Fox News – How to beat the Fox blues and overcome withdrawal

People need to stop complaining about FOX News and walk away. You made them No 1 and you can take that away. Stop using Tucker and Hannity as an excuse. You are suffering from battered wife syndrome. You keep going back knowing nothing will change. – from David A. Clarke, Sheriff.

Yes, I have been going through somewhat of a Fox withdrawal. After all, I had my routine. Fox and Friends for a bit before work, and so on. This for years. Then I discovered that those on Fox were not who they were or what they were about. I would tolerate Juan Williams and other lefties as the others made up for the annoyance but they were getting more strident.

Looking back, those inclined to Juan’s opinions started multiplying like rabbits. The “tell” should have come with the arrival of Donna Brazile .

I have stuck with Tucker Carlson and at times the insufferable egotist Hannity and if not too late Laura.I have moved over to Fox Business for a few programs of those waging the good fight. Marie Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs. Other than that, I am done, through. End of story. For others needing support in the withdrawal process, I will give you the timeline of my beginning disillusion with the “fair and balanced” Fox News.

REPORT: FOX News Hires CRISIS MANAGEMENT TEAM to Handle PR Over Ratings Crisis… Stats look to show a DISTANT THIRD PLACE to leader CNN and second place MSNBC…

Fox News finally acknowledged eight days after the election that the Fox News Decision Desk incorrectly projected that Democrats would gain five seats in the House.

This was my first turn off back in September- Doocy et all should have been pleased as punch to have the President on each week… a dig directly at 70 million plus supporters:

On Saturday Leland Vittert tried to shut down Erin Perrine from the Trump Campaign.

Election software expert Steve Doocy dismisses concerns about Dominion voting machines. He looked into it.

Information for those that don’t have a technical background. Software does not have these glitches out of the blue. Software can only do what it is programmed and manipulated into doing. Software is not some kind of entity which operates on its own. It does exactly what it is told to do.

UPDATE: Original clip as been removed. A replacement of sorts:by

Other than that, there is NewsMax and OAN. So long and farewell Fox News. How are you doing?

43 Responses to “Fox News – How to beat the Fox blues and overcome withdrawal”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I don’t watch Fox News. The news programs. Even Baier, who I suspect is better.
    I’m staying with Tucker, Bartiromo, Dobbs, Gutfeld, Levin, Piro, Waters, even Hannity.
    To abandon them is to deplatform them. They loose revenue and they go silent until they go elsewhere.
    Seriously folks.
    Cut nose, spite face?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Yes… I see they are down about 50 as of Monday… CNN is starting to take a different tone…NewsMax had a clip with them congratulating Trump on the vaccine…. my how things change.


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    I gave up watching all news several years ago and I believe this is the best thing anybody can do for the sanity!

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    • geeez2014 Says: ‘why would you want to listen to the Left?” (I don’t honor them with the term Progressive; I don’t believe socialism is progressive in ANY way)…you’re right about RACIST RACIST…or RUSSIA RUSSIA!! But I like hearing the counterparts verbalized by bright Conservatives like Pavlich and Gutfeld and ALL of them …it gives me HOPE. and, right now, I NEED HOPE.

      Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        I get it.. I am locked down in a “congregate”living situation full of Covid and I have nothing else to do!!! ): It would drive me nuts to hear them now…


  3. Mustang Says:

    I give mindless Facebook yahoo’s as much credibility as I do anyone in televised/cable news media. It’s a negative number. I don’t want “opinion” sold as hard news. As Sergeant Joe Friday (played by actor Jack Webb) used to say, “Just give me the facts, ma’am.” I think Peter should make a run over to NYC and either (a) set the entire place on fire or (b) cause them to begin speaking in different languages. Oh, wait … they already speak 100 different languages in NYC. Just go with “A” then. Everyone else, please turn off your TV sets.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      We won’t need Peter soon to start the burn…..just saying… Who what where when …rings a bell here.


