Minneapolis bans new drive throughs


The Minneapolis City Council approved a ban for new drive-throughs on Thursday. Even better they are working on a 2040 “Comprehensive Plan.” Pharmacy, bank, fast food. You will have to park your car and walk inside. No new ones.

I can only imagine what the new plan will include. If anyone wants to know what Bernie Sanders et al have in store for us, look no further.  As I recall winter weather out there can make it a real treat to get out of your car and run in.

The council said the ban will cut down on noise and traffic, and also make sidewalks safer for pedestrians.

Lisa Bender, Minneapolis City Council president, said the changes are also part of an effort to rezone areas in the city in preparation for the upcoming Minneapolis 2040 comprehensive plan.

One of the hottest trends in the restaurant world right now is delivery — and Minneapolis just gave people one more reason to stay home and place their food orders online: The city has placed a ban on the construction of new drive-thru windows.

 And though clearly plenty of people use drive-throughs, Council Member Lisa Goodman said that the debate surrounding them tends to be one-sided. “I rarely have seen anyone other than the applicants of drive-throughs come to speak in favor of them,” the Tribune quoted her as saying.

How about those disabled who need to use drive through pharmacies? Have kids in the car? Really its about getting rid of cars and using public transportation. We shall bend to our Socialists rulers.


More  KSTP

Other than that all is well in the swamp.

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47 Responses to “Minneapolis bans new drive throughs”

  1. Sunday Respite – Those Were The Days | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] bans new drive throughs bunkerville.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/min… […]


  2. peter3nj Says:

    Minnieapple not unlike the Big Apple is getting it’s just desserts. The liberals running the place can and will do much worse and still the voters will keep the vermin in their govern-mental sinecures. A pox on their never to be new drive-thrus.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Kid Says:

    I have to admit, I’m having trouble putting my finger on the underlying evil behind this one. Most places with drive thru’s cannot accomodate the parking space that will otherwise be required. So maybe it’s hit on the economy. DJT’s number one selling point.
    It is certainly an attack on America, Freedom, Capitalism, and common sense.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Steve Dennis Says:

    Minneapolis must be doing pretty good if this is the biggest issue they face! What a joke, I figured it would be to stop idling cars because of global warming but that was not mentioned. Why is it that liberals are called progressive and yet all their policies seem regressive?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      They want everyone on bikes and public transit…Life is so much more fun that way…..

      Liked by 1 person

      • george227 Says:

        Nope. As I said before, our electric cars are powered by the solar system on the roof of the house, which paid back in three years in gasoline savings alone. Do you still go “gas up”? Get oil changes? Tune-ups? Engine maintenance? Emissions checks? Transmission or muffler needs? Not us. If I paid for the power the Tesla would cost about 5-6 cents/mile and the VW e-Golf of my wife about 4 cents/mile. My friend’s Tesla Model 3 costs even less/mile.

        The future got here a few years ago, led by us. We will let you have it soon.


      • Mustang Says:

        Now, here you have a good example of the problems we have with modern scientists. They are innately dishonest, petty, and subjective. And many (perhaps even most, but certainly not all) lack common sense. When you look at the list of PhDs who support Gore’s undeniable truth, for example, you’ll find that a clear majority of these people have no expertise in atmospheric science or meteorology. Now, who signs their name to a manifesto who is no more an expert in the subject area than is a grade school student? Moreover, why should a reasonable person listen to anyone lacking expertise in the subject matter. So, after removing those nitwits from the “list of PhDs who support the global warming meme,” or the “Green New Deal,” how many real experts remain? What you then discover is that there are as many qualified atmospheric scientists who disagree with the Gore Truth as there are supporting it. John Coleman comes to mind. In fairness, the best we can say is that the verdict is still out on the cause of global warming —and this is what the real experts are saying. We have insufficient data to develop cogent hypotheses. One man’s opinion in this area is as good as any other.

        The second problem with modern science is that people quite naturally pursue advance degrees in areas that interest them. In other words, they subjectively engage in scientific study. Their motive for research is to prove what they already know to be true. Lacking objectivity, they can never demonstrate a great scientific mind. Worse, these subjective morons intentionally skew data in order to prove their false narrative. A few years back we learned that NOAA scientists placed data recorders in places where it is significantly warmer, such as inside large cities, and in suburban areas, in the middle of black-top parking lots. They then used this skewed data to form the basis for their argument that the sky is falling. Who trusts anything a dishonest scientist tells them?

