EPA ‘clean coal’ rule would increase power prices by 70 or 80 percent

Don’t you just love it when the administration finally tells the truth about what we have been blogging about for years. It’s not like he didn’t tell us. Those states that get their energy mostly from coal, should be an easy capture for the GOP. That is if they can keep their heads about them.

The Daily Caller reports:

An Obama administration official has said that the new clean coal rules could increase electricity prices by as much as 80 percent.
Dr. Julio Friedmann, the deputy assistant secretary for clean coal at the Department of Energy, told House lawmakers that the first generation of carbon capture and storage technology would increase wholesale electricity prices by “70 or 80 percent.”
The Obama administration’s plan to fight global warming includes limiting carbon dioxide from new power plants. In order for new coal-fired power plants to be built, however, they would need to install costly carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.


Uploaded on Mar 18, 2009

Barack Obama: “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” (January 2008)

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