Obama could/should have changed loss of insurance but did not

The story is not that “Obama knew” that policies would be terminated, but that Obama made this happen, and could unmake it with a phone call, but chooses not to, is the header from a post from Infidel Blogger’s Alliance. Rather than Obama being a helpless hapless bystander to events, and pondering if he did or did not know, the post makes these excellent points:

From Ace:

The news world, and the right blogosphere, from what I can tell, is still missing the story here. 

The story is not that “Obama knew” that policies would be terminated. That’s damning. But what is hugely damning and very important going forward is not that Obama knew, but that Obama made this happen, and could unmake it with a phone call, but chooses not to. 

This is not just about having knowledge that events beyond Obama’s control would unfold — this is about events directly at his control. Regulation-writers are executive employees, and as such, answer to the president and not Congress. 

This means Obama has the actual power — not the puffed up, falsely asserted unconstitutional power, but the genuine legal power — to call this agency and tell them, “We sold this bill as permitting people to keep their insurance; please re-write the regulations in a way that will honor this promise.” 

Remember, regulations are supposed to add details to the spirit of the law. They are not supposed to change the meaning of the law. 

Obama’s regulations — written at his behest, or at least with his connivance — change the meaning of the law to render the “grandfathered policy” provision a nullity.

Obama has it within his power to call up the HHS reg-writers and instruct them to honor the promise he made time and again for two years. And he doesn’t want people to know this, because he is determined to break that promise. 

That promise was always a lie, and not a meaningless lie at the periphery, but a central lie propping up the political campaign for ObamaCare. Had he told Americans that they would be losing their current health care in order to be dumped into what is effectively a high-risk pool, so that they could subsidize high-risk clients, the public would have rejected the law even more strongly than he did. 

So he lied. And lied. And lied. And lied some more. 

And even at this late date, he could still choose to honor his promise. 

But he won’t, because he can’t — he always intended to take people’s insurance away from them. 


GO READ THE WHOLE THING.  which includes this other part of their story:

Under Pressure From The White House, NBC Throws Its Reporter Under the Bus and Censors News That Obama Wrote Regs to Disqualify and Terminate Health Insurance Policies