        How many of these dishonest, subjective morons support hypotheses for no other reason than is enhances their standing within their various scientific communities? Follow the money. Large grants are awarded to scientists who “agree” with their benefactors. Yes, tons of money go to research universities who continue to support the political mantra … ridiculous issues, such as “reducing the carbon footprint” of mankind, alternative energy sources that in the final analysis are a waste of the taxpayer’s money. We even have nitwits arguing for electric cars, ignoring the fact that our electrical energy comes from coal burning plants or nuclear power plants —both of which are shunned by the Chicken Little’s of the scientific community. Now we observe some scientists who are not only subjective and dishonest, they are also harlots. They’ll tell you anything if it puts money in their pockets. In my view, these low creatures disgrace themselves but are too stupid to realize it. Who listens to an opprobrious scientist? Who believes anything you hear on the Weather Channel, which is more entertainment than science?

        I much prefer to support the objective fellow who is willing to admit that he doesn’t know the answer; he or she doesn’t know because the data is insufficient. They’re working on it. They’ll get back to us when they have something meaningful to report. In my view, this is the scientist who has credibility, who will tell you that the history of the earth is one of weather and atmospheric changes over 4.5 billion years. There were vast temperature changes before man, there will be temperature changes long after man.

        I have no doubt that mankind has affected the earth’s temperature. We have developed large cities that are significantly warmer than outlying areas. What, then, is the solution to global warming? Tear down the cities? Stop making parking lots? Rip up our highways? Should we place butt plugs in the rear-ends of cows and sheep? Shall we all agree to turn off our air conditioning units in the summer, or just stop exhaling carbon dioxide?

        Modern science is balderdash … we should not try to solve a problem before we understand its scope. If a problem does exist, prove it. After that, offer common sense solutions. That alone will exclude most scientists. Let’s not worry about the scientists, though … they can always find work at McDonalds.

        Liked by 1 person

      • george227 Says:

        Yeah, you brute-force folk are smarter than educated people.
        You accuse scientists of having your ethics, which shows you are ignorant of scientific methods and responsibilities.

        I am not going to refute any of those Trumpisms. Ain’t worth the time, and will not be appreciated.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Well said Mustang… and points made… Temp gauges placed on asphalt parking lots.. A story a few days ago.


      • george227 Says:

        We have been studying heat islands for years now, and understand where and what they are. Why would you not know that?


      • bunkerville Says:

        These were changed locations from where the locations that had been placed originally for many years… You would know that.


      • george227 Says:

        The term Heat Island is not a new one, and we know what is going on.


      • dave drake Says:

        TO ALL BUT ESPECIALLY beta george @ 7:59 pm:

        >>>> A woman in Arizona stole a Tesla vehicle on Sunday but failed to get away with it after the vehicle ran out of battery, the Payson Roundup newspaper reported Tuesday. <<<<<<< LMAO!!

        Liked by 2 people

      • dave drake Says:

        TO ALL BUT ESPECIALLY beta george @ 7:59 pm:

        >>>> A woman in Arizona stole a Tesla vehicle on Sunday but failed to get away with it after the vehicle ran out of battery, the Payson Roundup newspaper reported Tuesday. <<<<<<< LMAO
        Sorry Bunk, my comment was truncated somehow.


      • dave drake Says:

        BUNK – I am so SORRY —- my truncated comments maybe due to the yahoo new link which I’ve modified on this comment entry attempt. (You can delete the others…..I’m thinking this one will work).
        TO ALL BUT ESPECIALLY beta george @ 7:59 pm:

        >>>> A woman in Arizona stole a Tesla vehicle on Sunday but failed to get away with it after the vehicle ran out of battery, the Payson Roundup newspaper reported Tuesday. <<<<<<< LMAO


      • bunkerville Says:

        A-Ok Dave… I’m calling it wrap for tonight… big day tomorrow…


  5. cherylpass Says:

    Shared, Bunker. Insanity reigns…SMH!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Linda Says:

    (here comes my flippant attitude)–just ban it all; guns, knives, ladders, cars etc. etc. etc. That way we all can live on the streets-rolling eyes. Another head banging idot enforcement/ ban.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. peter3nj Says:

    How long before walking into a place of business is illegal; how long before driving one’s auto on the street is illegal.
    Actually these infringements on businesses and consumers freedoms of choice will afford citizens more time to stay in and watch CNN and MSLSD. Who can argue with that….oops-time for my meds.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. george227 Says:

    We are in for the battle for our lives with climate change. These opinions above are not from science, they are from political prejudice. The ones who fooled you before are telling you it is a lie, . . but who is the liar?

