The true meaning of a ‘bump in the road’ with Obamacare

Most of us some time in our career got the call to come to a meeting to be held by management that we know will not be good news. That feeling of dread that comes over us. None can be much worse than hearing that one’s healthcare coverage is going down the tubes. In a moving video, Lady Raven’s Whiskey Jar has a clip that will/should move even the heartless progressives who believe the problems with Obamacare are only “bumps in the road.” Here tis, coming to your company soon.

Pennsylvania small business Simonetta’s Collision Repair Center allowed a local news station to record their employees live reactions to learning about how ObamaCare has altered their health insurance.
The results are heart-breaking.
The employees soon learn that their premiums have skyrocketed by an average of 32%, a massive jump from last year’s relatively modest 6% increase. That’s not all. They also faced massive increases in their deductibles, ranging from 60% for some to as much as 100% for others.
Simonetta’s, a car repair business in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, is represented by Democrat Rep. Mike Doyle (PA-14).
“The deductible is terrible,” said one worker. “It’s going to be a pretty big hit in the pocket.”
“How are you going to do that?” one of them was asked. “I don’t know,” she responded. “I don’t know how President Obama thinks that he is helping us.”
“They call it the affordable health plan? There’s nothing affordable about it,” another said. “Wake up America. This isn’t acceptable.”

Talk about elections having consequences; imagine this scene is taking place throughout the United States in the private business sector.  Families forced to choose between meals, rent, house payments, etc. or health insurance premiums, co-payments and deductibles for substandard medical care.

19 Responses to “The true meaning of a ‘bump in the road’ with Obamacare”

  1. Angel Says:

    hiya is truly stunning how he is able to get away with this dictatorship actually..UGH….have an awesome week my friend:)


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    Sometimes in order to make an omelet you have to scramble a few eggs…..isn’t that what the regime said about Brian Terry’s death? The same applies here I guess.


  3. mcnorman Says:

    And how many of these workers gave this clown the benefit of the doubt in 2012?


  4. Always On Watch Says:

    This kind of atrocity is being repeated all over America. It’s all about redistributing the wealth!


  5. Sunday Morning Links: Football Pic’s From 100+ Years Ago | Says:

    […] Bunker: The true meaning of a ‘bump in the road’ with Obamacare Asylum Watch: Thoughts On Frederic Bastiat’s ‘The Law’ and The World As It Is TMGGB: Collaboration In Wartime: The GOP As Modern Quislings CC: Our Most Anti-American Value is Equality FCBZ: World’s Oldest Profession, Super Bowl-Style… Gator: MOST CORRUPT AG IN HISTORY BARS LEAD INVESTIGATOR FROM TESTIFYING BEFORE CONGRESS IN IRS PROBE […]


  6. Charles M. Phipps Says:

    I’d love to know how many of those people voted for Democrats for Congress or for Obama. And those who did, I wonder if they now regret it. Elections have consequences.


  7. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    Liberals pay no attention to reality. Real people can not avoid reality. Yet, they keep voting for people who tell them reality can be defeated. Unbelievable!


  8. The true meaning of a ‘bump in the road’ with Obamacare | 4frespeech Says:

    […] The true meaning of a ‘bump in the road’ with Obamacare. […]


  9. Petermc3 Says:

    The disconnected electorate will most likely turn to what is familiar, their democrat reps, to solve this mess created by bad and false publicity generated by the republicans. Wanna’ bet? Keep in mind that most of the country’s 30% unemployed voted for their job creating job killer shovel ready president Obamalama. Yes kids, truth is stranger than fiction.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Agreed. All one has to look at is the pipeline that Obama refuses to approve. Every time these fools go to fill up their gas tank and pay twice what they did before Obama came to power they should be reminded of who is screwing them.


  10. Richard M Nixon (Deceased) Says:

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.


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