Obama : Can’t Stop Deportations Through Executive Order, In March 2011

Let’s go down memory lane. Yes indeed, a teachable moment. This is what happens when we are no longer a nation of laws. The man said it himself. Yet we all know what is going down. Millions of illegals allowed in with a wave of his hand. Not only stopping deportation, but flooding our country for the sake of remaining in power. Yes our Constitutional President.

At a Univision Town Hall in March 2011, President Obama clearly said that he could not suspend deportations through executive order because we are a nation of laws.

10 Responses to “Obama : Can’t Stop Deportations Through Executive Order, In March 2011”

  1. Always On Watch Says:

    Obama — thy name is Pathological Liar!


  2. Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (BK Family Food game edition) | SENTRY JOURNAL Says:

    […] BUNKERVILLE: Obama : Can’t Stop Deportations Through Executive Order, In March 2011 […]


  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    He admitted he didn’t have the power to do it and they he did it anyway and yet nobody is calling him out on it. It is so frustrating!


  4. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    The governors Arizona and Nebraska have written a couple of executive orders of their own. The are refusing to give any of obama’s Dreamers drivers licenses or any state funded services. Looks like another Supreme Court challenge is the making. Too bad these cases take so long to be resolved.


  5. silverfiddle Says:

    He was right then and wrong now. Why doesn’t some congressional republicans sue him for breaking the laws that they passed and former presidents signed?


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