Bob Woodward – Enemy of the State?

So the WH takes on Woodward. May have been one bridge too far. Looks like the boys aren’t backing down.

UPDATE: Latest twiiter from WH David Plouffe

David PlouffeDavid Plouffe@davidplouffe

Watching Woodward last 2 days is like imagining my idol Mike Schmidt facing live pitching again. Perfection gained once is rarely repeated.

Bob Woodward said this evening on CNN that a “very senior person” at the White House warned him in an email that he would “regret doing this,” the same day he has continued to slam President Barack Obama over the looming forced cuts known as the sequester.


Take a look at the video over at Politico and the story “Behind the Curtain”.

The Obama aide “yelled at me for about a half hour,” Woodward told us in an hour-long interview yesterday around the Georgetown dining room table where so many generations of Washington’s powerful have spilled their secrets.

Digging into one of his famous folders, Woodward said the tirade was followed by a page-long email from the aide, one of the four or five administration officials most closely involved in the fiscal negotiations with the Hill.

First Woodward Calls Out Obama For Sequestration “Madness” last week, now Obama threatens him. Anyone still wondering if Obama has an enemies list?

Now the background of the WH unhappiness.

As the clock ticks down to the implementation of President Obama’s sequester. The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward is blasting President Obama today for using the law as a way to put our national security at risk.

The Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on “Morning Joe” today, saying he’s exhibiting a “kind of madness I haven’t seen in a long time” for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns.

“Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying, ‘Oh, by the way, I can’t do this because of some budget document?'” Woodward said.

19 Responses to “Bob Woodward – Enemy of the State?”

  1. Teresa Rice Says:

    The Obama administration’s bully pulpit strikes again. I’m glad that Bob Woodward isn’t backing down. He’s really making it know exactly whose idea it was for sequestration – Obama.


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    There is no doubt that Obama has an enemies list and they are using that list to intimidate people who do not fall in line and this is the latest example. It is interesting to watch the left turn on one of their heroes for having the audacity to take on Barack Obama.


    • bunkerville Says:

      He was on hannity last night, and maybe this is a clarion call to the press. Lanni Davis now came out now about it.


  3. mikesamerica Says:

    This is a great story that serves as a perfect illustration of much that is wrong with the Obama Administration. Only two problems: 1. No one under 40 knows who Bob Woodward is and 2. The Media will protect Obama no matter what Bob Woodward said.


  4. Designs by Dianne Says:

    The scum will try to discredit him any way they can ~ usual MO if an “accident” seems too noticeable (although Breitbart’s ‘sudden heart attack’ the day before releasing his evidence went smoothly – or like Foster’s demise). Rush has some good points about liberalism being responsible and “is the problem,” & that BHo is succeeding in ‘his mission’, all the while pointing the accusing finger anywhere but where the fault lies. Moving the ‘goal post’ so compromise is unattainable, then twisting ridiculous cuts from the jugular, rather than cutting off the lard of fat and unnatural growths, who are the NWO plants. The sick lib media lying pap of the ‘numbed’ is of another world – underworld.


  5. Asylum Watch Says:

    Any bets on who threatened Woodard? I’d put my money Valerie Jarrett. Woodard will find that the Obama Chicago Boyz play a lot dirtier than the Nixon White House. These people are a disgrace!


    • bunkerville Says:

      Good pick I would say. Still, even woodward backs down and says he doesn’t think Obama himself knows about it. It is starting to get fun. Big sis setting the mex crims loose without any orders….


  6. Always On Watch Says:

    Bob Woodward is often credited with taking down the Nixon Presidency. Consequently, the Left has loved Woodward.

    Now what will the Left do?

    Woodward, for all his flaws, knows full well the dangers posed by state-controlled media.


  7. LD Jackson Says:

    I can’t help but wonder how far this administration is willing to go to “correct” Bob Woodward as he digs around in the dirt. Methinks he should be watching his back.


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