Michael Flynn reveals ‘KRACKEN’, the election, in first interview


A fascinating interview with Flynn who appeared on Worldview Weekend of all places. Included is General McInerney, NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and National Intelligence Author Mary Fanning.

It’s about 30 minutes long and well worth the ride. I have included a few pieces of the transcript as well as a link to the video interview.

Flynn discusses the infamous ‘THE KRAKEN’ and states it is a reference to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, based out of U.S. Army Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, appearing on the Worldview Weekend broadcast with Brannon Howse in his first interview since being pardoned by President Trump, warned that Americans are living through a historic and dangerous period.

Flynn, who was immediately targeted for indictment by corrupt Obama administration operatives as soon as Trump took office, was pardoned Wednesday, Nov. 25, the day before Thanksgiving.

He said in the interview with Howse that America stands at a crossroads that will determine whether it survives as a free nation or becomes something “unrecognizable.”

“What’s happening in this country should never happen, and there’s no doubt in my mind we are going through a crucible of history, and if we don’t correct what it is that’s happening in the next couple of weeks, then I hate to really even think what will happen in our country going forward into the latter part of December and certainly into the next month.”

…..“…I’m upset, I’m determined, I’m going to be resilient, and I believe I reflect the millions of people across this country who feel the exact same way I do.”

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‘THE KRAKEN’ is a reference to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, based out of U.S. Army Fort Huachuca, Arizona, U.S. Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) revealed today.

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (U.S. Army, Ret.), in his first interview since President Trump pardoned General Flynn for crimes he did not commit, said today on WVW-TV with Brannon Howse that “this is still a coup in progress.”

“Everything that we are experiencing right now actually is more than just an assault on President Trump. This is an assault on the American Republic,” General Flynn stated.

The 2020 election was rife with fraud in an attempt to steal the election from President Donald Trump on behalf of Joe Biden.

“The Founding Fathers may not have known about cyberwarfare, but they certainly recognized tyranny when they saw it,” General Flynn stated before the interview.

Democratic Party operatives and foreign actors perpetuated various types of election fraud. Foreign enemies assessed the U.S. election in an attempt to steal the election from President Donald Trump.

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For more transcripts scout around their website World View Weekend

Exclusive: 3-Star General McInerney Calls For Martial Law, Tribunals & Investigation of Treason with Host Brannon Howse and guests General McInerney, NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and National Intelligence Author Mary Fanning.

Watch the whole interview with Brannon Howse at Worldview Weekend TV.


Everything swell in the swamp.