It was enough to keep him out of government for all eternity, yet he served as Obama’s science advisor and continues to enjoy the benefits of presidential service at Harvard University. He has his own lab now, by the way.

    Holdren isn’t the only maniac. The proposals offered by everyone at the Weather Channel are enough to cause nightmares – and you have to wonder where these nitwits come from. Think John Kerry’s sustainability crusade. It is still alive and functioning as hoped, turning out more mad scientists yearly. They are all convinced that they’re doing the work of the earth god, Crom.

    The Chinese intentionally released the coronavirus into a group of international athletes competing at Wuhan in 2019 … everyone knows this, but nearly nothing has been said about it. What’s with that? So, the Chinese experiments continue, aided and assisted by the U.S. Director of NIAID and the Director of CDC. Fauci lied, and Americans died. He remains a free man.

    There is nothing anyone can do about the behavior of the Chinese government, but there are things we can do about our own behavior. The U.S. government is no less guilty of collecting DNA data than the Chinese. Why do you think the government now has access to all your medical information under the “Affordable Care Act” and Medicare? We seemed incapable of and disinterested in stopping Obama Care, and that monster continues to feed inside the Beltway swamp. The situation in China is the least of our problems.

    The Chinese are working on building super-soldiers (as did Germany in World War II) and destroying their enemies through the use of biological weapons. Whatever they are up to is working. Our defense scheme is to create one or more generations of gender-confused people who, at best, can hit those mean old Chinese soldiers with their pocketbooks before bending over.

    Glad I’m old.

    Liked by 3 people

    • peter3nj Says:

      Once the bulked up Chinese soldiers emerged they’ll be able to wear our surplus larger sized military uniforms. Meanwhile their factories can hum day and night to supply our troops with pink and rainbow camouflage uniforms. No trade imbalance there.

      Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks Mustang.. I am always up to putting on some tin foil! No doubt about it. The “tell” often comes for me in little details. The twice a decade.. Every 5 years? Why I would ask.
      No doubt about it… something has to fill out our Utah Data Center
      Shucks… I see all my videos have been removed of the “data center”.. thought it was time to roll it around again. That is a loss.
      Glad I am old too.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Baysider Says:

      Our medical info has hyper commercial value alone. It’s sold or transferred millions of times to all sorts of “partners” you know nothing about. HIPAA assures that. It is NOT about data privacy. The most benign take on this is massive pinpoint targeting for goods and services. The most malignant take on it is far more dangerous.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Bill Heffner Says:

    When Ralph’s grocery store initiated it’s “loyalty card,” which secured a discount when presented at the checkout, I got one right away. I like the store and enjoy saving money. One day when I used it a little old lady behind me expressed disapproval. “Now they’ll know everything you buy.” At a grocery store.

    I did not skip a heartbeat before I replied, “That’s okay, I buy my pornography at a different store.” The look on her face was priceless. The checkout lady, who knew me well, almost blew a gasket trying not to laugh.

    I think I trying to suggest that I really am not afraid of what people may know about me, including my DNA.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      At my age I feel little concern. Considering all that China has on its plate I find it curious that this undertaking of collection is no small matter in time and money.
      It apparently has given even the Biden administration pause and to say no. Now that is a headliner..
      I wonder why they would want it… seems curious to me.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bill Heffner Says:

        The “U.S. Department of Commerce…” is “accusing [companies] of cooperating with CCP authorities in human rights abuses.” Which does not mean they are doing so. The Chinese may be collecting DNA, or the US government may be trying to scare the shit out of American citizens.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Baysider Says:

      I love your humor here, but the ability to fine tune targeting to specific and perhaps inconvenient individuals is worrisome.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. peter3nj Says:

    Off topic if I may:
    New York City once and obviously still home to some of the most liberal gonads east of California and south of Canada is possibly waking up to the illegal immigrate, now commonly known as migrants and newest democrat voting bloc population of 100,000 plus, problem. Sparsely attended protests put down by NY’s finest and liberal counter protesters will go nowhere IMO. Screw NYC and it’s people. AOC known in these parts as “All Out Crazy” should appear eventually to lead the counter protesters.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. peter3nj Says:

    Years ago running a transportation Corp in Newark, NJ, for two multi-millionaires the Afro-centric ladies in the office were fond of saying of those two fine tight fisted gentlemen “If there was a dollar on the moon they’d build a rocket ship to go get it.”
    Let’s just say there must be a dollar to be had in this not so fiction science fiction assault on mankind and that the rich elites in league with their bought and paid for politicians will go after that dollar mankind be damned. Poor Lunchpail he’s too old to cash in.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bigus Macus Says:

    Maybe I’ve read too much Sci-Fi growing up, But I don’t trust the parties involved and I don’t think that this will have a good outcome. Once the Genie has been released, you can’t put him back in the bottle.

    Liked by 2 people

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