    • peter3nj Says:

      Hey Mustang they’ve already burned down the city but the inhabitants, cockroaches that they are, survived the flames and came out to vote en made for their very politicians who participated in destroying what was once the capital of the world.
      P.S. Ignore those overpaid celebrities cheerleading that the city is coming back. It is now a sewer and it “ain’t” coming back in our lifetime👴🏿👳🏻‍♂️🧟‍♀️

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Adrienne Says:

    As you know we have no cable, so no Fox (or any other MSM), so I’ve never been in the Fox habit. I figure if something earth shattering happens on Fox, someone will tell me about it.

    Since I don’t trust any MSM, I rely on a whole bunch of the “little” folks – like you. I don’t call us “little” as a pejorative, but as a compliment and a feature. We’re not beholden to advertisers or ratings. We do our own research with a considerable amount of time investment. I can always be reasonably sure something I read here is true.

    I also include the bigger littles (is that an oxymoron?) like the The Last Refuge, who is being kicked off of WordPress.

    Newsmax, OAN and the other sites du jour are really no more trustworthy than Fox has ever been. Everything we read or view must be verified.

    It’s the army of littles who will save this country, Bunk. Be proud of what you do!

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Yes… wordpress is going to give many the heave ho I guess… I enjoy the leads… often the stories will ring a bell and more often than not it is an old story these days that are rolling around…election fraud is a prime example. I learned a good lesson when Peter Doocy was around these parts of the woods a couple of times covering Biden… no resemblance of what the true story was compared to the local news…Same when Trump came around a couple of times.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. FOX Again | We'll All Die As Marines - One Marine's Journey from Private to Colonel Says:

    […] Fox News – How to beat the Fox blues and overcome withdrawal […]

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  6. geeez2014 Says:

    FOX executives are probably far more left than their hosts are, and I believe their hosts are walking a very fine line. And that it is NOT EASY.
    I don’t believe Martha and Brett are liberals…I can’t watch Laura because of her stridency (though I have met her and she’s far more humble and less strident in person, at least 20 years ago), Tucker said last night he’s going nowhere but actually seems to be adding a show or something, which we’ll hear about ‘soon’, Hannity is insufferable, Leland Vitter is usually more conservative than I’d have thought, Jesse Waters and Gutfeld and Katy are fabulous and…and and…..

    SO, yes, I watch less…..I believe Chris WallaCe needs to go to CNN. I believe Juan Williams is loathsome and I love how The Five beats him down.
    But do I wish FOX was scripting their hosts with less leftwing stuff? I SURE DO. We have to remember those are THEIR LIVELIHOODS and they read what they’re told to read…and when they’re intro’ing a video or a big story coming up, they’re reading what the boss says…later, they’ll almost recant sometimes and beautifully show the conservative concerns.
    That’s my experience and I doubt there’s anyone more sensitive to leftwing crap than I.
    SO there 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Either way, “They done us wrong” and we need to let Fox know that they cannot take us for granted and think we are going to bear up under liberal nonsense… The buck talks…they lost a couple million viewers..if we want to stop this veer to the left we need to wander away for a better day….Just one person’s opinion.


      • geeez2014 Says:

        Bunkerville, I pride myself on the fact that CNN has almost ZERO Conservative guests let alone staff (actually NOBODY on air is Conservative on that show)….and FOX does. And FOX treats leftwing input respectfully, though people like Kennedy and Katy Pavlich and Gutfeld and Dagen, etc etc., ALL hit them with Conservative facts. I LIKE that I can tell liberals “I like a station which offers choices, things to think about”
        Yes, I actually have to say there are days I DESPISE Juan WIlliams (and the meanest thing I will maybe EVER say on a blog, and certainly the most racist, is I had to laugh at him the other day because they’d clearly done his makeup too light and it dawned on me he looked like Little Richard! HAA!)….but anyway, and I DESPISE Maria Harff…I have to admit that, with her smarmy little smile as, frankly, she CAN give info to the Conservatives on the panel which is right and REALLY ticks me off 🙂 BUt, I don’t mean to sound holier than anybody else, but are we so afraid of any leftwing thought…or are we all angry at FOX (and don’t get me wrong, I AM, but I feel I want to stick up for the Cons there) , for being REALLY “Fair and Balanced?”

