Gloom, despair and agony for Biden and Warren


Biden packed up his tent like the thief that he is, stole away into the night and with hope for better days. He decamped and down to South Carolina he went, thinking that the brain washed black Dems will breathe life back into his campaign. No problem, leaving his hard working believers to party into the night by themselves.

We might as well add Bloomberg to the mix as his latest revelation of previous statements doesn’t seem to be going over well either.

The Hill reports that Warren and Biden combined did not even pick up as many votes as third place finisher Amy Klobuchar. Warren, who came in fourth, beat Biden by less than 1%.

“Sanders won on the strength of his leads in New Hampshire’s largest cities. He led his chief rivals in Manchester by more than 2,000 votes and in Concord and Nashua by 500 votes each. Buttigieg performed best in communities south of Manchester, in Boston sleeper suburbs and in college towns such as Hanover, home of Dartmouth College,” the Hill report noted.

Biden’s South Carolina firewall is under sustained assault from billionaire former hedge fund manager Tom Steyer, whose campaign has spent heavily to win over African American supporters. Once Super Tuesday rolls around, Biden’s support among black voters will be tested by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has spent an unprecedented amount of money on television spots.

Biden was the guy who was going to bring it home for the dems at one point, but placed fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire.

Looks like we need to keep our eye on Amy. Though she has little stash at this point and read that early voting is going on in many of the upcoming primaries,

We deplorables send our regards via Hee Haw who offers thoughts on the sad state of affairs.


I will add this one to the festivities.


Everything looking good in the swamp.