Suze Orman: ‘Obama has done so much for us’

The man behind the curtain, or in this case a woman, reveals herself. To be honest, I had long ago found her to be an annoyance. When scrolling through the channels, I might happen upon her “Can I afford it”?  Her temperment  similar to Judge Judy. Either way, paying off one’s bills is a good thing so no harm. Until now. I am certainly glad that her stock portfolio is all smiles and a Red Rose to her for her success. For those of us out here in the trenches, with being forced in having our hours cut, no raises, frozen pensions, and just skimming along side the millions who have gone way past looking for a job, we say Good Luck Suze. H/T:Motor City Times

SUZE ORMAN: I think he not only should run on his record, so he can run on his record, but let’s take a look at this. We have jobs. You can’t do anything without a job. In 2010, we averaged about a million jobs. Okay?

BILL MAHER, HOST: A million jobs?

Via Newsbusters:

Did I mention this came from a self-described “internationally acclaimed personal financial expert?”

I guess this “internationally acclaimed personal financial expert” doesn’t know that as we only have one month of data, there is no average yet. You do need at least two pieces of data to have an average.

Also eluding this “internationally acclaimed personal financial expert” is that Obama’s only been in office for three years – or does his campaign year count towards him doing “so much?”

With math skills such as these, how’d you like Orman managing your personal finances?