Scotlands oldest museum creates ‘Curator of Discomfort’ -“decolonize” Scottish society.


What the Vikings and Romans could not do to Great Britain’s culture, now will be done by their own hand. There will be no accurate memory of the past. Only deprecation of what was. A self loathing. Welcome to 1984.

Scotland’s oldest Museum embarks to “decolonize” Scottish society. The position? “Curator of Discomfort.” I thought the Scots had more sense than this. But it is not just this museum. No, the purge is moving through Britain. No doubt it has or soon will arrive in the United States.

It would be more efficient to burn down museums than to appoint vandals as curators. But progressives don’t just want to destroy Western Civilization; they want to defile it first. Culturally speaking, they are not merely murderers. They are murderers who rape, torture, and mutilate their victims. So  comments  Moonbattery

I could not say it any better.

Scotland’s oldest public museum has created the position of ‘Curator of Discomfort’ to take the museum out of its “institutional comfort zone” and confront historical and modern-day “white supremacy”.

On Monday, the University of Glasgow’s Hunterian Museum, which was founded in 1807, announced the creation of the post on social media, tapping left-wing activist Zandra Yeaman to head up the woke project.

In a blog post explaining the Curator of Discomfort position, Ms Yeaman said that it would focus on “looking at ways outside of traditional museum authority to explore the interpretation of contested collections and to design and deliver a series of museum interventions that takes the museum out of the institutional comfort zone”.

Yeaman added that she will embark on “exploring white supremacy as an economic and cultural system in which white western ideals control the power of the text, the material resources and ideas of cultural superiority”.

The newly installed curator went on to say that her goals will extend beyond merely attacking Scottish heritage — which she claimed honours people with “racist ideology” — but will also seek to dismantle “the structural (and institutional) racism that is perpetuated today and transforming comfortable narratives to include the uncomfortable unvarnished truth”.

She concluded by saying that in her efforts, she will seek to partner with “anti-racist activists, communities, academics, heritage institutions and heritage professionals” to “decolonise” Scottish society.

Last year, Edinburgh University removed the name of 18th century Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume from one of its buildings over his now politically incorrect opinions on race.

The woke purge has extended throughout British academiaheritage bodies, and museums alike. In August, for example, the British Museum removed the bust of its founder, Sir Hans Sloane, from its pedestal amid BLM-inspired outrage over his ties to the slave trade.

The Natural History Museum followed suit, launching a review into supposedly “offensive” and “problematic” collections, including exotic birds collected by English naturalist Charles Darwin.

H/T: Breitbart


The swamp continues unabated.

19 Responses to “Scotlands oldest museum creates ‘Curator of Discomfort’ -“decolonize” Scottish society.”

  1. Steve Dennis Says:

    Looks like we are not alone in destroying history which might be “uncomfortable” for some. History is not meant to be comfortable, what good is it if it does not accurately represent the past?!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    The Left has been SO SO much more powerful and effective than I believe most of us ever thought……Once your schools are destroyed, that’s IT. I honestly thought the Scots would revolt at this, that their love of their beautiful country would come first…that they aren’t, that they even remove DAVID HUME from buildings?, is telling and, frankly, starting to scare me to death…because you can’t UNTEACH those who are now adults and in charge.
    Can’t you just hear the G7 Zoom today with all the country leaders giggling and saying “Isn’t this great? We’ll ALL be Venezuela soon and one big global society we are in charge of now!” (*$&#($&&(#$*&

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I wonder if Biden is really there… for sure Harris is and Obama no doubt is feeding the ear pieces.

      Liked by 2 people

      • geeez2014 Says:

        He is SUCH a flake. By the way, did you hear the Left is saying the love the Bidens have for each other will heal our nation? yep. That’s just what I THOUGHT. (as IF!!) 🙂
        And did you know they can mind read? (they’re REALLY good at it)….Melania was very upset at leaving the WH as they did (I’d never seen her smile more broadly OR look so beautiful, by the way!)…
        CNN’s big story today is TRUMP WOULD NOT MEET WITH NIKKI HALEY, who is now the BIG HERO of the Left.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Mustang Says:

        Haley may be one of the few on the right who “has it” right. My only disappointment with Haley was her decision with the CSA flag. As a monument to the fallen who fought for SC … it should have remained.

        Liked by 1 person

      • geeez2014 Says:

        MUSTANG….no more “REPLIES” after your last comment…hoping this works and you see it.

        I think Nikki showed a stupidity that shocked me when she dissed Trump to the rest of the GOP and the world…..She should have understood he’s still the king maker and she’s not going to be queen now.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Mustang Says:

    As you know, the Scots migrated to northern Britain from Ireland beginning around 350 AD, eventually displacing the Picts through warfare and inter-marriage (which is where I suppose the term “battle-ax” came from when referred to one’s wife — just a theory of mine). Human nature being what it is, when the Picts were no more, then the various clans began warring with one another — and that pretty much sums up Scottish politics today.

