House Passed Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with ‘Mental Disabilities’

No, you haven’t entered the Twilight Zone. This actually just happened. And the language is so vague, we don’t know what type of tracking tech will be employed or how far this program will end up going if it gets in full swing… Orwellian doesn’t even begin to describe it. It is a benign and innocent sounding bill:

H.R. 4919: Kevin and Avonte’s Law of 2016

Sponsor: Rep. Christopher “Chris” Smith [R-NJ4]
Introduced: Apr 12, 2016
Passed House: Dec 8, 2016

 Summary of H.R.4919 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte’s Law of 2016.

We’ve all been warned that it is coming, but as’s Mac Slavo notes, what is disturbing is that while technology surrounds us and *some* have concerns about privacy, most shrug at the massive amounts of data they are collecting about our lives, and the incredible level of control the system now has over each individual.

This bill passed, clinging to the broadest base of “good intentions” that it could muster, i.e. caring for those with disabilities and decline with age.

But in reality, it is a nose under the tent for a system that needs the ability to microchip dissenters, and to force cooperation on the part of the general population. In effect, everyone is now under their thumb with this, because anyone could doesn’t go along with the mass conditioning will be labeled ‘mentally –––’ and branded with a track-and-control chip. Game over.

At the first sign of suspicious behavior, or troubling social media profile, or a misunderstanding during an encounter, police and medical personnel – among others – will have the authority to declare someone ‘mentally disabled’ (or incapacitated, or temporarily insane, or unsound of mind, or whatever label is handy) just because they express discontent, anger or outage at the state of the world and political affairs. “Fake news” journalists can be shut down, and “conspiracy minded” individuals controlled… and of course, it will be abused. The tactics used against parents by CPS will be forged together with the creepy total surveillance of the fusion centers, etc. Potentially a very nasty police state.

This power will expand, and try again if it is slowed down or rejected. Whether it takes the form of an implanted chip, or a tracking number that is tied to each person, they will stop at nothing short of mark in everyone with identity tied to bank accounts, etc. They will insist you be on the grid in every way… and with this bill, they just got one step closer to controlling the future. All this has been foretold, and yet it is beyond anything anyone could have imagined.

If these programs expand unchecked, how long will it be before all Americans are told that mass microchipping is necessary so that law enforcement and the government can better “protect” them? Many Americans have been content to trade their liberties for increased “security” in the post-9/11 world, particularly when the state uses these talking points. Yet, as Benjamin Franklin once said, “those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

More at Zero Hedge

27 Responses to “House Passed Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with ‘Mental Disabilities’”

  1. Dink Newcomb Says:

    I will stipulate that I am NOT the best man for reading and decoding congressional bills written in High Obfuscation. But I have made the attempt and I think this fuss AT THIS POINT IS BS. They do not seem to be discussing microchips!!!!!! They seem to be discussing (at this time, with this incarnation of the bill) the use of ankle bracelets, etc as used by felons/felony suspects on house arrest.
    The below paragraph is quoted directly from the text of the bill which is to be found at
    ** **
    (Sect 301 (6))
    “Non-invasive and non-permanent
    The term “non-invasive and non-permanent” means, with regard to any technology or device, that the procedure to install the technology or device does not create an external or internal marker or implant a device or other trackable items.”
    The people who write the original posts that start these fusses need to do their due diligence and check their extravagent claims that seem to be written to gain rep as a red hot investigative reporter. This is 2016, remember and we have had nearly a full year of fantasy news that both parties claim has targeted only them. That Zerohedge article headline certainly got my attention.
    If any of you who more easily read the text of that bill and find me wrong, please tip me off so I can go back into another 1984 breakdown.
    The thing that still concerns me is that it is apparently an ammendment to an exist scary sounding bill:
    “(a) Amendments.—Section 240001 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 14181) is amended”


    • bunkerville Says:

      Why is the DOJ Involved? Try not having this sucker on you. Why not DHS? Why the government at all? Why not families using a type of Life Alert if so benign? It is the nose under the tent.. Know that this is the bill. The Departments will implement the law with their so called “Rules” That is where the rubber hits the road.


      • Dink Newcomb Says:

        *** “Why is the DOJ Involved?” ***
        I wish I could answer your questions but I had never heard of this bill until I investigated it after reading the Zerohedge post behind the scary headline you displayed.
        The link I provided takes you directly to the Congressional website page with the OFFICIAL text of the bill which I fumbled around to find from the Home page. It is merely a long screed of typical legalese concerning the anal detailed specifics of setting up an innocent (sounding) program for the Government to assist in tracking Alzheimer patients and autistic children who are at risk. Its states that tracking is NOT mandatory and I could find no mention of microchips at all except for the passage I quoted saying NOTHING will be implanted.
        Dear God, I am not a mole sent to confuse the rabble of the real malicious intent and if this country has reached the point of publishing false documents in this context, we have probably lost the fight already, screw the microchips! I am just reporting what I read.
        HERE *** *** IS THE LINK TO THE CONGRESSIONAL HOME PAGE and the bill is entitled *** H.R.4919 – Kevin and Avonte’s Law of 2016 *** . You can use these to look it up the rigorous way and read more than you want to know yourself or just use the link in my original post for the easy way to reach the text.
        I DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, especially after this recent election which resembled hitting yourself in the head with a hammer– the only choice was where– on top of your skull or in your face.


