Does Hillary Clinton have Kidney Disease?

News Alert has a headline

Has Hillary Had A Cankle Sized History of Health Problems?.

That is the total story with a pic-


Let me posit a theory. One of the questions with those of us who have a minimum amount of a medical background is why is Hillary Clinton taking an older anti-clotting blood thinner drug Coumadin which is essentially rat poison as opposed to the newer blood thinners that don’t require as much monitoring, with constant blood levels required. Coumadin has a shorter half life, thus does not remain in one’s system as long is the major difference. She certainly has access to the latest medical advice. I scouted around with possible drug interactions with anti-seizure medications as one thought. Nothing there. One thing that did stick out was that if one had kidney disease the newer drugs appeared to be contraindicated. So, I spin that out for your consideration.