        Liked by 4 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Z….anyone who doesn’t agree with the Progs is now considered a racist racist racist… I will not tolerate it.. We know they are lying through their teeth and what to destroy America… why would anyone want to hear their lies and deceit?


  7. cherylpass Says:

    Same here, Bunker. Haven’t turned on FOX but for Lou Dobbs since the election. Well, once I did to watch Tucker and even he indicated the election was over and Biden won…so he’s off my radar now. We get OAN on cable, but so far I am only getting Newsmax vids on youtube. Surprisingly, Steve Bannon’s War Room is still on youtube.

    I did see something the other day about Word Press beginning some purge…..better not be you! Wondering if you have backed up everything you’ve posted somehow. Bitchute and Subcribestar seem pretty good for video streaming.

    We are dealing with sinister forces straight out of the Bolshevik model…..sickening, to say the least.
    Stay strong!

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Well the gremlins appeared here a week ago and a week of posts went MIA for awhile as well as the right sidebar…then a few days all appeared back as it was…
      I fear it is only the beginning which ever way the election goes….a stormy course ahead. Glad you stopped by… nice hearing from you. Part of the “Old Guard!”.


    • Ed Bonderenka Says:

      Cherylpass, i suspect you misunderstood Tucker on that.

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      • geeez2014 Says:

        I won’t leave FOX entirely… Sandra Smith is back and acting like her more conservative self again….I don’t think one comment that we don’t love should disqualify. I must admit I heard Steve Doocy this morning ‘correct’ Kilmeade (who’s yet another VERY strong conservative worth watching) when Kilmeade said ‘300,000 people have left NYC!’…Doocy quickly jumped in with “For millions of reasons”…Of course, we all know (as does Bryan Kilmeade) that they’re leaving mostly because of leftwing destruction in various ways so it was surprising to see Doocy so quickly jump in when he’d been pretty darned conservative….Bryan did NOT look happy in only that way he can look unhappy!
        OUTNUMBERED took the repulsive smiley Maria Harf to BIG task this morning….Fulkner, Emily, Dagen, Hegspeth, all did a good job. I notice, however, the strong Cons cannot jump in and nail Maria’s ears back unless called upon, however…it’s a matter of time remaining, NOT agenda…that’s clear. They’d ALL like to.

        Ya, too many good people still there for me to entirely leave,…i won’t stop watching THE FIVE every chance I get, or OUTNUMBERED..Martha, Brett, Waters, Tucker (who I used to look upon as a hyperbolic NUT but now do not), F Harris, Dagen, etc etc…good people. WIll they STAY there? Not sure. I think the Murdochs are really too rich to give a damn about ratings, frankly.
        I will now run for cover 🙂


      • bunkerville Says:

        Z. Your have good points… I have a clip where Kilmeade said Trump should accept the fact that he lost and hang it up…just saying. But Steve is the one I am so surprised at. He can keep his cookbook.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks AOW… I guess I figured this was coming….. I don’t have the big buck or that matter any bucks to make a move….. this blog started out over ten years ago as something among friends to comment on the issues after Obama was elected…..didn’t know it would catch on via links and blogger buddies kind enough to link..


  8. 1958usmc1993 Says:

    LOved this one!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. peter3nj Says:

    Tucker may one day take Juan Williams’ place as the fly in the ointment. But we always knew who Juan boy was. The one who really annoyed me was Harris Faulkner as she and her arrogance came a close second. Bottom line for FOX : Up your ass with Mobil gas and Happy Motoring!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. SGH Says:

    Thanks! …I guess evaluating his contract & compliance issues. Either way, I’m ok with any of the FOX stars sh!iitng the bed. I love a handful of them, but will never support a minute of that network again.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. SGH Says:

    I had been trying to get my Mom to turn FOX off for at least 4 years. After the fraudulent election night, she did! Some withdrawals, but she’s turning to God, and OANN and Newsmax, instead. It’s tough for her; between home, car, computer at work due to habit… But she’s been solidly pissed so far! I’m so proud!

    Liked by 5 people

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