Lynne Patton: President Trump Has Given $16 Billion to Baltimore


Lynn Patton, Hud administrator says: “Trump gave $16 BILLION dollars in 2018 alone in federal grants to Cumming’s district … more money in homeless funds to Baltimore than the last administration … more money in community development grants than the last administration to Baltimore.”

You won’t find her full interview with Fox out there yet that was really great…but a couple of clips says it all. How about the House Oversight Committee investigate this Mr. Cummings?

She is not done yet. This sums it up.. she comments on AOC’s district as well.

Other than that all is well in the swamp..

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27 Responses to “Lynne Patton: President Trump Has Given $16 Billion to Baltimore”

  1. Steve Dennis Says:

    Just think how much he would have given if he was not a racist… 😉 You would think there would be one honest person in the media who would mention this but of course you would be wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bunkerville Says:

    P.S.Kid… Don’t forget the children who are the new pass through of the largesse.


  3. bunkerville Says:

    In olden times it was the pot calling the kettle black… I must look up the derivation of it. The swamp is getting deeper and more foul….as Trump stirs around in it… Only Trump could get the Dems joining together to support their rats.


  4. Kid Says:

    I read Cimmings wife runs some sort of non-profit. I wonder how much of that money went to her. Like de-blasio’s wife runs some battered woman thing and can’t account for 878 Million in federal grant money….

    It’s a feeding frenzy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 Says:

    Oops! I think she’s Black, right? that RACIST Trump put her in her pretty important office though she’s BLACK?! 🙂 He’s sure not exhibiting his racist tendencies, is he! Nor was he when Jessie Jackson gave him an award for helping Black New Yorkers a few years back! (it’s on video)

    And, even Ben Carson was just on FOX NOT (NOT) REALIZING THE PRES GAVE BALTIMORE SIXTEEN BILLION DOLLARS LAST YEAR , because he was asked “What can the president do for Baltimore?” and Carson says some innocuous thing like “The President wants to do something FOR THE PEOPLE!”
    I’m thinking “Mr. Carson, how’s about talking about THE MONEY???”
    Trump’s now asking “What did Cummings DO with that money?” But, nobody will answer; and the lib media’s FINE with that….that fact is buried somewhere in Hillary’s emails, I guess?

    drives me crazy when the experts know less than we do…and to believe me when I say this, just watch the EXPERTS on FOX and CNN…….missing important facts like that!!!


  6. If All You See… » Pirate's Cove Says:

    […] blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on how much money Trump has given to […]


  7. Mustang Says:

    AOC (always off center) does more harm to border rats by fueling the anger of law-and-order conservative voters, who are already fed up with the Democratic clown show. As for those in AOC’s district, they deserve her and I have NO sympathy for them. In fact, I hope it gets worse.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      The trouble is their infestation tends to grow. I can never figure… those who eventually find a way out bring their vermin infested notions with them and decide their new habitat should grow the same failed policies. Been there with it when our homestead became unlivable with the vermin claiming local government and pushed us out.

      Liked by 1 person

    • peter3nj Says:

      This goo goo eyed vagina fixated turd has a lifetime sinecure and when she runs against Chuckie Cheese Schumer for the Senate and the metaphorical blood on the streets is washed away she will have his seat. After all she hates Jews and self hating Jews hate themselves and therefore must love her; A perfect match and along with the third world electorate she’s should be a shoo in.,

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Linda Says:

    I was just reading an interesting article over at Townhall by Walter E. Williams. Did you know, I’m a racist–because I believe we are of the human race {{grin}}…anyways–Patton is correct and I think Cummings ought to be embarrassed –but he’s not. He is too busy ranting and raving about race. Make believe–they all live on Fanasty Island.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. peter3nj Says:

    We know the answer to the rhetorical question of the day: Why is Mrs Cummings skating? The same reason Mrs Bernie is skating, the same reason Sharpton is skating: they’re colored people. Yes, Mrs Bernie qualifies as a colored person under the guidelines set by the Squad led by AOC (Always Out there Crazy.)
    As for the rats: Just as President Reagan unleashed crack into the hood so did Trump introduce rats into the hood. Right?

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Why is AOC more concerned with the border?
    It gets her more campaign contributions.
    More press
    Advances the revolution!

    Liked by 3 people

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