    We remember William Wallace as someone who fought for “freedom” … from both the English King and the Scottish clans, who were no better. In all that time, whether Scot-on-Scot or English vs. Scot, conflict amounted to bloody catfights among landowners seeking to achieve greater wealth and political power. William Wallace was captured and killed, of course, sold out by his own kind because he was as much a pain in their arse as he was to Edward. Today, Scots have the freedom to choose their own government, which since the end of World War II has always been far left and an extension of the old clans, which subjugate the people to retain power.
    We cannot give enough credit to the Scots-Irish for their achievements in the settlement and taming of early America, but the “bad gene” remains with them today; they are prone to vote for such slugs such as Clinton, Obama, and Biden — all of whom promise “free stuff” paid for by other people. We need no better proof of this than their overwhelming support of Obama/Biden, who almost immediately after taking office took actions that cost these hardworking people their jobs. Did any of them learn anything from 2007-2016? Naw.

    Personal note: my wife and I have toured Scotland extensively; we never once met a Scot who might be regarded as a conservative. Like unicorns, everyone knows that conservatives exist in Scotland — it’s just that no one has ever seen one. The best thing that happened to the Scots was English guilt because for many years following World War II, the British taxpayer helped to provide all that free stuff to the Scots, whose only demonstration of appreciation was to demand even more “goodies.”

    In all the traveling we did in the British Isles, we only experienced crime in one place: Edinburgh. A Scottish lass posing as a maid attempted to rob our hotel room. It was a nice hotel, too. Ah, Edinburgh — the grand ancient city that today competes with NYC for mind-numbing weirdness. We won’t go back to Scotland, and besides, Irish whiskey is better. If the Scots and others in Great Britain now choose not to fight to maintain their unique heritage, they probably don’t deserve it. And neither do we, for that matter.

    Personally, I can say that not one of my ancestors in America, dating back to the mid-1600s, ever own slaves (white or black)… so I feel no guilt or remorse about that. For all those who are playing that sympathy card, it’s wasted on me. To all these gender-twisted, self-loathing metro-sexuals, no matter where they live, I say, “Screw you — get a job and a life.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks for the history… I indeed thought they would want to honor their heritage.. but then again its only a passing thing these today gone tomorrow as the greatest generation has so well learned.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. peter3nj Says:

    We have an image of the Scots being a hearty,self reliant and conservative people while in reality they have swung whole hardheartedly left. For decades the left has played upon the common folk’s resentment over conservatives historically being the rich landowners with this resentment culminating in the ongoing destruction of Scottish culture and history. Hmmm where have we seen this playing out before. Meanwhile here the uber rich have succeeded in turning us upon each other while they suck up the spoils. Only in Amerika….

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      You summed it up Peter….. the days of “Brave Heart” are long gone…

      Liked by 1 person

      • peter3nj Says:

        Off Topic: Speaking of the new Americans
        Here in NY/NJ we’re treated to ALDI Supermarkets TV ads featuring featuring the new negro women shoppers whose bantering borders on street jive. Replete with days gone by american western dress, horses and barroom motifs they’ve found a sure way to appeal to the middle and lower middle class “community.” Happy trails to you….

        Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      Not unsurprising, the uber-rich (those who seek to divide us) are the leftist elite who’ve been playing us as violins for around the past 200 or so years. Hey Peter, Aldi is a German company … payback time, perhaps? LOL. Yeah, I want to shop at a place where women are covered in burkhas or the latest in Nairobi jungle wear — like the new director of the World Trade Organization, who amazingly rose from a tribal hut in the middle of lion country to attend the best universities in the land. An amazing transition similar to the rise of Barack Hussein Obama.

      Liked by 3 people

      • peter3nj Says:

        Years ago working in Newark one of the sista’s office workers explained how her six pack of Coke was missing from her bag of groceries sitting on the floor behind her desk. She explained in the hood supermarket there are two types of checkout lines, the express and the non-express line with the non- express line being rather long and the express line being rather short. The non-express checkout supplied supermarket employees bagging the groceries, simple enough. On the express line, you were on your own with non-employees re:”non-invited volunteers” who while bagging your groceries would appropriate items they felt entitled to as a reward for their efforts. Not being a “hood” denizen myself I had to ask how such a thing was allowed and obviously accepted by the shoppers. She replied that it ain’t nuthin’ but a thang when you be in a hurry.

        Liked by 2 people

      • peter3nj Says:

        Until we learn the Beatles were four black lads- five if we count Pete Best-,there is a scintilla of hope- not…..

        Liked by 2 people

  5. markone1blog Says:

    Any mention of decolonization of the United Kingdom by Africans (since, obviously, Anne Boleyn was Black).

    Liked by 3 people

  6. nrringlee Says:

    Cultural suicide. The Progressive New Left now resembles the Khmer Rouge on Ritalin. You have no right to expect a positive outcome.

    Liked by 4 people

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