Jussie Smollett – Who are the Osundairo bros? Ola previously charged with attempted murder


It’s interesting that after weeks of coverage of Jussie Smollett there has been little discussion of the background of the two participants in the faux attack. “Abel” and “Ola” Osundairo.

Appears to be a Ola Facebook photo

The narrative created is a couple of nice “kids” just coming forth doing the right thing. Choir boys. Doing all they can to make things right. Innocent bystanders in this theater of the absurd. Forget this whole thing wouldn’t have gone down without them.

Maybe Ola, nicknamed “Juice”, may have helped Jussie with a drug or two…for a price. Oh, by the way, Ola had a charge of attempted murder…stabbed a guy… but I am sure it was just a one-off.

I did hear one vague reference that one may have been on probation, but no reason mentioned.

So I scoured what was out there and came up with portions of the following sources:


Chicago Sun Times :


Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo were unknown to most of the world until recently, when authorities revealed that the brothers — who are known as “Abel” and “Ola” — were intimately involved in the alleged bogus attack on “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.

Public records paint a picture of two men in dire financial straits. Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo, 27, was also no stranger to violence.

Court records show that Olabinjo Osundairo was charged with attempted murder in a 2011 stabbing that occurred in the 4200 block of North Ashland. That is less than a block from the home that police raided in the Smollett investigation, where they recovered personal effects, including cell phones, a source said.

Olabinjo Osundairo reached a plea deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to aggravated battery; he was sentenced to two years of probation and ordered to pay a $674 fine. (Ed: It’s Chicago don’t forget.)


Court records show both men filed for bankruptcy in September 2016 and collectively owed more than $120,000 in student loans.

At the time, neither brother reported having a full-time job. Their monthly incomes, they said, were $160 and $142, which they earned from various odd jobs.


Abimbola Osundairo, in his bankruptcy filing, claimed an interest in investing. He reported that he owned four shares of a pharmaceutical company, one share of Berkshire Hathaway and one share of Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce company. He valued the shares at $300 at the time, though a single share of Berkshire Hathaway was worth more than $200,000 at the time of the filing.

(Ed: Otherwise known as fraud. Heck doesn’t every guy in the hood have a share or two of Berkshire Hathaway?)


In 2017, Olabinjo Osundairo co-founded a home remodeling company. In his bio on the company’s website, he says he has three degrees, including a master’s degree in business and a bachelor’s degree in management. The other company co-founder could not be reached.


AP News

Abimbola Osundairo, 25, graduated from Lake View High School in Chicago, where he participated in football, track and field, soccer, and wrestling, before joining the football team at Quincy University in western Illinois, according to a football profile on the university’s website. Olabinjo Osundairo, 27, also was on the Quincy football team and had attended Latmos Comprehensive College in Lagos, Nigeria, according to his football profile.

The brothers are bodybuilders who have developed an online following and have dabbled in acting and at least one failed business venture, according to social media posts and news reports.


It appears that this is Ola’s Facebook though I have not been able to double confirm this, you decide:

In December 2018, Ola uploaded a picture of him and his brother modeling “Winter Face Masks” for $20 to Facebook. The pair also modeled hooded sweatshirts, vests and baseball caps with the logo “Team Abel,” which is Abel’s Instagram handle.


Ola and his brother were both football players at Quincy University, having also attended Lakeview High School in Chicago together. According to Ola’s official profile on the school’s website, he played a total of four games at varsity level during his time at the school between 2011 and 2014. In the 2013 season, Ola recorded a solo tackle. That profile describes Ola has having two brothers, one of whom, Abel, was a defensive back for the Quincy Hawks. The bio also says that Ola attended Latmos Comprehensive College in Lagos, Nigeria. The piece names their father as Lanre Osundairo.

More at Heavy

13 Responses to “Jussie Smollett – Who are the Osundairo bros? Ola previously charged with attempted murder”

  1. bydesign001 Says:

    Omigosh, I knew these creeps were not on the up and up but why is everyone so quiet or is this part of the many chapters and tools that Smollett’s counsel will use to extricate him from what I really would like for him to become a nightmare from hell.

    Having grown up in the ghetto with the worst of the worst living next door, I promised that I would never as an adult live in that environment. I kept that promise. My son grew up in a nice middle-class neighborhood away from this riff-raff. When he entered his teens, the first thing that he did (during the rap era) was to meet girls who lived where else? In “‘da hood.”

    At age 16, with a part-time job, El Stupido decided to challenge me and threatened to move out. I demanded my keys and kicked El Stupido out. By the following Thursday, he was getting to come home but first I demanded to know what he learned from his episode. His response, “the ghetto is no way of life.” He hasn’t been much of a problem since.

    Several of my neighbors went through similar episodes with their children. Most responded as my son did, others weren’t so lucky courtesy of the homicide rate in those communities or the penal system.

    Smollett is an elitist punk who has designs of being like Snoop Dogg, JayZ, 50 Cent, Tupac and Biggie all of whom grew up in the hood, all of whom were into the thug life, some of whom still are while Tupac and Biggie are six feet under. All of whom regardless of the fact that they have extricated themselves from the hood and in reality are not victims anymore than they are angry Black men.

    Jussie Smollett, need only to look in the mirror to discover the real reason that he is angry and full of crap. He and his elitist lot set these two thugs up at Smollett’s risk.

    Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ted Kennedy and the DNC aren’t the only ones with a dead body count. Just saying.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    I haven’t heard anything about these two other than they were taken advantage of and didn’t really know what was planned. It sure seems like they are not as innocent as we are being led to believe and you have to wonder why.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kid Says:

    Juicy Smollet as Sheriff Bart.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. petermc3 Says:

    The only question remaining is how a moron like Smolette wasn’t carrying a pizza. But then the hero has a stronger phallic presence than a pizza which is looks more like a ….well, you know.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. dave drake Says:

    And a “new narrative” begins? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I am waiting for the reveal….just a couple of folks whose family emigrated from Nigeria trying to make good… Looking to hear more about good old dad… maybe mama? Love to see those birth certificates! The one brother went to college in Nigeria so whatever the language is….


  6. Mustang Says:

    See … this is exactly the reason I gave up eating Poke Salad and chit’lins at an early age. I didn’t want to grow up to become a corrupt slug who was far too stupid to realize how corrupt his really was. S’all good, though. Sheeet.

    Liked by 3 people

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