  2. Always On Watch Says:

    Now, this is truly alarming! How the government would be able to define “mental disability” is a Trojan horse.

    And to think that the GOP-majority House did this! 😦

    I will admit that my mother-in-law was chipped, but it was the family’s initiative — not the government’s. You see, she had Alzheimer’s for years, yet was not physically disabled. One time she slipped out and had walked 10 miles before she was found.


  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    I wanted to write something about this as well but I just have not had time to get to it. This is troubling to say the least because we know it will not stop there. This is just a trial run and it will not stop here, it may be well-intentioned but we all know what the road to hell is paved with…

    Liked by 1 person

    • annie Says:

      don’t bills passed by the house then have to go through senate for their vote ?
      anyway, i am curious to see what punks voted for this.
      my adult aged son is disabled and would be considered w/mental problems due to being autistic and he is not getting chipped.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        It is such a benign sounding bill. The fact the the Dept of Justice is doing this is an issue we cannot escape. We shall see, but my guess it will be added to some other bill and be buried and passed. Eternal vigilance.


      • Dink Newcomb Says:

        I struggled with reading the bill and it apparently says that the tracking devices are NOT transplanted and there is to be no attempt to force parents to use the external devices if the parent does not see the need for them.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Of course they will say its our tin foil.


  4. petermc3 Says:

    Of course my initial reply is sarcastic, sadist and satirical. The idea that this bill sponsored by just another jerk off from the ultra blue state of New Jersey republican Chris Smith has come to a vote in a house of the US congress is of course disturbing as well bordering on criminal in the land of the free and the home of the brave but what is really out there is that our elected officials would pass this bill. It seems that critical thinking has taken a back seat to inductive reasoning which in this case has led to an illogical conclusion. Lets hope the senate as flawed and absent as it has been for the past eight years puts a temporary hold on this insanity which we should surmise will one day be the law of the land. !Que lastima! C’est dosage! Or as we would say here in the states A pox on the houses of all those in the House who voted in favor!


    • bunkerville Says:

      I took your first comment as a perfect answer to those who would trample others for stuff… but indeed satire can make a point. The fact that the DOJ will implement this little number should give us pause. Jeff Sessions should see the danger in this. But others? With the title of the bill sounding so innocent, of course it will pass.. Taking care of good old dad what could go wrong?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sparky Says:

    This could be the Mark Of The Beast (where one can not buy or sell without it). Time will tell, of course. Those of us who trust and believe in the LORD Jesus Christ will be Raptured first, though. God tells me so. I fear for those left behind. Thank you for keeping us informed.


  6. petermc3 Says:

    This is great news. All those crazed vicious stampeding shoppers on Black friday will be rounded up and chipped. Even though, I will continue shopping online.😎


  7. teelee2013 Says:

    Thank you for keeping us informed. This is one of those “over-my-dead-body” things. We all know it’s coming. I’m so glad I’m old, but I sure fear for our grandchildren.


  8. Just Simply Linda Says:

    “Mark of the Beast”, the Bible forewarned of this. Shaking my head….

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius and commented:
    You get someone with a sharp knife and longnose pliers, to cut it out of you. Then you capture a squirrel. If you cannot find a squirrel, get a bird. Tie the chip to the critter of choice and set them free. Hillbilly know-how. Problem solved.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Red necks always know how to solve a problem. Or put it on your favorite Senators car.

      Liked by 1 person

    • thetinfoilhatsociety Says:

      I believe the problem will arise when said person goes missing and govt resources have to be mustered to find said person. Then the families will likely be fined or jailed.

      I agree with the sentiment however. I just think, down the road, it’s going to be used as a punishment tool to coerce families.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        One wonders why the DOJ is charged with carrying this little number. Chip away folks, but do it just like life alert. Why is the government involved?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Brittius Says:

        Definitely a punitive intent. There could be no other way to get the program off the ground so the “public good”, of elderly and mentally impaired, are said. But watch. You offend anyone, or someone twists your words, and WHAM!! You are tracked or worse, picked up as a “repeat offender”. Then they force you to drink Pelosi’s favorite Kool-Aid. Next thing you know, you are running for congress as a Democrat.

        Liked by 2 people

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