    It took years but I earned a Master of Science in this field, rife with complexities such as thermodynamics of energy systems, Environmental Law, Environmental Economics, and other technical courses.

    I really do get tired of those who are really sure of their opinion but with knowledge of the science.


    • Mustang Says:

      Well George, we are already aware of your intellectual dishonesty so I’m not surprised that you’re one of those “the sky is falling” junk scientists. Here’s an idea: why not post your resume so that we don’t have to learn all about your “accomplishments” piecemeal?

      Liked by 2 people

      • george227 Says:

        You know my name. Who are you?


      • george227 Says:

        I see this guy went away when I asked who HE was, . . like dodging the draft, I guess.


      • dave drake Says:

        @ Beta male george 7:44pm — or maybe Mustang has a life and things to do rather than camp out all day long at someone’s blog typing out flaming comments and whining like a little Liberal B-tch because you can’t accept that not everyone agrees with your deranged logic and pompous faux-bragging and chest-thumping. Not to mention that you aren’t able to recognize your comments are being ignored by others because no one cares about your flaccid, political ideology. I guess at 75 yrs of age, one’s options for entertainment are limited.

        You must pretty feel insecure about yourself and your beliefs to comment so much and with such negativity to every person who comments here whose ideology isn’t part of your myopic viewpoint.

        Am I the only one who noticed this yahoo showed up in Bunk’s comments one day after child rapist Wayne Chapma was n freed? Is that YOU, Wayne????? 😀

        Liked by 2 people

      • george227 Says:

        Insecure? I am not the one who needs guns.


      • dave drake Says:

        @ beta George 9:42 pm – Did I mention guns in anything I wrote? Nope. Classic deflection, George, and avoidance of my points made. Aren’t you the one who’s been going on for two days here in comments how you are scared terrified and frightened by law-abiding legal gun owners? Why such a wuss? We’re still anxiously awaiting you posting your CV.


    • peter3nj Says:

      Climate change IS real. Fact: this morning it was 66 and clear yet this afternoon it is 76 and cloudy here in whitelandia…. let facts triumph over truth-author unknown.

      Liked by 2 people

    • the unit Says:

      I, on notepad typed an answer hours ago and decided not to post so as not to inspire the ignorant. But since we are responding to the ignorant…here it is…
      Oh great, an ex-spert (little bitty drip) has found his way here!
      Just what I need. After twenty years of being told to take a baby aspirin daily and statins, now I’m told not to, by new ex-sperts.
      And Ezekiel Emanuel (Obamacare author) says I’ve lived two years past how long I should’ve lasted. Duh, what’s that message? 🙂
      Er, and the ex-spert can’t get his meaning across in his last sentence? Really, he says he’s tired of those with sure opinions that have knowledge. Stupid is as stupid comments. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      • george227 Says:

        Most of the poorly-educated Trump followers have more opinion than facts. This is serious, and not a hoax, unless you can find another hoax which dumps huge amounts of water on our farm fields.

        Political prejudice and the lack of an education in science is the problem, and the solution is not in religion or politics.


      • the unit Says:

        This guy got his STEM plucked. 🙂


  9. Mustang Says:

    Islamist dominated neighborhoods where fast food joints sell only halal foods and food preparers never wash their hands . Yeah, sign me up.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Adrienne Says:

    There’s a reason I no longer live there (and will never, ever step one teeny little foot in that state ever again.)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Like the article stated.
    Bye bye brick and mortar.
    Lower employment, more dependence on the dole.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Everything going as planned Ed…. they keep drinking the kool-aid.


      • dave drake Says:

        Yes, very much so regarding the Kool Aid.

        Many in Mpls aren’ts happy about this, those who count on drive-thru pharmacies for their prescriptions because they have some physical and mobility limitations that prevent them from walking into the store. The Mpls city council doesn’t care about this. Reducing idling cars will help counter climate change, and that’s what important…to them. Insanity run amok. The impact on climate will be less than negligible.

        The Liberal voters in Mpls gets the government they deserve. Some of them may wake up one day and realize their folly. But it will be too late then.

        The new city slogan should be, “Minneapolis. We’re trying really hard to become Detroit. Give us a few more years.”

        Liked by 3 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Dave…. they will get old too…..them them get on their bikes after their knees go…


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