U.S. Pilots to rally at WH, urge blockage of export of White Collar jobs UPDATE

UPDATE: Google this topic and nothing found about it. I did see a picture slide by on twitter yesterday.Here tis and that was it.

We learn of one more time bomb inserted by Obama a couple of days before his departures. In this case,foreign workers. The more the merrier for him, but in this case let’s have those of us flying the friendly skies supported by American workers, not those earning a buck an hour. Here tis:

Airline pilots will hold a White House rally on Tuesday asking President Donald Trump pilotsto block Obama’s last-minute approval of a plan that would replace thousands of American pilots with foreign aircrew paid at rock-bottom foreign wages.

The airline pilots’ appeal will come one day after Trump’s signature on Monday killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which would have allowed an unlimited number of foreign companies to replace U.S. workers with imported foreign workers paid $1 an hour wages.

“This [Obama pilot] decision is just another failed trade deal by the Obama administration, giving foreign companies an unfair advantage over U.S. companies,” said Captain Jon Weaks, Southwest Airlines Pilots’ Association president.

Throughout his two terms, Obama worked to increase the annual inflow of foreign white-collar workers, and his last-minute regulations allow many more white-collar contract workers to get permanent residence.

Obama’s expansion of the H-1B outsourcing program would take effect just three days before he leaves the White House. It can be seen as a direct challenge to incoming President Donald Trump, who promised to reform the H-1B program.

“This is an attempt to rewrite the Green Card [immigration] system through regulation,” said John Miano, an attorney who represents American workers hit by H-1B outsourcing. “The effect is to make an even bigger hash of the problems we have now,” he told Breitbart News. Currently, roughly 1 million while-collar jobs in Americans are held by multi-year foreign contract workers. These professionals include 100,000 H-1B contract workers employed in universities, and 147,00 foreign graduates of U.S. universities. Also, several Democrat-run states are granting professional licenses to illegal immigrants. In addition, legal immigration brings in more than 150,000 white-collar immigrants each year.

More at Breitbart

14 Responses to “U.S. Pilots to rally at WH, urge blockage of export of White Collar jobs UPDATE”

  1. The Weekly Headlines by lafayetteangel – Br Andrew's Muses Says:

    […] U.S. Pilots to rally at WH, urge blockage of export of White Collar jobs […]


  2. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] U.S. Pilots to rally at WH, urge blockage of export of White Collar jobs […]


  3. bydesign001 Says:

    Good morning Bunkerville,

    I hadn’t heard about this. Great find. Will re-post at Grumpy’s. Btw, you can pick up tidbits here on twitter under these hashtags, etc. which I will also include at the bottom of the post:


    It is for certrain that the mainstream media wants to keep Americans in the dark as to Obama’s midnight executive orders and regulations.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Steve Dennis Says:

    I hadn’t heard this one and of course it makes no sense! It is amazing how much Obama was able to sneak through at the last minute. Somehow I don’t think the MSM will cover this with the same vigor they covered the women’s march…


  5. Sparky Says:

    Golly! That is scary. I’ve shared this article on FaceBook in case anyone still thinks O’Bummer is a good guy. Thanks Bunkerville.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. StBernardnot Says:

    ANYTHING obungle has done should be struck down right now.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. petermac3 Says:

    I am relegated to watching CBS, NBC. ABC, FOX and local news to keep an eye on the fake news since I now only have basic cable for $114 p/mo instead of $249 p/mo with On Drmand included. Welcome to NJ. So then surfing these channels this morning since 5:20 a.m. there is no mention of Cairbama’s latest kamikazee attack on us at the 11th hour. Thanks for the posting Bunker.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Just Simply Linda Says:

    …or how about the $221 million he snuck in at the last minute for the Palenstines. Yep…shameful…Trump has inherited one heck of a mess. Glad to see he is getting right to work, smiles.

    Liked by 3 people

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